""Anyway we came to learn to live with it so now we come to thirty six
years ago when the Crosstimers showed up! or to be more accurate when
they "Officially" revealed themselves to us as we later learned they had
"Discovered Us" more than a decade before that date.""
""From the start they admitted that they had been observing us! and on
the sly as well they also admited to pilferring little bits of our
medical knowledge for years, as at the time they had still been
evaluating us? and as well debating among themselves whether to even
reveal there presence to us, when as luck would have it they triggered
an event that required them to seek out our help!""
""it seems as the Crosstime Confederation (as they called themselves
mainly because at that time they were made up of a group of seventeen
separate timelines who were then rapidly exploring thru the seemingly
endless variations of alternate earths) got themselves into really deep
doo doo when by bad luck they stumbled upon an alternate earth that had
descended (as we had done) into biological war.""
""Anyway by that time we had the best medical expertise of all the
alternate earths they had come accross so we had enough of what they
wanted to give us the leverage to cut a deal with them, a deal which
ended up very shortly as they gave us a full partnership in the
Confederation, and so with that under our belts we then gladly helped
them as we now had a stake in it, and so off I went to take part in my
first AE expidition, as a senior lab techie which made me a part of
medical research team three.""
""Let me tell you what we found there very shortly came to scare the
living hell out of me (and a lot of other team members) as it seems they
and then we had come across an earth that sixty seven years before had
done what we all had tought to be impossible as they had managed to