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Coco love -first group sex-
I had my first group sex with 3 black guys in a hotel. it was a wild first experiences for me, it was 1 of my fantasy to get gangbang by a group of guys, my ass is still in pain getting fuck hard by them, they stretch my ass really good.... all 3 of them had huge fucking dicks couldn't fit my mouth ... Read full Story
Group Sex
Jan and I have been together now about 4 years but known each other since High School. We are both in our early fifties. We had met a transgendered girl (Gabby) about a year ago and we get together about once a month and enjoy each other’s company, going out playing and having intimacy together. Gab... Read full Story
Pa-mie sex-agénaire
Luxure frénétique d’une pa-mie sex-agénaire; entre rêve et réalité Je n’avais jamais fantasmé de mec viril, même après avoir offert ma virginité; mais à une fabuleuse sissy. Avant mon Ѐre, mes préférences de fantasmes étaient toujours avec des lui-femme glabres, idem concernant mes relations d’aprè... Read full Story
The Gang
I had always thought of myself as female in spite of the fact that I was born with male genitlia. Even in my earliest memories where I had witness sex, I identified with the female in the relationship. As a small young child, I had always longed for womanhood each time I heard a woman sing or especi... Read full Story
Singapore tranny sex
My ship was dry-docked in Singapore for 3 weeks, n i was lucky enough to meet a gr8 girl first nite ashore, Lin, half chinese/ half malay, n fucking sexy. I slept at her flat most nites and the sex was awsome. She shared with a girl called Meena, a hostess on Singapore Airlines, but until this speci... Read full Story
Club sex the 25yo
There’s a very special private club around, it’d meetings take place in a very secret place. It takes a lot to gain membership. You have to either have a lot of money AND a friend in the club OR you have to take part in the ceremonies for at least a year. Also you have to be willing to b... Read full Story
My TV Sex Adventures Hot time in the Gurl&#
After sucking off the custodian of the offices next door I went back to the club. I was seriously disappointed. I loved how big and hard his dick was and I really wanted a serious cock like his to fuck. I got back into the club with only a knowing grin and a chuckle from the guy at the door. He was... Read full Story
Wie sich schlagartig mein Sex Leben änderte... Teil 1
ich war nun schon einige Zeit heimlicher Crossdresser. Nie wurde ich von meiner Freundin erwischt, auch wenn es manchmal wirklich knapp war! Ich hatte ein sicheres Versteck für meine schönen Sachen und meine Sextoys und konnte hin und wieder meine geheime Neigung ausleben wenn sie nicht da war.Trotz... Read full Story
lust of a sex-agenarian nana-pops
Frenzied lust of a sex-agenarian nana-pops; between dream and reality I had never fantasized of a manly man, even after offering my virginity; to a fabulous sissy. Before my new Era, my fantasy preferences were always with glabrous he-she’s, same about my relationships after… BUT BUT BUT… My last t... Read full Story
Il y a quelques années, à mi-parcours du premier mandat du président Pelosi, j'ai surmonté mon inclination habituelle à éviter les risques et j'ai accepté une invitation à visiter l'appartement de deux femmes - de parfaites inconnues - qui venaient de découvrir que j'aime porter des culottes. Becky ... Read full Story
Je me souviens d'une époque plus simple, avant d'être ce que je suis maintenant. Malheureusement, je ne saurai jamais ce qui aurait pu être. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir en arrière. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir à ce qui était autrefois. C'était il y a seulement 2 ans. Je suis Harvey. J'étais à l'... Read full Story
Sam tapota nerveusement ses doigts contre le verre à moitié plein. En règle générale, vous êtes censé boire un coup avec une gorgée, mais sa tolérance à l'alcool n'était pas exactement la meilleure et le bourbon dans la tasse servait vraiment plus de courage liquide à ce stade. Cela faisait ... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Stephen et je suis étudiant diplômé à l'école de commerce locale. Je suis à mon travail depuis moins d'un an et, en tant que nouveau venu au bureau, je pensais que faire des heures supplémentaires ferait bonne impression sur mon patron. Eh bien, j'ai certainement fait une impression, ma... Read full Story
Je me présente chez ma copine après qu'elle m'ait envoyé un texto me disant à quel point elle me voulait. Je frappe à la porte et elle répond. C'est une beauté aux cheveux corbeau, d'environ 5'10 avec des yeux marron clair et une carrure assez mince mais athlétique. "Je suis tellement contente qu... Read full Story
Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles au lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il profitait d'un dernier été avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un salaud ou un douchebag, c... Read full Story
Si ses histoires étaient vraies, non seulement beaucoup d'hommes ont eu des réveils sexuels entre la fin de la trentaine et le début de la cinquantaine, mais beaucoup d'hommes de mon âge étaient curieux de se féminiser, de sucer des bites et peut-être même d'avoir des fesses. Mais je ne peux pas ... Read full Story
J'étais comptable selon ma description de poste, mais en réalité juste comptable dans une entreprise peu intéressante, marié à une fille que j'avais connue à l'école. Nous avons assez vite eu des jumeaux, Peter et David, qui étaient amusants et une poignée. Ma femme voulait une fille,... Read full Story
Je venais d'avoir 23 ans et je profitais de mon été. J'ai récemment déménagé en Floride pour mon premier emploi après l'université. Je viens du Midwest, vous pouvez donc imaginer à quel point j'étais excité par le changement de décor. Je suis assez grand, un bon mélange entre musclé et tonique, une ... Read full Story
La fin d'une autre longue journée. Près de 19h00 et Colin Spencer travaillait toujours dans son box, presque terminé avec le dernier des papiers que l'un des associés principaux de la société d'investissement dans laquelle il avait effectué un stage depuis près d'un an maintenant l&#... Read full Story
OH, FRERE! ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le début de la séance avec le psychiatre. La femme aux cheveux argentés avec de petites lunettes de lecture à monture écrivait déjà dans son carnet. J'ai admiré son choix de mode d'un élégant tailleur-jupe gris avec un chemisier blanc. Ses simples escarpins noirs étaient élégants et montraie... Read full Story
Aujourd'hui, ma mère et moi sommes allés acheter des maillots de bain dans un grand magasin local. C'était en début d'après-midi et nous avions pratiquement l'endroit pour nous tous seuls. En entrant dans le magasin, nous sommes passés devant une grande colonne couverte de miroirs, et je me suis ... Read full Story
Il y a environ 6 mois, j'ai rejoint une salle de sport parce que je n'ai jamais eu un corps très masculin et maintenant que je viens d'avoir 21 ans, il était temps de me lever enfin et d'essayer de développer des muscles. C'est là que j'ai rencontré ma petite amie Brook qui m... Read full Story
💞 EMILY 💞 J'étais en colère sinon je n'aurais jamais désobéi à mon mari Rob (Robert ou Rob, jamais Bob). Non pas qu'il me battait ou me dominait, juste qu'il dirigeait les coups, et aimait particulièrement que je sois belle pour lui. J'étais une fille plutôt grande, c'est-à-dire p... Read full Story
"C'est jolie!" "Oooh... Sexy !" "Salope !" Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des descripteurs que j'ai utilisés lorsque j'ai "fait du lèche-vitrines" en ligne. C'est l'un de mes passe-temps préférés. Aller sur divers sites de lingerie et regarder des soutiens-gorge, des culottes, des bas, des jarret... Read full Story
C'est ma première année à la fac, et c'est déjà devenu l'enfer à cause du harcèlement. Mon tyran Jordan se moque toujours de mon corps. J'avais atteint la puberté tard au lycée, et quand elle est arrivée, je n'ai pas vécu le changement impossible que les autres ont fait. Au lieu de cela, j'ai des ép... Read full Story
C'est ma première année à la fac, et c'est déjà devenu l'enfer à cause du harcèlement. Mon tyran Jordan se moque toujours de mon corps. J'avais atteint la puberté tard au lycée, et quand elle est arrivée, je n'ai pas vécu le changement impossible que les autres ont fait. Au lieu ... Read full Story
Certains disent que c'était une sorte d'expérience qui a mal tourné. Mais il est sorti dans la rue et a tout changé. Une pilule une drogue que vous avez prise qui vous a rendu sexuellement soumis et vous a rendu particulièrement soumis sexuellement aux hommes. Apparemment, le sperme a aggra... Read full Story
C'etait ma propre faute. Comment ai-je pu être si stupide ? Je m'appelle Karl. J'ai démarré une entreprise Internet il y a douze ans. J'avais travaillé comme représentant d'un fabricant pour une maison de courtage spécialisée dans les marchandises importées. Je pensais que mon entreprise ne faisa... Read full Story
La journée de travail avait été longue et difficile et la tension causée par la date limite du projet qui approchait à grands pas montait. David savait qu'il avait besoin de se détendre d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais Allie, son autre significatif, était également stressée par son travail et aucu... Read full Story
End of a great thing
So in an earlier story I told all of you about I guy I literally ran into when I was trying on lingerie and it turned into my first sexually with a man. So we had a great time for several months. One night he called me over and we had our usual sexual adventure. After we were done he told me tha... Read full Story
Angel The Shemale Vampire
Angel stood in the shadows watching hungrily as the group of laughing young college kids came toward her down the alley. The group was made up of four guys and a girl. The girl was hanging all over one of the guys and it screamed how badly she wanted to get in his pants. Angel's smile broadened with... Read full Story
Sissy Training
This is a true story, looking back it is hard to believe it actually happened, but it did. I was working for the government in DC and living in Maryland and my fiancé was up near Cape Cod. Just about every weekend she’d fly down or I’d fly up to spend the weekend together. We&r... Read full Story
Cast party
My name is Dan, and I have always considered myself an adventurous and open minded person, but my experience was taken to a whole new level in my junior year of college when I got involved in an amateur theatre group. We all got along astoundingly well and I found myself becoming friends with severa... Read full Story
Force Feminized up Asshole
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change! Perhaps Carl's d... Read full Story
The club
"Okay ladies," Missy said to her guests, "relax and get ready because I have a very special treat for today's meeting!" "What is it?" and excited Jayne asked while removing her sweat shirt and jeans. "Now you know better than to than that" Missy replied with a... Read full Story
Gemini Sluts and Gang
My good friend Renee and I had set up a double date gang bang for tonight now that she was finally out of the closet and ready. She has decided that life is too short to remain in the closet and miss out on all the fun. Renee and I have so much in common. Besides loving sex, we both have a fetish f... Read full Story
Let's do it together
I sit here with my dick in hand! All three of my girl friends and my two boy friends are out of town attending to their WORK and leaving this important stuff to me. I shall carry on alone until they return. I am looking at some pictures of a group of people fucking another group of people. Some are... Read full Story
Trannies Feminise My Bum
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change. Perhaps Carl's developing... Read full Story
Trannies Feminize Dandy Boy
"Yea I thought the singing was OK but I don't really go for that style too much" "And the girls?" Brian prompted me. "Oh come on Brian leave him alone we all know he's not really interested in girls." "Give him a chance, people can change! Perhaps Carl's... Read full Story
CD and BBC Gangbang 1
My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliati... Read full Story
Bottom Bitch
Let me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliat... Read full Story
Dirty Tranny gang bang
Deep breath Charlotte, step into the night air and strut your stuff girl. This is what I was born to do; I snuggle into my short white fleecy coat as my 5” platform heels click on the pavement. Glancing down I can see my shapely stocking clad legs and, the all important, ankle bracelet glit... Read full Story
My Fantasy
I would want a good group of six people. I’d like to be divided evenly men and women. Of course it would help if all were bi-sexual. That way, I wouldn’t have to look up when a large cock would be near me. I could suck it dry just as easily as I would eat a piece of twat. If some of the ... Read full Story
Best trip to the mountains
I was driving out to the hills for some solo camping. I was alone since all of my friends had quit on me at the last minute, but i figured i'd just enjoy nature while i had the chance. I was almost through with the four hour drive, and noticed fewer and fewer cars as i got closer to the site. Onc... Read full Story
Cassandra Chapter 2
The days and weeks seemed to fly by. My new position at Barnes and Bidwell was a dream come true. It provided me with a cute income to cover my personal expenses (Melissa took care of most everything), exactly fit my bubbly, flirtatious personality, and offered me unlimited opportunity to meet - and... Read full Story
The Club
Pretty soon everyone was naked and in their places and ready to go. "Okay ladies, I'd like you to meet tonight's very special guest, may I present to you, Susi!!!" Missy swung open the door to the adjoining room, and much to the stunned delight of everyone there an incredibly beautiful Asi... Read full Story
Dirty Business Trip
Chapter 1: The Transsexual Hotel Encounter "Yes, I am checking in," I said, putting my credit card on the desk. The woman behind the desk took the card and looked at the name. She was about 5 feet 10 inches tall with dark black hair and brown eyes. Her skin was beautifully tanned and he... Read full Story
Shy Marcy
After becoming acclimated to my new friends and their life choices, My friend Sammi noticed a girl in "our" restaurant that always sat alone and made no eye contact. We all discussed her and everyone determined that someone should approach her and make her comfortable. One guess who was elected... ... Read full Story
Brazilian Discovery Chapter 2
Chapter 02: First days in Brazil The tub was so large that it could have been a small swimming pool. Joan plunged into the water and started to lick Barbara's pussy underwater. When he rubbed the tip of his nose against Barbara's clit, she mightily climaxed several times in a row! Sometimes, inst... Read full Story
Gangbanged at the beach
My BBC friend took me to the beach, where people make sex. We arrived in his van. I was in the back of the van, chained blind folded, with my mouth wide open and a huge horse dildo in my sissy pussy. Suddenly I hear the van door opening. I hear many voices of other men. My BBC friend was telling oth... Read full Story
The Visit
A visit to a hooker, where I describe my bisexual experiences *** It was a weekday, I had bummed off work and had made my way to Ipswich for a visit to Rona, my favorite hooker. She was a lovely woman in her forties, with a fantastic figure, not slim but not fat and with huge tits. She... Read full Story
When I was a boarder at a college
When I was a boarder at a college, I loved feeling female, bitch, I get fucked by several students! I loved to feel their bite back and forth between my thighs, creeping slowly but surely, between my butt to find its way to the bottom of my "vagina." Just being fucked made me cum wit... Read full Story
My Gangbang
It was junior year of highschool. There was this one girl who I liked but was too afraid to do anything about it. Her name was Jessica. I thought she was too "cool" for me. She always hung out in a group of 3 other girls. She was short, about 5'2, her body was alittle plump, not too fat, b... Read full Story
Training Sissygirl Part 2
Jim Grinned like the devil; he paid the cabbie and pulled Sissygirl toward the bar. As they went through she felt like a slave on parade; the mainly gay clientele were dissected by many transvestites and the odd pretty t-girl like her. Her cock rose and her bottom tingled as she felt eyes all over h... Read full Story