After seeing the site of her asshole I knew I wanted to fuck her pussy as well, period or not. I began to lube up her asshole, slowly sliding my fingers in her asshole. One at first, then two. She moaned with pleasure as I fingered her ass and begged my cock. I was about to oblige and fuck her but my desire to fuck her pussy over took my. I went for it and went to rub her pussy.
As soon as I did I realized what that lump I felt earlier was. It was not just because I was high. It was a dick! A big dick! At that moment she turned around and saw the shocked expression on my face. She looked at me very apologetically and frantically began to apologize. "I'm so sorry. I should have told you, but I felt your cock when I straddled you and I just wanted you inside me so bad. I'm so sorry." "Sorry for what?" I asked a little amused. "My biggest fantasy has to always been to fuck a tranny...shemale...transgender...I'm sorry I don't know the correct term" "I don't care what you call me just fuck me" she said with a big smile and laugh of relief and went to go turn back around. I grabbed her by the hips to prevent that from happening and grabbed her big cock and said "and skip out on this beautiful cock of yours?!" She looked shocked as I stood there tugging on her dick that grew harder and harder by the second. I softly kissed her and made my way down her to her cock that was now poking out of her skirt. I pulled down her skirt and thong at once and looked at a big dick in my face for the very first time.
I took her dick in her hand and slowly began to stroke it. Working up my courage to put it in my mouth. This had always been my fantasy but I was still apprehensive. I finally mustered the strength and licked the head. The taste was sweet. I could tasted the pre-cum that had already began to leak out the tip of her dick. I lifted her dick and saw her balls hanging there begging for me to suck on them.