Free Stories

Avec un soupir, je me suis effondré dans mon canapé et j'ai ouvert une bière. J'ai fermé les yeux et j'ai écouté, le silence et le bourdonnement lointain d'une autoroute étaient la seule chose que j'ai entendue. J'ai ouvert les yeux et j'ai regardé autour de moi et je n'ai vu personne. Il a commencé... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me regarde avec un gr... Read full Story
Giving shemale a blowjob for the first time
I've been fantasizing about a shemale cock for a long time. Get me right, I am a straight man and all, but somehow the idea of sucking a girl's dick always turned me on. I'm not a big fan of anal sex and I don't think I'd love someone's cock in my ass, I'd rather prefer to give shemale a blowjob. ... Read full Story
My first blowjob
I met a shemale online called melisa and we had been talking over msn for afew days, mainly having saucy chats about sex and getting off. She asked me to meet her on the coming weekend which excited me as i was a virgin to cock. We arranged to meet in a bar that was a stone's throw away from my f... Read full Story
My first blowjob from a hot transexual next door
In my neighborhood there's a transexual friend of my mom, she owns a salon, and it was frequent for me to wait for my mom to get her hair done, while i just looked at her discretly, she was around mid thirties, with a very hot body and beautiful blonde hair, it was a common sight to watch her walk o... Read full Story
My First Blowjob
Fuck! I'm so jealous! Back in my teens I could self suck! I'd lock myself in the bathroom, lay on my back and bring my legs over top. I was able to not only get the head of my.cock in my mouth, but half of my length as well. The first time I nutted in my own mouth, I wasn't prepared for the big lo... Read full Story
Comme tous les seniors de 18 ans, je vivais vite et chassais le cul. Ma vie avait été une ligne forte entre ce que mon esprit pensait que je devais faire et ce que ma bite voulait que je fasse. C'est pourquoi je suis chez la fille la plus salope de l'école. Elle suce ma bite comme si c'était un Toot... Read full Story
Morgan Ashley était une très jolie dame, pas une star de cinéma glamour, mais bien plus jolie que tout ce que son mari mauviette Robin attirerait normalement. À peine sortie de la douche, elle portait un peignoir en velours côtelé rouge et ses longs cheveux roux étaient enveloppés dans une serviette... Read full Story
« Suspendu ? Comment ça, je suis suspendu ? » dit Alina. "Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. Zut, je pense que je suis gentil de ne pas vous dénoncer à la police. Vous l'avez mise enceinte pour l'amour de Dieu", a déclaré le principal Pulcher. "Mais je n'ai jamais été s... Read full Story
Quelque part au milieu de la vingtaine, j'ai réalisé que les femmes avaient du pouvoir sur moi. Les commentaires de mes amis parlaient de conquêtes féminines - je n'avais pas de tels sentiments. J'ai été obligé de renoncer à mon pouvoir d'homme et de me soumettre à leur pouvoir de femme. Ma se... Read full Story
Je venais d'avoir 23 ans et je profitais de mon été. J'ai récemment déménagé en Floride pour mon premier emploi après l'université. Je viens du Midwest, vous pouvez donc imaginer à quel point j'étais excité par le changement de décor. Je suis assez grand, un bon mélange entre musclé et tonique, une ... Read full Story
C'est ma première année à la fac, et c'est déjà devenu l'enfer à cause du harcèlement. Mon tyran Jordan se moque toujours de mon corps. J'avais atteint la puberté tard au lycée, et quand elle est arrivée, je n'ai pas vécu le changement impossible que les autres ont fait. Au lieu de cela, j'ai des ép... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me re... Read full Story
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Read full Story
L'interview L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par Mary et a mar... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
Olivia grimaça alors que les sacs de courses s'enfonçaient dans ses paumes. La journée avait été longue, et l'ascenseur en panne ne lui apporta aucune joie alors qu'elle se dirigeait vers le premier des sept étages qu'elle devait gravir. Une collègue de travail avait mentionné la liv... Read full Story
"Des rochers. Je savais que ce serait des rochers, ils se faufilent toujours sur vous." Vance siffla en levant les yeux vers la masse de débris qui tombaient maintenant vers lui alors qu'il se tenait debout et regardait avec défi l'énorme quantité de terre qui s'effondrait comme un véritable héros !... Read full Story
Tim est entré dans la pièce de devant de la maison de son ami et a appuyé plusieurs fois sur l'interrupteur. "Hey Harley, ta lumière est éteinte", a-t-il crié dans les escaliers. "Ouais, c'est capricieux, je pense que tout cet endroit a besoin d'être recâblé. Il y a une de ces lampes sur la table... Read full Story
Comment sissy apprend à aimer le goût du sperme
La plupart des poules mouillées veulent entretenir une bite et apprendre à la prendre dans leur précieuse petite chatte de poule mouillée. Ils ont aussi besoin de goûter, voire de manger, le sperme. Bien sûr, comme toute autre chose dans la vie, cela nécessite une formation. Manger du sperme conc... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Ado est forcé à poule mouillée
Ma première fois avec un autre homme était quand j'avais 18 ans à la fin des années 80. Ma copine était vierge et le plus loin nous sommes allés baiser et frotter avec nos vêtements. J'emmènerais mes magazines sales là où nous habitions dans les bois et enlèverais tous mes vêtements et me mastur... Read full Story
- Trou de gloire du sex-shop - "Hey bébé, quand est-ce que tu rentres à la maison?" le message texte bourdonnait doucement. Sortant discrètement le téléphone de ma poche, je tape "Même heure que d'habitude, juste après 5 heures, pourquoi... quoi de neuf ?" C'est mon amante Sarah, ma meilleu... Read full Story
Les choses allaient si bien.... Après un long et misérable quart de travail, Steven rentrait enfin chez lui. La plupart des gens détestent faire la navette, mais Steven trouve que la demi-heure de route est un moyen idéal pour se détendre avec un livre audio ou un podcast. Dernièrement, cette pet... Read full Story
Le lycée est un endroit compliqué avec différents groupes de personnes qui luttent pour trouver leur chemin dans le monde. Qu'il s'agisse d'étudiants de première année qui viennent d'emménager dans un nouvel endroit inconnu et effrayant, ou de seniors qui sont maintenant de jeunes ad... Read full Story
Dès que je me suis réveillé, j'ai su que quelque chose s'était passé. J'ai senti l'étreinte chaleureuse du sommeil s'éloigner lentement. Mon esprit essayait de donner un sens à l'endroit où j'étais. Un hôtel? Je ne me souvenais pas d'y être arrivé. Ma tête était si... Read full Story
J'ai été conduit dans le bureau de M. Sharad. Ce travail allait complètement transformer ma vie ! Je pourrais rembourser mes dettes et commencer l'hypothèque. Ma voiture ne serait pas saisie, et je ne serais pas mis sur liste noire. Tout tournait autour de ce travail. Je n'avais même pas postulé pou... Read full Story
"Hey bébé, quand est-ce que tu rentres à la maison?" le message texte bourdonnait doucement. Sortant discrètement le téléphone de ma poche, je tape "Même heure que d'habitude, juste après 5 heures, pourquoi... quoi de neuf ?" C'est mon amante Sarah, ma meilleure amie et une femme que je connai... Read full Story
"Eh bien, il fait tout cela en tant que Ginger, vous savez. C'est le truc", a confié Cheryl à ma femme Cindy alors qu'ils parlaient pendant leur pause déjeuner. "C'est sa motivation. Il était comme John jusqu'à ce que je trouve la clé pour le motiver". "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par 'comme Ginge... Read full Story
"Daadddd, est-ce qu'on doit vraiment faire ça ?" ma fille pleurnichait. "Je suis aussi mécontent que toi, Tracy, mais je ne pouvais pas dire non. Tu es stagiaire dans leur magazine l'été prochain, tu te souviens ? Un bon tour en mérite un autre." Elle m'a juste fait la moue. Tracy est une étud... Read full Story
A Close Encounter of the...
Another great tape and another great yank of the crank. Yea, she-males were pretty hot, Tom thought as he hit the eject bottom on the tape deck, but where on earth would he really find one? He had little doubt that if he did find a place where they hung out that there would be more than a few with a... Read full Story
A Day Driving in the Country
Day off, out for a drive. What a predicament, standing on the side of the road next to my open car door with my hands straight up in the air; looking down the barrel of a Highway Patrolman's handgun. I'm about to pee my pants, that is what little bit of pants I have on. The Highway Patrolman is d... Read full Story
The Magic of the Lamp
"Are you serious? I'll give you $20 bucks for that thing!" said Tommy. Tommy couldn't believe how lucky he had just gotten. Thrift shops were notorious here for ripping people off, but this store seemed to be giving him a pretty good deal! "Yessir. We have had that little lamp f... Read full Story
My name is Anastasia, although the real name is Nick. As you can see I'm a decent boy day, a normal relationship with girl (not so normal, but that another story!), Sociableness and not effeminate at work and generally to the outside world. But when you go home and my girl is missing, I beco... Read full Story
Fem Firm 2 -The Weathergirl
PART 1: A COURTESY CLIENT BLOWJOB Three weeks into my gig at Coxon & Dicster had been a blast. At first, a few of the girls had some reservations about me working there because I wasn't transgendered myself but I guess I won them over with my naturally cheerful personality. At least,... Read full Story
At a recent TV gurls party, I was involved with a 4 and 5 way sex orgy held in a big private house near Brisbane AUSTRALIA. I arrived all dressed & fixed my make-up & hair as we chatted & gossiped over glasses of wine & some lunch. The other gurls arrived as we got re... Read full Story
The Babysitter's Secret
The story that I am about to tell you took place on a day that started out very ordinary, but would end up as the least ordinary day of my life. Until that particular Winter day, I thought I knew who I was. I was Peter Fuller -- respected educator, devoted husband, loving father. I had never cheated... Read full Story
Jon had invited me to spend another weekend at his place with another of his friends. I always find his friends to be interesting so I accepted. Jon had given me a garage door opener and a key to his home after my first visit. He met me as I parked my car in the garage. He was wearing his usual skim... Read full Story
My Dominate Spanish Mistress Part One
Chapter 1: Should I even put this in chapters? I have always been somewhat of a sub. My previous girlfriends have never really inspired me to go any further than the regular sex acts, missionary and such. None of them have been shy about telling me about my sexual performance, they all seemed to sa... Read full Story
Marcia Goes Back to School
Marcia was painfully nervous. She hadn't been able to eat very much in days. The upside was she was even skinnier which would make Mistress and her husband very happy. She'd always been thin and on the diet Mistress Carol had her on she was already thinner than she dreamed possible. Her anxious stom... Read full Story
Sucking Off Straight Guy
I got sent a message on twitter and it was a guy and his profile picture was him and his girlfriend and he message said I really think you are hot can I have a blowjob I said thanks but don't you have a girlfriend to suck you off he said I do but I have been watching a lot of Crossdressers suck... Read full Story
Shemale Gangbang
I am not your average female. But I guess I am not your average male either. You see, I am a tranny. I make a really hot woman. I am 5'10", am slim and have dark, wavy hair that comes down to tight between my shoulder blades. The only thing I was missing was beautiful tits. So I got those as we... Read full Story
His Perfect Shemale Partner Part 2
Quite a few things have changed since the last chapter. OK maybe not that many, I am still lusting after Sally's body needing to have my dick in her and feel her in me, but we are a lot closer now as we are living together. Sally has gone to her 1st choice University and I decided I would rather get... Read full Story
Career Shift
Receptions are not my favourite things in the world to attend. I don't mingle and 'rub elbows' like agents and sales people do. I usually end up at the bar drinking alone, looking at all the phoney people. I am a writer, a sports column writer more specifically. The magazine that I write for is one ... Read full Story
A Harmless Fantasy?
I lie in bed at night, trying to get to sleep, but my mind wanders. I think of all sorts of things, and eventually my mind heads off into a land of fantasy. In fact, it is one fantasy in particular, and it's one that I have been having ever more frequently over the last couple of years. Each time it... Read full Story
Working with Trista
Day 1: I had just started my new job; only a month in and so far it was ok. I was laid off months earlier and forced to start working in a temp firm. The hours were all right, the pay was reasonable, and I couldn't complain about the commute. I was told this position could potentially turn into a... Read full Story
Halloween with Movie Stars Chapter 4
Pete and Tim...first time without the girls There was a knock on the door. Pete knew it was Tim. They saw each other earlier at class and decided to get together after school. "Hey Suck Buddy," he said with a crooked grin. "Come on in." Tim returned the smile as he walked ... Read full Story
Getting caught with sub Roxi in the forest
I met TV sub Roxi in the car park & we drove in her car to a pull off area in the forest where I had been before.. It was drizzling slightly as we got out & walked across the grass to a shelter with a seat. I went to the ladies toilet on the way & then joined Roxi. We had a good ... Read full Story
The Girl Next Door Ch. 02 by derezzed ©
Chapter 2 – Taking the Next Step Into Depravity Michael hardly got any sleep that night. When he did his dreams were filled with images of Jenny and her large penis. He tossed and turned in frustration. As he rolled over for what felt like the thousandth time he was blinded by the sunlight that h... Read full Story
Showing my femininity
When I was still little guy, my stepfather always told me I wasn't a real boy, but I was his little girl. One day, he was drinking beer with his friends, so he grabbed me by the arm, pulled my shorts down and showed off my teeny cock to them. I remember that all of them laughed at me. They made fun ... Read full Story
Fucking with Gina!
Hi! Here I am with my own story! I’m a young white guy, a good looking son of a bitch! When I was a college student, one of those numerous young people who always rush for something, then I was a focus of interest for lots of chicks around! But then something changed. Changed a lot. As I remem... Read full Story
First cock in skirt
Another little hot story from our forum. A guy who goes by nick Stephen54 writes about his very first experience with a hot CD, getting and giving his first blowjob and having anal sex for the first time. Hello. Was wondering what peoples first time experience was? Mine was back in the 70's, d... Read full Story
She Seemed To Love Shemale Video Chat
The wife and I have a really nice sex life. It’s all fine, although I’ve told her a couple of times that I’d love it if she could try and improve her ‘oral’ skills, if you get me. She didn’t seem to mind my comment and I can tell you that she really tried to work ... Read full Story
The Terrace View Apartments Part 7
My new life had settled into a wonderful routine. I would wake very early in the morning, usually still wrapped securely in Mistress Kendra’s arms. I would spend an hour or so working on my figure maintenance exercises, enjoy a cleansing enema, a refreshing bath and body shave, then I would la... Read full Story
My girlfriend Gloria and I had just moved into an apartment together, having gone out for six months or so, before making the committment. We moved in furniture from each of our apartments, after deciding what would go best in the new place. With the exception of a television, we really had eve... Read full Story
Teacher Student Confidentiality
It was raining cats and dogs outside as Ms. Catherine Walker (Cat by her friends) graded her Accelerated Integrated Geometry test scores. Her was long and flowing and her sweater was purposely pulled low to embarrass the male teachers with her cleavage. Her cock twitched as she shifted her leg to a ... Read full Story