Free Stories

Amanda and Me Chapter 2
I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life. ... Read full Story
J'ai enfin goûté la bonne chère/chair
Dépucelée en bon et du forme... Chose jamais osée depuis que je goûte la jouissance par tous les sens et dans tous ses sens... Je la découvris quand elle m'a sourit en guise de remerciement pour lui avoir cédé le passage dans la superette du bled où j'étais pour affaires. Sandales à ses pieds d... Read full Story
La Mujer Trans más feliz del mundo.
- Porfavor, no pares Gaby! - Le gritaba yo, completamente llena de placer, mientras a 4 patas aguantaba sus grandes embestidas, a la par que mis grandes tetas chocaban entre sí. - Ya casi me voy a venir Juanita! - Dijo ella, mientras trás de mi daba todo de si para hacerme sentir en el paraiso, s... Read full Story
Una giornata in piscina con Paola e Lilly
E' domenica mattina, mi sveglio, sono nel grande letto di Paola, guardo l'orologio sul muro di fronte al letto, sono da poco passate le 11,30. Alla mia sinistra Lilly, alla mia destra Paola, completamente nuda. Anch'io e Lilly siamo praticamente nude, solo calze e reggicalze, ci siamo addormentate... Read full Story
The BIG COCK that I will eat.
ENGLISH: Hello friends. In the link below, you can see the tranny cock that will fuck me in the days to come. I saw her advertised on the internet, I picked up the phone and called, I will see her when her clinical tests are negative for sexually transmitted diseases, because I will surely swallow... Read full Story
How I Became Chrissy the Caged Sissy
I am a sissy, or femboy, or tgurl, or shemale? Well either way I like wearing female clothes and being treated like a girl, especially in the bedroom, and now I also like being locked up in a chastity cage that I wear 24/7 now. This is the story of how I became a caged sissy: "Put it on and ... Read full Story
Becoming a Shemale's Bitch
I just got into town and spent the whole day moving in and cleaning my new apartment. I didn't have much furniture but the place needed a lot of cleaning. I saw their was a bar a few blocks away from my apartment and decided to go out for something to eat. It was around five o'clock when I walk... Read full Story
The Game 2
That next morning again Ada and I went down for breakfast and the table was smaller, It wasn't as grand as it had once been and to every guy at the table was now at least two girls. We had our normal breakfast and for once there seemed to be a little more chat between everyone, I think after bei... Read full Story
A Night of Lust
I was out at a night club with a few friends, and we were there for for a while before I noticed this sexy, rather short girl across from me at the bar looking over. I could tell, even from this distance that there was something special about her, I wasn’t sure what that was quite yet though. The mo... Read full Story
I Give Up
The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone h... Read full Story
Kyla essuya la sueur de ses yeux, puis essuya le liquide de sa main, tout en s'appuyant sur son balai. Ce putain de jour était trop chaud, bien trop chaud. Elle regarda autour d'elle : le vestiaire vide était complètement immobile, attendant patiemment d'être nettoyé, son air saturé de l'odeur de... Read full Story
My erotic dream
Over the past few years I have been thinking about one very important thing.To jerk off all the time and to think about beautiful, sexy trannies who want you to fuck them for the rest of your life. I give in to temptation and when I see cum on my face, that's when a strong orgasm calls to action. In... Read full Story
Dame et jardinier
Piotr se tenait sur les escaliers de la villa de Klonowa Street, située dans le quartier à la mode et riche de sa ville. Il était environ midi par un chaud samedi de juin. C'était son dernier arrêt ce jour-là. Il avait déjà collecté l'argent des autres clients avec lesquels il traitait des jardins, ... Read full Story
Fucked by Dany Suad and sucked her off
I'm just back from Glasgow and finally had the chance to make an appointment with Dany Suad. I always found her wide hips, voluptuous thighs, her hot ass in combination with the strong cock extremely attractive. Her face is also very pretty. I booked an hour with a cumshot. She was wearing sexy unde... Read full Story
Fantastic threesome w/ Miranda Pinocchio & Danielle Albuquerque
Today taken by the craving for something really big I call Miranda who answers me immediately and despite the language barriers and her way of speaking not always understandable we agree for 70 and a quiet thing. I sling in Naples, central area, the usual low in the alleys between via Marina and the... Read full Story
My first shemale experience
So before I was even into the porn I had my first experience. I was 25 years old and never thought about anything like this till it happened. I was out with my friends one night hitting the usual bars on the weekend when this hot young woman caught my eye. I was feeling pretty brave due to my "... Read full Story
Fooled Into Love by a Beautiful Transexual
A fictional, steamy love story about a Man’s first experience with a Shemale... a real take charge kinda girl! Maria Lopez was an absolutely stunning 23 yr old Puerto Rican Goddess. I remember the first time I laid eyes on her, bent over inside her hatchback Toyota, pulling out a hanging fern pla... Read full Story
Le trou de gloire Futanari
Alors que je pousse mon déjeuner scolaire avec une fourchette en plastique, je ne peux m'empêcher de laisser mon esprit vagabonder. J'ai envisagé de faire quelque chose... Quelque chose que je ne devrais probablement pas. Mes amis m'ont parlé de cet endroit, un dans un vieux bâtiment aba... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
De la pucelle quinquagénaire à la mature disponible...
***Prologue - Confessions: Depuis que j’ai offert ma virginité, je me mets chaque jour un peu plus dans la peau d’une femme. Le petit bled où je vis m’interdit de m’exhiber socialement. Totefois je me suis faite une complice, mon épileuse qui me reçoit après la fermeture . Depuis mon nouveau début,... Read full Story
Il y eut l'obscurité, puis une faible lumière rougeâtre et enfin, après un ou deux accrocs pénibles, je me trouvai soudain dans une pièce en pierre parée de rose tout ce qui était suffisamment sûr pour que je puisse comprendre ma situation. Après avoir trouvé un ticket en or dans ma boîte de Kro... Read full Story
Histoire d'une fille qui n'en est pas un
Les années d'enfance Je suis née le 25 décembre 1993, à 11h45 du soir. Je commençais donc par gâcher le réveillon de mes parents. Non ils étaient heureux disent ils. Ma sœur était née depuis 2 ans. Je ne me rappelle plus mais j'ai du être choquée quand j'ai vu tout ce bleu pour m'habiller, dans... Read full Story
Sarah fucking in vienna
Sarah in Wien , sie nennt mir ein mir bekanntes Hotel in der Innenstadt, sowie eine feste Uhrzeit! Überpünktlich bin ich Vorort , komplett glatt , unter der Anzugshose einen schwarzen engen Nylon Slip , sneaker weißes Kurzarm Hemd, guter Duft , klopfe ich etwas nervös an der Zimmertür! Von innen k... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Pues me presento, mi nombre es Ayline Julieta soy de Coacalco en el Estado de México, actualmente tengo 34 años y no tengo mucha experiencia, pero ya tuve mi primera vez y deseo platicarles como fue, espero sus comentarios y críticas constructivas. Iniciare como muchas de nosotras contándoles com... Read full Story
la storia di Sara
Erano alcune settimane che ciattavo con Sara, una trans bolognese conosciuta per caso in internet. Di Sara ho visto solo il bel viso molto femminile con lunghi capelli biondi ed il suo meraviglioso seno. Una sera stavamo parlando e lei mi disse " alcuni mesi fa mi sono rifatta il seno, ho conosciut... Read full Story
Paola, una nuova amica
Ho conosciuto Paola sulla chat di questo sito, dopo alcune sere passate a chattare assieme ci siamo accorte che abitavamo nella stessa città. Decidiamo di incontrarci, Paola mi aspetta a casa sua. La sera dopo mi reco da lei, mi aspetta, profumatissima, indossa una lunga vestaglia bianca, i lunghi ... Read full Story
Ho incontrato una Dea
Era una tiepida sera di primavera, erano da poco passate le 8 di sera ed io avevo già cenato, era tutto il giorno che mi sentivo eccitata e la voglia aumentava dentro di me, volevo divertirmi un po' con i miei giocattoli anali, però era troppo presto, la serata era troppo bella ed invitante per rima... Read full Story
I unlocked my Gooch /Taint pleasure in bed with str8 friend.
So I have this quick story I used to expiremental with a straight friend of mine hes white guy pretty husky body and thick guy with blue eyes. We’re very different but the same on things. A few times when we get drunk we actually and have fun but nothing penetrative. But he does become more… Open Mi... Read full Story
La primera vez que me hicieron mujer
Desde mis mas lejanos recuerdos, siempre sentí la necesidad de lucir femenina...recuerdo que de niña me encerraba en el cuarto de mi mama y me probaba las medias panty y los tacones, sobre todo unas sandalias doradas que me encantaban...podía pasar horas en esa habitación imaginándome siendo toda un... Read full Story
Rebeca, mi primita transexual
Dice un dicho popular: "al final todo queda en familia..." La historia que les voy a contar es muy interesante, excitante y movilizadora, ya que los protagonistas somos parientes. Se trata de una noche loca, desenfrenada, apasionada, y de muchísimo sexo entre Rebeca y yo. Rebeca es una prima segund... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Yo antes frecuentaba mucho a un amigo, pasábamos muchas tardes juntos, veíamos películas, tomábamos juntos, hablábamos todo el tiempo, nos teníamos muchísima confianza. Recuerdo una ocasión que estábamos en su cuarto viendo una peli y tomando algunas copas, nos pusimos un tanto borrachos y yo me ... Read full Story
Me encanta ser mujer.
Me gusta verme y sentirme mujer. Me encantan las prendas femeninas y de encajes, los vestidos de tela suave y ligera, la medias veladas, los sostén de encajes, las ropas interior delicadas y de encajes, me gusta maquillarme y pintar ,os labios, me encantan los aretes grandes y con pendientes, los ... Read full Story
Hung Trans Lesbians Fuck Two Ladyboys
Note 1: If you like Transsexuals, Trans Lesbians, Asian Ladyboys, Big Cocks, Extreme Cock Sucking, Anal Fucking, Anal Fisting, Semen Swallowing, Role Play, Orgies, BDSM, Cock Sounding and Foot Fetish this story is for you. Note 2: All the characters are over 21. The names are fictitious, but some... Read full Story
La Entrevista (trabajo de mesera)
LA ENTREVISTA (Trabajo de Mesera) Esta historia es una gran fantasía que tuve por años, pero que ahora aunque a medias es una realidad. Krystal, una de las chicas que me ayuda con el maquillaje, varias veces me había hecho el comentario de que en el bar donde ella actuaba, necesitaban a una chi... Read full Story
Latex succubus
The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty Lonely. Mayb... Read full Story