Free Stories

lust of a sex-agenarian nana-pops
Frenzied lust of a sex-agenarian nana-pops; between dream and reality I had never fantasized of a manly man, even after offering my virginity; to a fabulous sissy. Before my new Era, my fantasy preferences were always with glabrous he-she’s, same about my relationships after… BUT BUT BUT… My last t... Read full Story
Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
Ma femme, Jill, était à Denver pendant douze jours pour assister à un séminaire médical pour les chirurgiens plasticiens et ne devait pas revenir avant quelques jours. En raison de son travail, elle assiste à plusieurs séminaires, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'État, parfois un jour ou plusieur... Read full Story
CAROL « Vous n'êtes pas vraiment un homme, n'est-ce pas ? dis-je à Bernard. J'étais en colère et j'ai injustement blâmé mon mari après avoir appris que son nombre de spermatozoïdes était faible, ce qui expliquait notre incapacité à avoir des enfants. Je voulais un bébé et le temps tournait. Dans ... Read full Story
BANGING AROUND BANGKOK: THE AMOROUS ADVENTURES OF CAITLIN "MEOW" MORRISON after living and working in Thailand/SE Asia for many years i decided to write an erotic story based on some of the people i have known, venues and places i have been, and the P4P night-scene where i spent way too much... Read full Story
Exposure, Disclosure
The Greatest Liar, Exposure, Disclosure © Alexandra Rios 2019 Author’s Note: This is a continuation of the narrative which commenced with “My Awkward Phase”, which I posted here previously. Readers may wish to read that before continuing, although I have written them to stand alone. Natives s... Read full Story
C'etait ma propre faute. Comment ai-je pu être si stupide ? Je m'appelle Karl. J'ai démarré une entreprise Internet il y a douze ans. J'avais travaillé comme représentant d'un fabricant pour une maison de courtage spécialisée dans les marchandises importées. Je pensais que mon entreprise ne faisa... Read full Story
Bimbo Barbiex
Ooh hiya boys, I'm Barbie Leigh, a naughty little bimbo tranny, 19 yr old, 5'7" tall, blond, blue eyes, slim and tanned with a hot curvy ass. I have been dressing as Barbie since I was probs about 16 and I'm very well versed when it comes to horny guys and how to please them.lolz... Read full Story
My wife dressed me and used me like a slut
I think you are about ready my wife “Jen” exclaimed and she rotated me towards the mirror. My cock was already rock hard and sticky soaking the silky panties as I looked at my reflection. I gazed at my blonde shoulder length wig bounded into two braided pig tails, my face heavily coated ... Read full Story
Working for a Living Chapter 6
I slid out of the old Ford truck driver's side door. Surprisingly, my legs felt a bit shaky as my feet hit the concrete driveway of the Malibu mansion. I nervously straightened my cut-off shorts as I walked around the truck. She was waiting by the tailgate with a big smile on her face. "Wow Jai... Read full Story
Carioca holidays
My best friend was a shemale named Monica from Rio de Janeiro , she was a gorgeous and sexy brunette , many time at her home she use to tell me many story about her city and the fun you can have as a cd , also she says the guys are really hot and very well packed . One night we where chatting about ... Read full Story
De la pucelle quinquagénaire à la mature disponible...
***Prologue - Confessions: Depuis que j’ai offert ma virginité, je me mets chaque jour un peu plus dans la peau d’une femme. Le petit bled où je vis m’interdit de m’exhiber socialement. Totefois je me suis faite une complice, mon épileuse qui me reçoit après la fermeture . Depuis mon nouveau début,... Read full Story
From a 50's virgin to a Mature good for all
***Prologue - Confessions: Every day since I offered my virginity, I put myself in the shoes of a woman. The little town where I live forbids me to show myself socially. However I made myself an accomplice, my epilator who receives me after closing. Since my new beginning, male masturbations are not... Read full Story
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me re... Read full Story
J'étais assis dans mon appartement à New York en train de boire quelques bières en m'apitoyant sur moi-même après avoir été largué par ma copine d'université quand j'ai reçu un appel d'un vieil ami de lycée me convainquant d'assister à notre réunion de lycée de 5 ans dans un ... Read full Story
Tourmenter ⚧️ ⚧️
Sasha attendait avec impatience ces vacances en famille depuis peu de temps. L'invitation était courte mais faisable et même si elle se sentait un peu pressée à son goût, tout se passait bien. Elle adorait sa caravane. 'Glamping'... camping glamour... convenait à son idée du confort e... Read full Story
*Clac* *Clac* *Clac* Le bruit de mes talons sur le carrelage de la cuisine me distrayait juste au moment où j'avais besoin de me concentrer. Ma femme, ou Maîtresse Vicky comme je dois l'appeler désormais, m'avait laissé pas mal de corvées à faire aujourd'hui. Je venais de finir de... Read full Story
Je n'ai jamais vraiment compris pourquoi je ne semblais tout simplement pas m'intégrer. 22 ans, un récent diplômé du secondaire, une apparence décente. Juste douloureusement mince. La plupart des gars que je connaissais au lycée semblaient appartenir à une sorte de groupe. Athlète, érudit ou... Read full Story
"Ok bébé, ferme les yeux", as-tu dit en embrassant le corps de ta petite amie. Vous avez pincé sa clavicule et traîné vos lèvres le long de la courbe d'un sein, vous arrêtant pour sucer et tirer sur son mamelon jusqu'à ce qu'il sorte de votre bouche de manière satisfaisante. Elle gémit doucement, to... Read full Story
Jaime se tournait et se retournait dans un sommeil agité, ses yeux fermés et son visage grimaçant alors qu'il luttait avec ses rêves. Normalement, il s'endormirait paisiblement au son d'un podcast bourdonnant, mais pas dernièrement. Bien qu'il ne le sache pas, chaque nuit, sa psyché ... Read full Story
Madame Margot Elizabeth Stott était l'objet de mes désirs, des désirs très secrets ; désire que je n'aie jamais eu l'intention de la laisser - ou qui que ce soit d'autre - le découvrir. Mme Margot Elizabeth Stott avait, au moment où je l'ai connue pour la première fois, environ 45 ans, peut-être ... Read full Story
Madame Margot Elizabeth Stott était l'objet de mes désirs, des désirs très secrets ; désire que je n'aie jamais eu l'intention de la laisser - ou qui que ce soit d'autre - le découvrir. Mme Margot Elizabeth Stott avait, au moment où je l'ai connue pour la première fois, environ 45 ans, peut-être ... Read full Story
It was while cutting across his back trailer park lawn around 7pm on misty July Saturday evening, when I first discovered that Mr. Parker was really a fag. How else could you describe a man wearing a long blonde wig on his head while below he wore only a large somehow stuffed pink lacey woman's bra ... Read full Story
Family Frolic
FRIDAY My sister and her husband wanted to take a few weeks off in the sun and asked me to look after their kids for a while. I'd move out of my tiny apartment and into their house for the duration. As I was still living off my severance and they had a nice spread with an indoor pool and a h... Read full Story
The Creators: Book One by
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pul... Read full Story
Southern Hospitality Ch. 01
XtinaSmith2017 Ash gawped at his mother, incredulous as to what she had just said. He understood the basic premise of what had happened, but the reasoning she must have had absolutely baffled him. "Why?! Why would you do that?!" He pleaded, voice light and desperate. She shrugged, looking acr... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Ado est forcé à poule mouillée
Ma première fois avec un autre homme était quand j'avais 18 ans à la fin des années 80. Ma copine était vierge et le plus loin nous sommes allés baiser et frotter avec nos vêtements. J'emmènerais mes magazines sales là où nous habitions dans les bois et enlèverais tous mes vêtements et me mastur... Read full Story
Son profil était assez simple sur le site. Il ne semblait rien vouloir pour lui-même, bien que je sois sûr qu'il apprécierait énormément le processus. Je suis tombé sur l'annonce lors d'une de mes nombreuses sessions en ligne de fin de soirée. Vous connaissez ceux, vous avez un peu de vi... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles au lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il profitait d'un dernier été avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un salaud ou un douchebag, c... Read full Story
It was the very first night of my month long North Carolina July summer vacation stay when my Aunt Meg suddenly entered the bedroom that I was temporarily sharing with my younger cousin Rudy. Being so openly effeminine in his body language,voice and looks, I had already planted such dirty thoughts ... Read full Story
How I Became the Sissy Slut
It all started when I was about 11. I was a very petite and short and had long straight brown hair with whispy bangs as a child. I was often mistaken for a girl. I have a sister who was 6 years older than me about my size she used to dress pretty sexy with the tight jeans and the skin tight sailor b... Read full Story
Too Much Hospitality
Ash looked himself over in his bedroom mirror critically, finding himself oddly self-conscious about his looks. He had been texting Laura all throughout the day and they had agreed that dressing pretty casual would draw the least suspicion, so he had. He wore a simple patterned t-shirt and some ... Read full Story
J'aime m'habiller. J'aime beaucoup me déguiser en femme. Cela dit, je suis un homme mais pas gay. J'adore le travestissement. Je fais du travestissement depuis des années et ma garde-robe s'est considérablement développée au cours de cette période. Le sentiment tabou de porter des vêtements fé... Read full Story
Transsexual Actresses Part 1
The adult entertainment market includes thousands of videos and DVD's featuring transsexual actresses. Some of the more popular of these celebrities have their own web pages. Brief profiles of some of these actresses, including a list of their films, appears after the initial list. Adriana Ventur... Read full Story
My Start
In the beginning, when I was younger and trying out my sexuality and starting to understand what I wanted and liked and craved and needed, I played with boys and girls. But in short order, I decided I wanted something in between. Which is how I would find myself sneaking into clubs in Manhattan in t... Read full Story
Lakeside Awakening
If anyone had told the way I'd meet my soul mate a few years ago, I never would have believed it. It was my senior year of high school and I had recently gotten out of yet another bad relationship with a girl. Lina had been a pretty, chubby blonde with a nice personality but a nasty temper. We ... Read full Story
How i started feeling like a girl
It was early in my puberty, I was the youngest in my group of friends and many of my them were already dating and having sex with the neighborhood girls. By this time I was beginning to learn more about my body and I noticed more about girls, especially my neighbor's girlfriend, I'll call her Camila... Read full Story
Panty Town
Chapter One -- Jamie Jamie Sanders did not think he was a sissy. Growing up, he played with trucks and showed his innate male aggression though soldiers games with the other boys. He climbed trees and watched baseball with his Dad and brother. Unfortunately, by the time he was in eighth grad... Read full Story
La dernière feuille d'automne est tombée au sol alors que j'emballais le dernier de mes livres dans une boîte en carton. Je n'en ai jamais lu aucun, mais ma mère était catégorique pour que je garde chacun d'eux. En raison de problèmes financiers, notre emballage et notre déménagement ont été retardé... Read full Story
Giving Away Virginia Holton
Today would have to wait, thought Marla Holton as she hurriedly gathered her bag and notebook in preparation for a no-holds-barred departure from her office at Prism Design. As general manager she had the privilege of arriving and leaving at will, though no one could ever fault her for not putting i... Read full Story
Southern Hospitality Ch. 02
XtinaSmith2017 Laura felt herself lifted lazily from the arms of sleep, her body relaxed and floating on a small cloud of pleasure, her mind filled with images, sensations, not pulled from whatever dream she had just been having but instead, memories, memories from the night before. Memories of... Read full Story
Ash regarda sa mère, incrédule quant à ce qu'elle venait de dire. Il comprenait la prémisse de base de ce qui s'était passé, mais le raisonnement qu'elle avait dû le déconcerter. "Pourquoi ?! Pourquoi ferais-tu ça ?!" Il a plaidé, la voix légère et désespérée. Elle haussa l... Read full Story
Teacher Student Confidentiality
It was raining cats and dogs outside as Ms. Catherine Walker (Cat by her friends) graded her Accelerated Integrated Geometry test scores. Her was long and flowing and her sweater was purposely pulled low to embarrass the male teachers with her cleavage. Her cock twitched as she shifted her leg to a ... Read full Story
ROBERTO’S SECRET by Spanky De Bautumn
Cody Daniels was only trying to help her country; she never dreamed things would come to this. She was patriotic and felt compelled to do whatever asked of her to aid in the capture of the terrorist known only as "Roberto". But lying in his bed, bound and gagged, Cody wondered why she let herself go... Read full Story
Southern Hospitality Ch. 03
XtinaSmith2017 Ash looked himself over in his bedroom mirror critically, finding himself oddly self-conscious about his looks. He had been texting Laura all throughout the day and they had agreed that dressing pretty casual would draw the least suspicion, so he had. He wore a simple patterned ... Read full Story
Marcia Goes Back to School
Marcia was painfully nervous. She hadn't been able to eat very much in days. The upside was she was even skinnier which would make Mistress and her husband very happy. She'd always been thin and on the diet Mistress Carol had her on she was already thinner than she dreamed possible. Her anxious stom... Read full Story
I am Baaack! Part 1
PROLOGUE: Ross Thorn, aka Nick Mitchell, paced back and forth in his office high up in the Hancock Building. He glanced out the corner windows. North you could see out over Chicago's North Side to almost as far as Wilmette, and east out over the lake almost to Michigan. It was a perfect spring da... Read full Story
Buffy the Shemale Vampire Slayer Part 5
By the time that Buffy arrived at Rupert Giles' apartment, the former librarian, her ex-Watcher, had just finished reading a new volume of what Edgar Allan Poe, in The Raven, had referred to as a "curious and quaint volume of forgotten lore." He'd just settled the large, leather-bound volu... Read full Story
Nylon teasers
They came into the video store where I worked as a clerk. Almost every day. Teasers. Both of them. What made it both great and terrible for me was that it fed my deepest fetish -- stockings -- as it denied me any fulfillment other than frequent and frantic "self-gratification."... Read full Story