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Black Mafia - 1975

"So, is this a group thing? Cause that's gonna cost extra, big daddy," one of them stated.

"No sweetheart. We're both going solo."

"Pick me," the shortest one begged.

"Yeah! You and Miss Minnie Mouse jump in," he said referring to a taller girl wearing the Disney character t-shirt.

"That's gonna be twenty-five a piece."


"Up front, sir."

Bucky peeled out fifty bucks and handed each girl her share. "Short stack, you're back here with me. Minnie Mouse you're up front."

The ladies hopped in the car and Don Lee headed off to Hotel Theresa.

Bucky's friend spoke first, "I'm Champagne. And this is Candy."

"I'm Bucky."

"And I'm Don Lee."

"Where are you gentlemen from," inquired Candy.


"How old are you," Bucky asked his new friend.

"I'm twenty-four. And you?"

"Thirty. You ladies do a li'l snow?"

"Yes," beamed Candy. "It makes sex so much better," she added.

They came to a stop in the parking lot and each couple retired to their appointed room.

Don Lee stood at an impressive six-feet-four-inches and weighed just a touch under two hundred and sixty pounds. He escorted Candy to the door and gave her a slap on her round bottom. She purred. "I love redbones, baby!"

"Well, you're in luck. My dad was Puerto Rican."

"Oh, I got a mamacita."

"Si papi," she laughed.

"You're tall for a woman."

"I'm five ten. Is that okay?"

"Shole is," Don Lee nodded.

Don Lee opened the door and undressed down to his t-shirt and boxers.

"Where's the goods?"

"Right here," pointed Don Lee.

"Well, let's get high, papi."

In the other room, Bucky and Champagne sat on the bed and each snorted a line of cocaine. "Damn, you sexy," he commented.

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