Free Stories

First time with a Shemale
I have been curious about shemale's/tranny's for a while now. I finally met one in my small hometown I live in. She was ebony and had beautiful big fake breast and she was so Hot 🔥🔥🔥 and beautiful. We went to her place and she sucked my dick so fucking good and let me beat out her right ass twi... Read full Story
Gwen aimait Hera Auger. Elle était son idole. Les gars se moquaient de lui tout le temps parce qu'il était un si grand fan de cette musique "girly", mais elle était une telle source d'inspiration. Elle venait de rien, tout comme lui. Et elle a chanté ouvertement sur ses propres probl... Read full Story
The Ebony TS of my dreams
This story is about one of the most memorable piece of cocks I've ever experienced in my 30 plus years of getting fucking. I just thought I'd write it down and share it simply because I'll never forget it and because I'm a married man and it most likely will never happen again. It happened about ... Read full Story
It was while cutting across his back trailer park lawn around 7pm on misty July Saturday evening, when I first discovered that Mr. Parker was really a fag. How else could you describe a man wearing a long blonde wig on his head while below he wore only a large somehow stuffed pink lacey woman's bra ... Read full Story
First time with a shemale
Ive always been turned on by shemales,why i dont know. I always wanted to fuck one for some reason big titty shemales that look like a woman just turned me on. There is a shemale in my town i ran into a couple times, I finnally found out her name and looked her up on facebook. She is a beautiful ebo... Read full Story
My first date with a "shemale"
I met a guy whom i worked with and found out he was bisexual,it didn't bother me nor did i care because i know who i was.I realized he was trying to date me without asking me if i was that way.I flat out turned him down and told him i didn't go that way! I was still young and new to this. I was coo... Read full Story
Got addicted to watching shemale porn
I am considered to be very straight. I don't look at guys and think "Gee I'd like to suck his dick" or anything like that. I seperated from my first wife about 5 years ago. After seperating I got on line and downloaded a hell of a lot of porn. I am talking hours of porn. Can't r... Read full Story
Dicked down by 9 bbc shemale
One of my current fantasies was to be picked down hard. No talking, no foreplay, just a sissy cunt for a hard shemale cock. Woke up at 4:30am Sunday morning with the thought today has to be the day. Sissy had been up playing with her toys Saturday night and was quite frustrated knowing the real t... Read full Story
Amsterdam shemales
This was a few years ago I decided to go to Amsterdam and see if I was gay . Booked A weekend and went drinking,went around the the red light district see what girls and others were around. Went to this beautiful brunnett girl from Bulgaria with big tits, she started sucking me off but I could not ... Read full Story
Special Shemale Fun
Everyone in the hallway jumped slightly, turned and quickly looked at the tall girl near the sound of the slamming locker. Satisfied that there was no crisis at hand, the kids at the school mostly went about their business. Of course, there were the few admirers that glanced at the girl at the locke... Read full Story
Betrayed Chapter 10
I would have loved to be waiting at the gate at O'Hare when Dianna de-planed from L.A. that Sunday night. I had to settle for the Baggage Claim Area. Those people working for the Transportation Security Administration have no sense of humor. I guess at eight dollars an hour, they can't afford one. T... Read full Story
It all began after my husband died and I was living alone. I decided to adopt a family and corrupt their minds. You see, I'm an ex SHEMALE PORN STAR and I like to live a wild life and I figured after my husband died I should relive my wild life and be happy. I reached over for my GOLD METAL MESH CIG... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 5
By the time that Buffy arrived at Rupert Giles' apartment, the former librarian, her ex-Watcher, had just finished reading a new volume of what Edgar Allan Poe, in The Raven, had referred to as a "curious and quaint volume of forgotten lore." He'd just settled the large, leather-bound volu... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 4
Damn! Wherever Willow was, she wasn't home. The witch still hadn't returned to her motel room. At least, this time, Buffy hadn't had to rely on Sunnydale's public transportation system. Xander had given her a ride across town. He'd offered to wait, to make sure that Willow was back, but Buffy, wa... Read full Story
Becoming a Chrissy - Chapter 2
I had always felt like I had a hot body for a girl. I was naturally blonde and smooth; I guess I had been blessed by my parents’ Scandinavian genetics. My pubes were always just a small fuzz—easy to shave and keep a clean bikini line. Same thing with my armpit hair. And my ass? Completely smooth and... Read full Story
The Weekend
The weekend A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wife Part 1 - The preparation samantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions... Read full Story
She never saw it coming
When I was 19/20 I used to frequent LGBT bars roughly twice every month. Most nights not much would happen but I found myself going to the trans nights more often. Until I eventually had some experience with trans girls. It was mostly fairly soft fun. Me getting oral and occasionally topping th... Read full Story
Shemale Love Story - part 1
Let me tell you a story of a shemale and her lover. Some background is required here. My girlfriend (we'll call her Lisa) was at the time about 27 years old and had been single for sometime after a bad experience with a man. She is a stunning girl, and most people would not know she was transsexual ... Read full Story
My Lesbian Shemale Experience
Me and my friend Sarah was driving to Calfornia , for Summer Vacation. SO we packed our bags , and sat them at the door , and we were ready to go , and then my friend Sarah had to go pee, man was i mad , when she said that, because i just wanted to hit the road. so i waite until she was done, and th... Read full Story
Shopping plus extras!!!
Hi, so as you can probably imagine I buy a lot of underwear and have a few favourite places to shop. My favourite by far is Ann Summers. The range is great and the staff are so helpful . Anyway back to the story. So I decided to go get some new underwear to see in the new year, I got myself up and d... Read full Story
Birthyday Party Chapter 2
It was now about 11 pm and Sue and I have been at it for the past 3 hours. Sue had me get up and go into the bathroom. As I stood in the shower I thought of what we did. Sue knew how to pull the right strings on me or in me. And she knew what pleased me. I washed all over. I had no idea of what was ... Read full Story
She-Male Pimp Daddy
I’ve been working the streets for a long time and I know all the ends and outs of the flesh market. I have six she-males that work for me and I get 50% of everything they make plus all the sex I want, any time I want it. I make them work seven days a week rain or shine. I buy their clothes an... Read full Story
Banana Fetish
I was 27 and single and enjoying being free sort of the ‘sworn to fun loyal to non’ stage in young adulthood. I lived alone in a 1-bedroom apartment and loved working on my motorcycle which I kept in my living room. Most Friday nights for me were jamming out to music, enjoying a few beers and tinker... Read full Story
Ma mère, Kendra, se promenait souvent dans la maison sans haut, laissant ses énormes seins couler librement. Ça m'a dégoûté. J'étais sa fille, pas un gars au hasard qu'elle a ramené à la maison un vendredi soir (pas qu'elle a ramené des gars à la maison). Elle ne devrait pas montrer ... Read full Story
J'ai enfin goûté la bonne chère/chair
Dépucelée en bon et du forme... Chose jamais osée depuis que je goûte la jouissance par tous les sens et dans tous ses sens... Je la découvris quand elle m'a sourit en guise de remerciement pour lui avoir cédé le passage dans la superette du bled où j'étais pour affaires. Sandales à ses pieds d... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Ash regarda sa mère, incrédule quant à ce qu'elle venait de dire. Il comprenait la prémisse de base de ce qui s'était passé, mais le raisonnement qu'elle avait dû le déconcerter. "Pourquoi ?! Pourquoi ferais-tu ça ?!" Il a plaidé, la voix légère et désespérée. Elle haussa l... Read full Story
Meranda avait fait partie du projet militaire d'Athéna. Elle était, très grande pour une femme, environ six trois. Elle se réveillait toujours à six heures sans problème. Ensuite, elle faisait ses cent pompes. Malgré son conditionnement, elle avait toujours une taille de poitrine substantielle q... Read full Story
Comme tous les seniors de 18 ans, je vivais vite et chassais le cul. Ma vie avait été une ligne forte entre ce que mon esprit pensait que je devais faire et ce que ma bite voulait que je fasse. C'est pourquoi je suis chez la fille la plus salope de l'école. Elle suce ma bite comme si c'était un Toot... Read full Story
Aller dans une nouvelle école pour ma dernière année de lycée était plutôt nul. C'était toute la tribulation de changer d'école, ce qui n'était jamais génial dans le meilleur des cas, plus le fait de savoir que tous les amis ou connaissances que je pourrais me faire iraient tous dans des... Read full Story
Kendra est née
La tête de Kelli a tournoyé alors qu'elle cherchait à comprendre les événements des deux dernières semaines. À peine 15 jours plus tôt, sa mère en phase terminale avait obtenu son diplôme de la School of Nursing de l'Université de Washington. Après des semaines de fatigue et de délabrement, sa mère ... Read full Story
« Tyler ! Arrêtez-vous – vous regardez à nouveau, et il l'a remarqué ! » La voix de Jack chuchota d'une voix rauque à l'oreille de Tyler alors que l'eau chaude de la douche tambourinait dans son dos. Il ne restait plus que les trois sous la douche maintenant. L'entraînement de basket-ball était t... Read full Story
Bikini garçon
J'étais le garçon que mon père avait espéré après 3 filles avant moi. La vie dans notre maison à deux étages de la classe moyenne de banlieue était aussi normale que celle de n'importe qui d'autre. Mon père était un père aimant qui m'élevait et faisait les choses qu'un père aime faire avec son fils ... Read full Story
"Merci d'avoir fait ça, Alex," dit Mr Stevens en me serrant la main. "Au revoir Mr et Mme Stevens !" J'ai crié depuis la porte d'entrée alors que mes voisins me faisaient signe avant de monter dans leur voiture. Ils fêtaient leur anniversaire avec une soirée et je m'étais porté volontaire pour ga... Read full Story