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White fuckslut Tgirl & 3 BIG BLACK COCKS Initiation
You lucky, slutty BBC Tgirl fuckslut, I envy you soooooo much. This is the most erotic and best BBC story on this web site. Pleeease keep writing about your BBC fantasies. What a bargain to get gangbanged by about 30 big black studs for only 15 Euros. I loved it when you begged them to fuck you.\r\n... Read full Story
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Read full Story
La pistola NEGRA del Tío, entre Las Bragas de Mi Tía LA PUTONA
Aaayyy.. Yo sabía que la Tía había sido Flor de PUTONA.. pero, jamás me imaginé que me iba a tocar a mí 'hacerme cargo de sus cosas'.. su 'herencia'.. la casa ya vieja, por reordenar destinar y.. LAS COSAS que una descubre ya con los años! Todo estaba igual, pero HORRIBLEMENTE ARRUINADO.. más, e... Read full Story
Je suis une salope C’est un des fantasmes récurrents de la majorité des hommes qui aiment se travestir. Et j’avoue que l’idée m’a souvent excitée. Alors que j’étais avec ma femme dans une boutique de lingerie à Pigalle , des dessous très sexy entre les mains, un homme d'un certain âge a surpri... Read full Story
BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF CAITLIN "MEOW" MORRISON after living and working in Thailand/SE Asia for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much... Read full Story
TGirl Initiation by 3 BIG BLACK 12
In my teen years I was often told that I was quite feminine.The high school punks always told me that I filled out the back of my jeans in a girly way. After taking a shower one day I did notice that they were right, I had a nice white bubble butt. Not to mention that my lips were also quite girly. ... Read full Story
It was while cutting across his back trailer park lawn around 7pm on misty July Saturday evening, when I first discovered that Mr. Parker was really a fag. How else could you describe a man wearing a long blonde wig on his head while below he wore only a large somehow stuffed pink lacey woman's bra ... Read full Story
Candy's Treats
"Hi, I'm Candy," the pretty blonde Latina said to me as I sat alone in the casino bar. She had a nice pretty face and a great body with a store bought pair of dd's. I knew the moment she sat down that she was a pro. Five straight years in Vegas at the show had taught me how to spot them in... Read full Story
Teasing BIG BLACK COCKS at truck stops
I'm a white blonde bubble butt Tgirl living in Las Vegas and sometimes I go out and cruise the truck stops on I15 down south to I10. I do it at night and sometimes for a whole weekend in my mini van which has darkened windows. I love to get out of my mini van and walk around the back parking row at ... Read full Story
Masturbation fantasies: Amanda, queen of the peep show
A guy visits a peep show with unexpected results. As he gets to watch a girl with something special, he discovers his hidden desires. This story contains: peep show – voyeur – gloryhole - fake tits – group masturbation – male masturbation – shemale – frottage - titfucking When William finall... Read full Story
La Mujer Trans más feliz del mundo.
- Porfavor, no pares Gaby! - Le gritaba yo, completamente llena de placer, mientras a 4 patas aguantaba sus grandes embestidas, a la par que mis grandes tetas chocaban entre sí. - Ya casi me voy a venir Juanita! - Dijo ella, mientras trás de mi daba todo de si para hacerme sentir en el paraiso, s... Read full Story
David to Dee
"Dave," she purred, "you know you can tell me anything. Surely you know you can trust me not to judge you by your fantasies." He was squirming under her touch, his eyes tightly shut, trying to avoid telling her his deepest secrets on the one hand, and on the other, hoping beyo... Read full Story
Chapter 1 - My Cuckold Life
I have a small penis. In fact, I have a very small penis. I’ve been in permanent chastity for over 7 years. My wife and her lovers call it my “caged clitty” and that’s about right as far as it being a useful penis. I suppose I should start at the beginning. I’ve never been much of a man. I’m ... Read full Story
‘My goodness!’ she exclaimed, ‘It appears that you've had an accident, youngster. You'd better come home with me so that we can make you presentable. It's quite safe, 'cos I live in the big house in the woods on the other side of the hill behind the toilets. Come along, now,’... Read full Story
I was Teen Shemale for the US Army
Chapter 1 Reform School Romance! I couldn't believe that all I got from my uncle Bill when he died after all he said to me about my being his favorite grand nephew was an old diary from World War II. I mean I thought we got along pretty darn good, and its not like he had any money or anyth... Read full Story
Fem Firm 2 -The Weathergirl
PART 1: A COURTESY CLIENT BLOWJOB Three weeks into my gig at Coxon & Dicster had been a blast. At first, a few of the girls had some reservations about me working there because I wasn't transgendered myself but I guess I won them over with my naturally cheerful personality. At least,... Read full Story
Getting caught naked in public.
I always have loved the risky nature of being fully naked in places where you aren't normally. i don't want to offend some unsuspecting person while out hiking or driving on very unused roads. BUT.. at the same time, the risk is exhilarating, and the thought of being caught and the one who caught me... Read full Story
My Life as a Shemale Part9
It is now almost a year later and I am a year older, my hormone treatment has been going on for some time. The short version of the past few months seems some of the most poignant in my life but not conducive to this readership. My skin was getting softer, my body hair lighter and most important to ... Read full Story
Be My Bitch
After a long day at work, I get in my car, and look forward to the long drive home. It gives me time to unwind and relax. I try to forget about the hectic office and concentrate on my beautiful girlfriend waiting at home with that warm smile that she greets me with when I get there. However, tod... Read full Story
The Zodiac Coins: Libra
2400 YEARS AGO... He was a humble shepherd. It was night and the flocks were sleeping. As he gazed at the stars, he saw a shooting star. He knew it was a portent of some kind, but was not mystic enough to know what. A little while later he saw another shooting star and guessed that wha... Read full Story
« Tyler ! Arrêtez-vous – vous regardez à nouveau, et il l'a remarqué ! » La voix de Jack chuchota d'une voix rauque à l'oreille de Tyler alors que l'eau chaude de la douche tambourinait dans son dos. Il ne restait plus que les trois sous la douche maintenant. L'entraînement de basket-ball était t... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Read full Story
Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
C'était mardi soir, ce qui signifiait que Lena se préparait pour son cours d'aérobic. Bien qu'elle ne travaillait pas, elle était certainement occupée à construire et à maintenir une vie sociale et à faire en général les choses qu'elle voulait. Il n'y avait pas un jour où Lena n'avait pas fait qu... Read full Story
OH, FRERE! ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le début de la séance avec le psychiatre. La femme aux cheveux argentés avec de petites lunettes de lecture à monture écrivait déjà dans son carnet. J'ai admiré son choix de mode d'un élégant tailleur-jupe gris avec un chemisier blanc. Ses simples escarpins noirs étaient élégants et montraie... Read full Story
Aujourd'hui, ma mère et moi sommes allés acheter des maillots de bain dans un grand magasin local. C'était en début d'après-midi et nous avions pratiquement l'endroit pour nous tous seuls. En entrant dans le magasin, nous sommes passés devant une grande colonne couverte de miroirs, et je me suis ... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles au lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il profitait d'un dernier été avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un salaud ou un douchebag, c... Read full Story
Exposure, Disclosure
The Greatest Liar, Exposure, Disclosure © Alexandra Rios 2019 Author’s Note: This is a continuation of the narrative which commenced with “My Awkward Phase”, which I posted here previously. Readers may wish to read that before continuing, although I have written them to stand alone. Natives s... Read full Story
How i started feeling like a girl
It was early in my puberty, I was the youngest in my group of friends and many of my them were already dating and having sex with the neighborhood girls. By this time I was beginning to learn more about my body and I noticed more about girls, especially my neighbor's girlfriend, I'll call her Camila... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Jaime se tournait et se retournait dans un sommeil agité, ses yeux fermés et son visage grimaçant alors qu'il luttait avec ses rêves. Normalement, il s'endormirait paisiblement au son d'un podcast bourdonnant, mais pas dernièrement. Bien qu'il ne le sache pas, chaque nuit, sa psyché ... Read full Story
La fin d'une autre longue journée. Près de 19h00 et Colin Spencer travaillait toujours dans son box, presque terminé avec le dernier des papiers que l'un des associés principaux de la société d'investissement dans laquelle il avait effectué un stage depuis près d'un an maintenant l&#... Read full Story
Je me souviens d'une époque plus simple, avant d'être ce que je suis maintenant. Malheureusement, je ne saurai jamais ce qui aurait pu être. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir en arrière. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir à ce qui était autrefois. C'était il y a seulement 2 ans. Je suis Harvey. J'étais à l'... Read full Story
Filthy Little Beast Part 2
Chapter 8 The first thing that struck me was pink! More pink satin than I thought existed in the entire world. The walls were covered in baby pink satin curtains, the plush carpet was also baby pink. Like all the other rooms in this house of the bizarre the ceiling as a full mirror. There was a h... Read full Story
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Read full Story
Minha segunda experiência como CD [PORTUGUESE]
Olá, antes de mais nada quero avisar que minhas histórias são verdadeiras e que eu me descrevi na minha primeira história, por isso não o farei novamente. Minha segunda experiência aconteceu 6 meses depois da primeira, não disse qual idade eu tinha na época, então vou dizer agora, nessa história ... Read full Story
First Time Buying Lingerie
As a youngster, I couldn't help but notice the carousels of hosiery on display in various shops that my mother would visit. Displays of stockings and tights (pantyhose) for the discerning housewife. Brands like Pretty Polly, images of nylon clad legs on the glossy cardboard and a see through window... Read full Story
Marcia Goes Back to School
Marcia was painfully nervous. She hadn't been able to eat very much in days. The upside was she was even skinnier which would make Mistress and her husband very happy. She'd always been thin and on the diet Mistress Carol had her on she was already thinner than she dreamed possible. Her anxious stom... Read full Story
Latex succubus
The lights of the city obscured the supposedly brilliant starlight in the night sky, leaving only dim and scattered scattered stars adorning the gloomy night sky half-covered by dark clouds, and the crescent-like crescent moon guarding it in the distance makes the night seem less empty Lonely. Mayb... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Natalie mais ce n'est pas le nom avec lequel je suis née; c'est plutôt le nom que ma femme m'a donné quand elle a fait de moi sa "sœur" et sa poule mouillée cocu peu de temps après notre mariage. Mon vrai nom est Nathan mais c'est un nom que je préférerais ne plus jamais utiliser parce ... Read full Story
I kneel in front of Dominatrix Persephone
Fan Mail. I kneel in front of Persephone.. She looks amazing in Her latex catsuit, but there is something else eye catching. Chance, Persephone huge hó rse c... It looks intimidating in picture, but just think how it must look when it is right in front of your face!! Holding it in my sissy hands, i... Read full Story
Aunt Cindy's Bizarre World
My name was Jim Rogers Jr. at one time. I was born and raised in a small town in a rural county in Oklahoma. My father James had been the pastor of the local Pentecostal Assembly of Jesus. Dad was what was known an ultra conservative hell fire and brimstone preacher. My mother's name was Allison. Sh... Read full Story
Sissy Acceptance *
La primera vez que vi porno interracial algo recorrió mi interior de una manera que nunca antes había experimentado, era como un hormigueo que pasaba por todo mi cuerpo….. hasta llegar a mi ano. No sé que fue lo que me motivo más si la insaciable obsesión por probar una verga negra, ó el hecho de... Read full Story
Sexing It Up
What catches your eye when you're viewing sample pornographic video clips on the Internet? When it comes to sex, my own tastes are eclectic, although I find myself watching videos involving anal sex, bisexual threesomes, cum shots, gay males, lesbians, oral sex, public nudity, shemales, and spank... Read full Story
Crossdressers first time with a guy
Hi, im new to this. this happened about 3 years ago now. I had started off the night being at my ex gfs house looking at her sexy underwear thinking how it would feel etc. so, having just started a new job I felt it was time to relax a little while she was out working (from 10pm til 6am). from th... Read full Story
Morgan Ashley était une très jolie dame, pas une star de cinéma glamour, mais bien plus jolie que tout ce que son mari mauviette Robin attirerait normalement. À peine sortie de la douche, elle portait un peignoir en velours côtelé rouge et ses longs cheveux roux étaient enveloppés dans une serviette... Read full Story
Ma mère, Kendra, se promenait souvent dans la maison sans haut, laissant ses énormes seins couler librement. Ça m'a dégoûté. J'étais sa fille, pas un gars au hasard qu'elle a ramené à la maison un vendredi soir (pas qu'elle a ramené des gars à la maison). Elle ne devrait pas montrer ... Read full Story
Sarah et moi avons grandi ensemble dans le même voisin en tant qu'amis d'enfance. Nous menions tous les deux des vies assez protégées, chacune avec des mères célibataires qui nous élevaient et suivaient un enseignement à domicile. Nous n'avons pas eu les cours d'éducation sexuelle ou les commérages ... Read full Story
My day after forced feminization - fetish
My typical day starts with getting dressed in one of my favorite outfits. Short minidress, thigh highs, thongs, a corset and 6 inch Stilettos. I started wearing a corset to get my waist tighter and transition too the perfect hourglass figure. After Breakfast typically one of my wife's friends stop... Read full Story
PF's Black Romp and JoyceLynn's Awakenin
When my wife and I first met, our sex life was fantastic! She was a very sexual lady and always made herself available. She usually wore stockings and garter belt or thigh highs, high heel sandals, and something that was sexy and suggestive. We made love and had sex in every room of the house, inclu... Read full Story
Fender Bender
It was the first week of June and school was out for the summer, I was 18 and had just finished my Senior year. One night while we were eating dinner, My Mom and Step dad informed me that they were going away for a week. When they got married they did not go on a honeymoon so they wanted to take one... Read full Story
The Mind Flip
IT was a weekend like any other, in the city in the north of England. Rain poured in sheets down the basement windows of the flat I shared with my friend Joe, breaking up the shapes of the buildings on the opposite side of the road like a kaleidoscope, and I sat indoors, slouched in front of the com... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
J'ai toujours aimé la lingerie féminine. De regarder des catalogues à voir des copines le porter, j'ai adoré le look et la sensation de la lingerie sexy et soyeuse, mais pour moi, cela a toujours été plus profond. À 18 ans, j'ai essayé ma première paire de culottes, oh mon Dieu, c'était merveilleux ... Read full Story