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Vengeance is sweet

Basically I had three options. Go upstairs and pull it through, just draw back or just to practise a bit first. Back then Isabella really had acted scarily well, it really felt realistic. Had it all been Claude’s ruse, or was he serious ´bout that? In the end I decided for a fourth option – to go upstairs and “spy out the land”; to show spine and upgrading my dominance with every sentence.

It remains to be seen if I was able to put it into action. So I began to walk slowly through Claude’s living room, determined to the stairs which would lead me to his bed. The noises from my heels were swallowed by the grey carpet. Again I tucked my hair behind my ears and almost heard my heart pounding hard. I felt a hot feeling crawling under my skin and sweat, almost coming out of my pores, as well as the weight of my ample breasts on my ribs. All right, there were only a few steps until I reached the upper floor. Isabella probably heard me coming by this moment; I exceeded the point of no return so I had to pull it through. I accelerated for the last steps and already had to suffer the first setback. Cheekily Isabella stood, with one hand on her hip, in the middle of the room and slightly grinned at me with the cute face of hers. Like a snake lurking for her prey. Well, and what now? Slowly my feet carried me a bit closer to her. Was it fear? Perhaps a bit. In the short run I decided to start with a question: “Hi, Claude wanted to know how…” She interrupted me. Rude and in a strange way glad simply said in English: “Bullshit”.

Okay, so much for the lie. And what now? My chances to really get the upper hand shrank just because that bitch knew how to intimidate girls like me. And then she suddenly dashed forward. Absolute advantage for her boots because with my high heels I would hardly be able to get this far in that short time. Isabella seemed she didn’t want to loose time and I started to recognize it was not me who raided her; she was the one who set up a trap for me. Her hand already dug between my legs and rubbed hard right over the zipper, making me feel the heat and, more than that, greed. All that came out of her was; in German: “You wanna fuck, don’t you?” And continued in English: “Wanna have my Strap-on deep inside your ass?”

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