Near my home, a red light is the hub of prostitution in the town. Personally, I have no interest in having a prostitute but some of these sluts are nasty and attractive. Among them there was a tall blond green-eyed chick whom I had a special feeling to her. She had such a sex appeal that I could not resist staring her. Her name was Ashley. She always smiled at me and she had such a behavior I sometimes thought we knew each other.
Her sexiness ignited my imagination so I decided to pick her up. One day, I went to the corner and she was standing there looking for customers. I approached her and asked "how much?" She answered "40 bucks for an hour". I haggled and she accepted to do it for 35. While driving home I mentioned a sissy boy and said this bitch has a cock! Ashley laughed aloud and answered, "This bitch has a cock too!", while mentioning herself. I wondered what she meant.
We arrived home and went to the bedroom. I paid her money first and began to lick her big tits. Suddenly I noticed a hard thing erected under her short skirt. I was shocked with what I saw. Asked her" are you tranny or something?" she answered, "You do not remember me? We were classmate at college. I am Jimmy. Do you remember me?" I remembered him abruptly. Yeah we were classmates. He was the most handsome boy at college and every girl tried to sleep with him. Even he did one of our female teachers. I also remembered the last year of college when a bastard called Ben seduced and fucked him. I have never been a gay but at college years I had a special rapport for him.
He said, "I knew you love me. But you were too shy". I said, "Yeah .what has happened to you?" he answered " nothing, I have duplicated my sex amount. I have had hormone therapy and now I do it with both girls and boys! Common take off your cloths". I wondered what to do. At college years, he was my masturbating goddess and now he is standing in front of me, with big nipples and a round ass. She hugged me and I could smell her pleasant body odor. She rubbed my ass and I felt a pleasure in my back. I had no idea what to do. He was male but his body looked like females and I was horny.
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