Free Stories

A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Read full Story
intimate Cousins
My favorite cousin and first lover, Billy, was just released from prison and I was anxious to see him. I am ecstatic that he is out, and I am thinking about all the past fun we had as I prepare to revisit those good times. Tommy knows all about my relationship with Billy and he understands my need t... Read full Story
Vanessa gets more than she bargained for!
Vanessa had it all planned out meticulously. She had taken the day off and planned on doing a bit of last minute shopping before checking into the hotel in the early afternoon. She eventually decided on buying a massive dildo to get her ready for the party. This would give her plenty of time to take... Read full Story
Sultry Mistress,
Sultry Mistress, Natacha has now been living with me for over a year. It is a cerebral and perverse Domina who immediately wanted to submit me to her desires. She took power over me by making me discover my femininity during role-playing games. Like a spider, she imprisons me in her web a ... Read full Story
3 ans de bonheur conjugal. Cela après être sorti pendant 3 ans. Je savais que j'aurais pu faire bien pire. Nous étions heureux ensemble et l'entreprise que nous menions en partenariat avait pris d'assaut. Nous nous étions rencontrés au départ à l'école de design, nous avions sympathisé à la fois dan... Read full Story
Vanessa and the workmen gangbang
The three workmen were slaving away in the back garden, in the hot sun. Vanessa watched them from the upstairs bedroom window, getting more excited by the second. Under her robe she was wearing a beautiful red basque with a red g-string, black stockings and five inch heels. This was topped off with ... Read full Story
The Weekend
The weekend A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wife Part 1 - The preparation samantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions... Read full Story
My wife found out I also love cock
Even though I've been a tranny lover since I was 18 I ended up marrying Barb she had a set of tits and an ass built for speed. I never told her about my past nor did I pump her for her past. We had been married for a couple of months when I got that need for big black cock again so while Barb slept ... Read full Story
MY Party Favor Fantasy
My Party Favor Fantasy A fictional story built around an old fantasy of mine I ran a notice on one of those sex sites that said” Help me fulfill my fantasy and I bet we take care of some of yours also. Hi there, I am Penny and I am a total bottom trans w... Read full Story
Ma femme Rona était assise sur le canapé avec son pop-corn pendant que je terminais les plats du souper. « Hal ! Dépêche toi Hal, ça va commencer », m'a fait signe ma femme excitée. "Une seconde chérie. J'ai presque fini," répondis je en rangeant la dernière assiette. Mon épouse de vingt-six ans ... Read full Story
Crossdressed Lana - Hannover, Germany
Crossdressed Lana - Hannover, Germany Very Sexy & Compliant Sub-Slut Is Searching For Kinky BDSM Live-Dates At Hannover, Germany!!! I Am Bisexual And Want Men, Woman, Couples And Trans For Outdoor, Swingerclub, Porncinema And Public Sex. I Love To Wear Very Hot & Sexy Clothes Like Lingerie, Stoc... Read full Story
Sissy Slut: Gang Favored
I confess I am a nymphomaniac shemale slut who loves being the object of a man’s desires. That's why I was out here with these hookers trying to hook up with somebody to have sex. I'm either having sex or I'm thinking about having sex most of the time I like being a honey. I love having sex with men... Read full Story
Double penetration in Vegas
On a trip to Los Vegas for my Birthday we had a great time. Same old shit, we won and lost, saw all the sites and a few shows. The last night we were there however we were BORED…. That being said and knowing US, We took a stroll around the hotel. Maxx was checking out all the hot women in the... Read full Story
The Gang
I had always thought of myself as female in spite of the fact that I was born with male genitlia. Even in my earliest memories where I had witness sex, I identified with the female in the relationship. As a small young child, I had always longed for womanhood each time I heard a woman sing or especi... Read full Story
Je suis une salope C’est un des fantasmes récurrents de la majorité des hommes qui aiment se travestir. Et j’avoue que l’idée m’a souvent excitée. Alors que j’étais avec ma femme dans une boutique de lingerie à Pigalle , des dessous très sexy entre les mains, un homme d'un certain âge a surpri... Read full Story
C'était mardi soir, ce qui signifiait que Lena se préparait pour son cours d'aérobic. Bien qu'elle ne travaillait pas, elle était certainement occupée à construire et à maintenir une vie sociale et à faire en général les choses qu'elle voulait. Il n'y avait pas un jour où Lena n'avait pas fait qu... Read full Story
Je savais. En regardant en arrière maintenant, je me rends compte que j'ai toujours su. Je n'ai jamais rien fait à ce sujet, jusqu'à ce que je sois prêt mentalement, émotionnellement et physiquement. Je suis né Matthew J. Smith au milieu des années 70 en Amérique centrale aux États-Unis. J'ai grandi... Read full Story
La journée a commencé comme n'importe quel autre jour. Vikki se lève à l'aube, prend sa douche le matin et se sèche les cheveux. Ses longs cheveux ondulés brun foncé Lucius tombant en place aussi élégamment, magnifiquement et naturellement que jamais. Avoir l'air époustouflant était une demande si f... Read full Story
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à ving... Read full Story
C'était vendredi, le réveil a sonné ; ma femme a tendu la main et l'a éteint en se levant pour se préparer au travail. J'étais infirmier et j'avais un week-end de trois jours comme d'habitude ; et comme d'habitude, je me suis levé et j'ai préparé le petit déjeuner qui consistait à griller les bag... Read full Story
Jo, Shemale Goddess! Part 1
Jo plumped the cushion and carefully positioned it until it was precisely at the right angle. Nothing less than perfection would do. Ricki, her friend of twelve years was coming to stay overnight and she would notice if the tiniest thing was out of place. An impatient knock on the door signalled ... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
A busy Friday night
I had been looking forward to this weekend for a month. My wife was going to visit some friends in NYC, and I was staying home, by myself. Yup, just me and all of my favorite things, like stockings and panties, and sexy little outfits. The torture was finally over, and the Friday she was to leave, a... Read full Story
Carol, The Saga Continues
It's very late Monday night as Carol returns from the date that J C had forced her to keep, she places her purse on the hall table, throws her jacket over a chair and walks toward her bedroom. She can't wait to shed this clothing that J C demanded she wear. As she walks, her feet, clad in the five i... Read full Story
Dating all whole my life
Julia and Ilya, together 10 years It was more than 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gate of my office after a working day. I did not go out godlessly for a long time (40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he does not regret it ... Read full Story
Morgan Ashley était une très jolie dame, pas une star de cinéma glamour, mais bien plus jolie que tout ce que son mari mauviette Robin attirerait normalement. À peine sortie de la douche, elle portait un peignoir en velours côtelé rouge et ses longs cheveux roux étaient enveloppés dans une serviette... Read full Story
It was while cutting across his back trailer park lawn around 7pm on misty July Saturday evening, when I first discovered that Mr. Parker was really a fag. How else could you describe a man wearing a long blonde wig on his head while below he wore only a large somehow stuffed pink lacey woman's bra ... Read full Story
Ma femme, Jill, était à Denver pendant douze jours pour assister à un séminaire médical pour les chirurgiens plasticiens et ne devait pas revenir avant quelques jours. En raison de son travail, elle assiste à plusieurs séminaires, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'État, parfois un jour ou plusieur... Read full Story
Nylon teasers
They came into the video store where I worked as a clerk. Almost every day. Teasers. Both of them. What made it both great and terrible for me was that it fed my deepest fetish -- stockings -- as it denied me any fulfillment other than frequent and frantic "self-gratification."... Read full Story
David to Dee Chapter 2
His nipples had grown considerably over the last two months. Gina had been putting those little nipple suckers on him twice a day. Dave wouldn't be going to the gym anymore. Well, it had been a long time since he'd gone to the gym, anyway. Since Gina had had him shave his entire body, last spring... Read full Story
Liberty meeting, chapter1
On a beautiful summer day, my phone rings. It's Steve, the boss of a transvestite company who calls me. - Hello Sandra, I have four new friends waiting for you at the club. - Thanks for thinking of me, I'll be right there, I said, hanging up. I am happy with his call because I always meet ... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
La fin d'une autre longue journée. Près de 19h00 et Colin Spencer travaillait toujours dans son box, presque terminé avec le dernier des papiers que l'un des associés principaux de la société d'investissement dans laquelle il avait effectué un stage depuis près d'un an maintenant l&#... Read full Story
Tourmenter ⚧️ ⚧️
Sasha attendait avec impatience ces vacances en famille depuis peu de temps. L'invitation était courte mais faisable et même si elle se sentait un peu pressée à son goût, tout se passait bien. Elle adorait sa caravane. 'Glamping'... camping glamour... convenait à son idée du confort e... Read full Story
Aujourd'hui, ma mère et moi sommes allés acheter des maillots de bain dans un grand magasin local. C'était en début d'après-midi et nous avions pratiquement l'endroit pour nous tous seuls. En entrant dans le magasin, nous sommes passés devant une grande colonne couverte de miroirs, et je me suis ... Read full Story