Free Stories

It was the very first night of my month long North Carolina July summer vacation stay when my Aunt Meg suddenly entered the bedroom that I was temporarily sharing with my younger cousin Rudy. Being so openly effeminine in his body language,voice and looks, I had already planted such dirty thoughts ... Read full Story
Le tout premier jour où j'ai rencontré Heather, elle m'a clairement fait comprendre que le sexe était très important pour elle. La même nuit, lorsqu'elle m'a vu pour la première fois avec mon pantalon baissé, elle m'a expliqué que puisque mon pénis était bien trop petit pour jamais la satisfaire, el... Read full Story
Lady In The House Ch. 02
A story by Michele Nylons, Part II "She's all yours Eddie. She looks beautiful." I heard Carmel say as 'she' disappeared down the corridor, her high heels clicking on the tiled floor. Eddie appeared at the door to the cell, he stepped inside and closed the door behind him. "So what do yo... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF CAITLIN "MEOW" MORRISON after living and working in Thailand/SE Asia for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much... Read full Story
La pistola NEGRA del Tío, entre Las Bragas de Mi Tía LA PUTONA
Aaayyy.. Yo sabía que la Tía había sido Flor de PUTONA.. pero, jamás me imaginé que me iba a tocar a mí 'hacerme cargo de sus cosas'.. su 'herencia'.. la casa ya vieja, por reordenar destinar y.. LAS COSAS que una descubre ya con los años! Todo estaba igual, pero HORRIBLEMENTE ARRUINADO.. más, e... Read full Story
Bikini garçon
J'étais le garçon que mon père avait espéré après 3 filles avant moi. La vie dans notre maison à deux étages de la classe moyenne de banlieue était aussi normale que celle de n'importe qui d'autre. Mon père était un père aimant qui m'élevait et faisait les choses qu'un père aime faire avec son fils ... Read full Story
L'enterrement de ma vie de garçon ⚧️ ⚧️
J'ai 24 ans et suis fiancé à Anne, de deux ans plus jeune que moi. Nous nous sommes connus à la Fac, avant que je commence à travailler pour une banque d'investissement en ville. Elle n'est pas une bombe atomique (1m66 et 60 kilos), elle a son charme, mais surtout elle est très coquin... Read full Story
Former un petit garçon sexy à devenir une petite fille sexy
Ceci est entièrement un acte de fiction, toute corrélation avec des personnes ou des événements réels est complètement fortuite. Je ne cautionne pas ces actes dans la réalité, ils ne sont qu'une exploration de la fantaisie. Apprécier! Aujourd'hui, j'ai passé une journée spéciale avec mon peti... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
"Merci d'avoir fait ça, Alex," dit Mr Stevens en me serrant la main. "Au revoir Mr et Mme Stevens !" J'ai crié depuis la porte d'entrée alors que mes voisins me faisaient signe avant de monter dans leur voiture. Ils fêtaient leur anniversaire avec une soirée et je m'étais porté volontaire pour ga... Read full Story
A Ski Bunny is Born Chapter 2
My first real man. Hugs and kisses to everyone who contacted Kim and I expressing how much you enjoyed our first episode. This is the second part of our life story so far, and is the first follow up to 'A New Ski Bunny is born'. It recalls the first time that Kim and I included guys in our ... Read full Story
A Strange Romance
Although I was over qualified after I graduated and accepted a one as an Internet operations officer for one of the high street retailers. I was offered better jobs but I took the one with the retailers because it paid reasonably well and more importantly meant that I would have to relocate down to ... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me regarde avec un gr... Read full Story
Becoming Missy
It all started back in 1973 in Seattle, Washington. I was 21, living on the south side with a couple of buddies while we were all stationed at area military bases. One Friday night we had a party at our apt. I was standing outside by my car smoking a joint when this guy pulls up in his pick-up. &quo... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
My Seductive Secret (True Story)
During my childhood, me and my brother used to play with two other boys who were our neighbors every weekend. One day we decided to wrestle, and I took on the youngest one, (he was about 2 years younger than me, like my brother) and we wrestled in the shed while my bro and his bro (who was my age) w... Read full Story
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Read full Story
First Time Buying Lingerie
As a youngster, I couldn't help but notice the carousels of hosiery on display in various shops that my mother would visit. Displays of stockings and tights (pantyhose) for the discerning housewife. Brands like Pretty Polly, images of nylon clad legs on the glossy cardboard and a see through window... Read full Story
Bikini Boy
I was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son – baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage... Read full Story
« Tyler ! Arrêtez-vous – vous regardez à nouveau, et il l'a remarqué ! » La voix de Jack chuchota d'une voix rauque à l'oreille de Tyler alors que l'eau chaude de la douche tambourinait dans son dos. Il ne restait plus que les trois sous la douche maintenant. L'entraînement de basket-ball était t... Read full Story
Growing up CD
Peter, Max and I played together like that for the rest of the weekend. We must have sucked each other's cocks at least 10 times over the three days. Peter and I were both physically drained. Max just seemed to be insatiable for our bodies. He didn't want us to go. He kept on saying how much he ... Read full Story
Nylon teasers
They came into the video store where I worked as a clerk. Almost every day. Teasers. Both of them. What made it both great and terrible for me was that it fed my deepest fetish -- stockings -- as it denied me any fulfillment other than frequent and frantic "self-gratification."... Read full Story
Sissy Slut and Stepdads part 2
My mother kicked Frankie out and swore that he was the last loser she would ever date. She believed that we were still having sex, and she was right. Pure raw animal lust drove us, and It was even better when we sneaked and got. That nervous adrenaline mixed with my passion and made me super horny a... Read full Story
Becoming Alanna Part 2
Walking into room number one, she told me kindly to strip nude and climb into the chair. I did as I was told and hopped in to the chair. I fit my feet and legs into the stirrups and she spread them apart exposing my cock balls and asshole. She looked me up and down and smiled "not much work wit... Read full Story
Family Frolic
FRIDAY My sister and her husband wanted to take a few weeks off in the sun and asked me to look after their kids for a while. I'd move out of my tiny apartment and into their house for the duration. As I was still living off my severance and they had a nice spread with an indoor pool and a h... Read full Story
Cross romance
I wake up in the middle of the night. I have psyched myself into such a state that I just can't go back to sleep. Thinking back over the years, everything started with a size 32A bra. It happened on one morning when I just turned 13. In my locked bedroom, I clipped on a flimsy unpadded white cott... Read full Story
An Invitation
"Oh come on,Sarah. There has to be a way." An innocuous enough statement, but that's how it all started. I'd just received an invite to Cressida's annual Christmas party which, maybe not on the Hollywood A list, was within the cognoscenti an occasion not to be missed. The soirees of ... Read full Story
A Game within a Game Part 1
Epilogue Rob came home from work. His wife Jenny was waiting for him. In her hands she held a letter. Jenny said: "We received this letter today. It is sad news from Marion S. We have met her and her husband John a few times - do you remember? John has had a car accident while driving fas... Read full Story
A Helping Hand
It was late on a Friday night when I heard my parents arguing. It always happened whenever they were getting ready to throw a big party. My mother played the role of party planner and handled all of the details, but between caterers, musicians, and the other help something always went haywire. My fa... Read full Story
My Orgasm at work
I finally found my sexual fantasy come true at work. I always fantasize about one of my female co-workers (and sometimes all of them) dominating me, pegging me, brutalizing me. That every time they walk by my office, they would pour their coffee on my floor next to my feet and i'll get on my knee... Read full Story
The Invitation Part 4
The light was gently filtering in through the curtains as Jack slowly drifted towards consciousness. For a moment or two of his half awake and half asleep state he was confused - something didn't quite feel right. He stirred in semi consciousness and his eyes shot open at the unfamiliar sensatio... Read full Story
Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love Chapter 2
"RACHEL" My twin sister, and sometime brother, and I had been experimenting sexually with each other and crossdressing together for around a month, growing to love and to perfect our new feminine personas until they became the ones we thought of as our true selves. Whenever our parents ... Read full Story
Carrie Ann's Delight
Chapter One It was a Friday afternoon that seemed of little consequence. I got up, shaved, cleaned and pampered my body. After my underwear was in place I wore my usual boots, boot socks, jeans and a plaid shirt. The bar at Fulton Street was busy that afternoon when I arrived about 2:00 and every... Read full Story
Whores and Pimps - Part I
Malcolm was a middle manager in a small business in a large city. Malcolm led a pretty boring life; he in his forties, single, devoted to his work, he liked to keep himself fit, all of his family lived interstate except for his older sister who lived nearby, and he led a quiet social life. Malcolm h... Read full Story