Soon my difficult year was drawing to an end. All of the swelling and bruising was starting to go away, and I was finally becoming the pretty girl I wanted to be. Even when I was without makeup I now looked like a really pretty girl, but with makeup, hair and clothes I was a dazzling glamorous blonde. The only give-away was the large lump I had to conceal between my legs! Kim was so pleased with the look that she took us out on a spending spree and bought lots of new clothes, some of which were really raunchy, not the sort you would normally see ladies wearing to go out in! There were leather and PVC suits and dresses that were on the kinky side of erotic. Kim said that someday as a treat we should go to a fetish club where everybody wears such clothes. That sounded really good and I was looking forward to it, as I had never tried anything like that before. We eventually did go but that's another story!
At the end of the year we were living in our Ski Cabin for the winter season, spending most of out time together skiing and even trying snowboarding. Kim and I both had stockbroker accounts and received the customary invitations to the annual New Years party thrown by our broker for their big clients. This party was always held in the south where it is a lot warmer through winter, and since it is a formal occasion all guests must dress accordingly, the men wearing a Tux and the ladies in cocktail dresses or full elegant ball gowns. Kim was excited about attending and said we should go.
"It sounds great" I said excitedly, looking forward to getting my first formal ball gown "but can we go as a couple?"
"Not really," replied Kim "I don't think that would go down very well. I've gone for the past few years, with my father at first, then with one of his old business partners. All of the other single ladies who attend have male chaperones, it's a sort of tradition."
"What shall we do then?" I asked her "we don't have any male friends we could take"