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« Suspendu ? Comment ça, je suis suspendu ? » dit Alina. "Je n'ai pas vraiment le choix. Zut, je pense que je suis gentil de ne pas vous dénoncer à la police. Vous l'avez mise enceinte pour l'amour de Dieu", a déclaré le principal Pulcher. "Mais je n'ai jamais été s... Read full Story
Cela ressemblait un peu à de la prostitution, mais elle était convaincue que c'était le seul moyen pour elle de payer ses études. Elle était assise dans un bureau chic, à côté d'une femme professionnelle bien habillée. Sa famille n'était pas aisée et la seule option pour payer ses étu... Read full Story
Fucking Insatiable
* Draenei futanari, as many of us have become intimately aware, are fucking insatiable. For many of the same reasons, they also have a tendency towards entitlement and ego issues. This is hardly surprising, being a magically-fueled blue-skinned space-babe with positively porn-star T&A and a d... Read full Story
Sissy Maddie's New Apartment Gangbang
I’d just moved into the big city. Me on my own in a cheap apartment block. The flat was nothing special by any means, and the room next to mine seemed to be noisy with parties. But I was glad to be on my own. I had almost finished unpacking my belongings when I came across my stash of female clothi... Read full Story
My First Gangbang
For as long as I can remember, I have always enjoyed wearing women's clothing. When I was in fifth grade, I started wearing pantyhose under my pants during the winter. By the time I was going into the seventh grade, I had learned that, not only did I enjoy wearing pantyhose, I also liked playing wit... Read full Story
I was just out to show off, and have a good time wearing a short skirt and high heels at the local TV club. Tonight, though, I went a little farther than usual. I had bought some new things, and I was dying to show them off. I wore my latex rubber corset: pitch black, very tight, and very heav... Read full Story
My day after forced feminization - fetish
My typical day starts with getting dressed in one of my favorite outfits. Short minidress, thigh highs, thongs, a corset and 6 inch Stilettos. I started wearing a corset to get my waist tighter and transition too the perfect hourglass figure. After Breakfast typically one of my wife's friends stop... Read full Story
From accidental trans porn addiction to a cum filled booty
One night when I was around 30 or so I was watching some porn, nothing unusual for a guy like me, aka a sex addict. Sex addiction is great if you’re Tiger Woods and swimming in poon, but for guys like me - regular, awkward, slightly handsome in a very boyish way, weirdos — it’s not that fun. We... Read full Story
my fetish runs my life
I live in solitude, unable to cum out, a dresser drawer full of frilly, silken underwear, a well maintained soul patch and a limp cock, I need a dom so bad, a liv =e in, a pink room seclusion and conversion, fed female hormones, a cage to crush my shriveling cock, an enlarged, long butt plug that in... Read full Story
Purple Kiss, part 1
It happened during a week long trip for work. By the third night in a strange city I had grown tired of the hotel bar and broke away from my work colleagues for change of scenery. I told my coworkers that I was going to bed then quickly made my escape. The night was warm so I decided to take my o... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à ving... Read full Story
Kyla essuya la sueur de ses yeux, puis essuya le liquide de sa main, tout en s'appuyant sur son balai. Ce putain de jour était trop chaud, bien trop chaud. Elle regarda autour d'elle : le vestiaire vide était complètement immobile, attendant patiemment d'être nettoyé, son air saturé de l'odeur de... Read full Story
Kyla essuya la sueur de ses yeux, puis essuya le liquide de sa main, tout en s'appuyant sur son balai. Ce putain de jour était trop chaud, bien trop chaud. Elle regarda autour d'elle : le vestiaire vide était complètement immobile, attendant patiemment d'être nettoyé, son air saturé d... Read full Story
My journey so far
Hi everyone and welcome to my page. I’ve accepted who I am as both a man and women already so far and I love to use both. Art is my passion, and pornography is art. I’m hoping to gain a following so I can fully pursue that passion. I found my camera’s battery today so I’m hoping to make at least... Read full Story
Alex mordilla sa lèvre en fixant le test d'anatomie devant lui. Après une semaine épuisante de finales et de sessions d'étude nocturnes, c'était enfin son dernier test. La liberté était si proche qu'il pouvait presque y goûter. Sa jambe rebondit anxieusement alors qu'il remplissait une autre série d... Read full Story
Wie sich schlagartig mein Sex Leben änderte... Teil 1
ich war nun schon einige Zeit heimlicher Crossdresser. Nie wurde ich von meiner Freundin erwischt, auch wenn es manchmal wirklich knapp war! Ich hatte ein sicheres Versteck für meine schönen Sachen und meine Sextoys und konnte hin und wieder meine geheime Neigung ausleben wenn sie nicht da war.Trotz... Read full Story
Le premier jour du reste de la vie de Christopher Matthey, la matinée de Chris a commencé comme d'habitude. Le nettoyage de la vaisselle du repas de la veille était laissé à son père Alec qui ronflait, non pas dans sa chambre, mais sur le canapé où il s'était endormi en regardant la télé. Ch... Read full Story
Les choses allaient si bien.... Après un long et misérable quart de travail, Steven rentrait enfin chez lui. La plupart des gens détestent faire la navette, mais Steven trouve que la demi-heure de route est un moyen idéal pour se détendre avec un livre audio ou un podcast. Dernièrement, cette pet... Read full Story
Meranda avait fait partie du projet militaire d'Athéna. Elle était, très grande pour une femme, environ six trois. Elle se réveillait toujours à six heures sans problème. Ensuite, elle faisait ses cent pompes. Malgré son conditionnement, elle avait toujours une taille de poitrine substantielle q... Read full Story
A Futa Futcha
This story depicts a fetish know as Futanari Fuatnari: A type of Hentai, most often depicting hermaphrodites or females with male sex organs. Also known as Dickgirls. Transformation Futa is a long standing kink of mine, though it has been a while since I indulged. The major difference is that ... Read full Story
Le soleil de l'après-midi était brûlant alors qu'Andrew se précipitait sur le trottoir. Le bas de ses baskets fondait pratiquement sur le trottoir chaud alors qu'il se dirigeait vers la salle de sport. Il n'avait pas de sac d'entraînement ni de lecteur audio parce qu'il n'allait pas faire d'exercice... Read full Story
My Brother and I.
HI, I am Farzana,(have set my name recently,before that my name was Raja). I am Bangladeshi. I have been leaving with my family.Now I live with my Dad only.Some times, He invite his friends also. I will tell You about this later. I am 27 years old.The story I am sharing with You is about ...14 year... Read full Story
A Game within a Game Part 1
Epilogue Rob came home from work. His wife Jenny was waiting for him. In her hands she held a letter. Jenny said: "We received this letter today. It is sad news from Marion S. We have met her and her husband John a few times - do you remember? John has had a car accident while driving fas... Read full Story
Sissy Slut: Gang Favored
I confess I am a nymphomaniac shemale slut who loves being the object of a man’s desires. That's why I was out here with these hookers trying to hook up with somebody to have sex. I'm either having sex or I'm thinking about having sex most of the time I like being a honey. I love having sex with men... Read full Story
The journey down the Rabbit Hole...
Nearly 30 years, living a double life. Sneaking around on two Xwives, several girlfriends, all to play with men.Play,and play and play. Responding to personal adds in the paper at first, then I found the Bath House. Wow, to a closeted homophobic acting oilfield lifestyle kind of guy, who could hide ... Read full Story
Le lycée est un endroit compliqué avec différents groupes de personnes qui luttent pour trouver leur chemin dans le monde. Qu'il s'agisse d'étudiants de première année qui viennent d'emménager dans un nouvel endroit inconnu et effrayant, ou de seniors qui sont maintenant de jeunes ad... Read full Story
The sissy dreams
Everyday I wake up in a state , halfway between a happy sissy and a closeted white boy. My mind is constantly trapped in that state. Suffering in silence, the people in my life seem to be oblivious to it, I have it well hid. 48 years of fist fights and weed, long hair and leather coats, Oilfield job... Read full Story
Sissy gets her Prezzie
Justina woke up on Monday morning and was already tired, she had been dogging till 3 and her little ass was a little bit sore. She made her way to the bathroom and had a pee, brushed her teeth then headed for the kitchen to make coffee. As she was walking her phone went off, she had a text from ... Read full Story
Gangbanged at the beach
My BBC friend took me to the beach, where people make sex. We arrived in his van. I was in the back of the van, chained blind folded, with my mouth wide open and a huge horse dildo in my sissy pussy. Suddenly I hear the van door opening. I hear many voices of other men. My BBC friend was telling oth... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Tony et je mesure 5'8 ", ne pèse que 58 kilogrammes, sans graisse corporelle et un chiffre pour lequel la plupart des filles tueraient selon toutes les filles que je connais. J'ai un teint olive et je bronze très bien, J'ai les cheveux bruns courts et les yeux couleur noisette. Je suis ... Read full Story
Une femme attrape la grippe Futa ⚧️⚧️
Jessica étudia attentivement la recherche, la bouche grande ouverte d'incrédulité. La science derrière cela était pour le moins sommaire. Elle avait étudié la biologie à l'université et savait donc qu'une partie de cela était un fait scientifique bien connu, mais vers la fin, cela a dérivé vers l'ab... Read full Story
Tim est entré dans la pièce de devant de la maison de son ami et a appuyé plusieurs fois sur l'interrupteur. "Hey Harley, ta lumière est éteinte", a-t-il crié dans les escaliers. "Ouais, c'est capricieux, je pense que tout cet endroit a besoin d'être recâblé. Il y a une de ces lampes sur la table... Read full Story
1. 'Alan à Alisha...' La salle de bain était embuée et le miroir s'embuait alors que je me dirigeais vers la baignoire. Là, dans toute sa gloire, était assise ma magnifique épouse Liz qui occupait déjà un coin de la baignoire, seul le haut de son torse était visible avec toute la mousse qui l'ent... Read full Story
Certains pensent qu'une lune rouge n'est que le reflet du soleil provoquant la teinte rouge rouille et étrange. Alors que d'autres croient en une signification plus spirituelle derrière la couleur de la roche lunaire éclairant notre ciel nocturne. Ce soir, s'il y avait un moment p... Read full Story
Amy se réveilla, surprise par le son strident de son alarme. Elle se réinstalla dans son oreiller et regarda de côté son horloge. En lisant l'affichage numérique, elle s'assit comme un boulon. « 8h30 ? Merde, je vais être si en retard ! Amy a sauté du lit et s'est habillée aussi vi... Read full Story
Gemini Sluts and Gang
My good friend Renee and I had set up a double date gang bang for tonight now that she was finally out of the closet and ready. She has decided that life is too short to remain in the closet and miss out on all the fun. Renee and I have so much in common. Besides loving sex, we both have a fetish f... Read full Story
"Des rochers. Je savais que ce serait des rochers, ils se faufilent toujours sur vous." Vance siffla en levant les yeux vers la masse de débris qui tombaient maintenant vers lui alors qu'il se tenait debout et regardait avec défi l'énorme quantité de terre qui s'effondrait comme un véritable héros !... Read full Story
Vance n'était pas ce que vous appelleriez un homme typique de l'empire. Non pas qu'il n'en ait pas l'air, des années de génie génétique, un bon élevage, un bon régime alimentaire et un programme d'exercices l'avaient placé dans la fourchette parfaite pour qu'un futa veuille s'accrocher et s'assommer... Read full Story
Barbie Jo Adventures Part 5
Friday Night I've gone all week as Joe; no one at work has said anything to me about Monday morning. So I assume I got away without being exposed as a cross dresser. I was working late all week and finally Friday is here. I am so horny and anxious to become Barbie Jo. Hopefully someone will call,... Read full Story
MY Party Favor Fantasy
My Party Favor Fantasy A fictional story built around an old fantasy of mine I ran a notice on one of those sex sites that said” Help me fulfill my fantasy and I bet we take care of some of yours also. Hi there, I am Penny and I am a total bottom trans w... Read full Story
I have a passion for corsets and black fully fashioned seamed nylons, which I like to wear with tight revealing tops and miniskirts or very clingy dresses. I always wear multi strap 10 or 14 suspenders with a tight lacing corset that reduces my waist and gives a sexy outline to my shape. My favou... Read full Story
Dressed in holiday style
I watched the speed limit, which is unusual for me, as I pointed the car west towards the Evil City. It was about 1:30 a.m. and dark on the interstate that stretches across the prairie, so I was wearing a black mini-skirt, fish-net garter stockings and my four inch stilettos as I drove through the n... Read full Story
Army Slut
My name is Ray,16, I've always been into crossdressing as long as I can remember. Since I was about 11 or 12 if I could guess. (Started with sister's clothing) I am about 5'8, Skinny, Asian. I must say I look very cute dressed up. I would always call my self Megan When Dressed. (Little background ... Read full Story
Wife Converts Husband Chapter 3
After about a month of being dressed up and acting as a female, trying out all the different outfits we had purchased and Shelley feeding her strap on cock to my willing mouth and ass every chance she got. My ass and mouth was now well and truly broken in. Shelley came home one arvo with a flyer ... Read full Story
L'appuntamento del sabato sera con Paola sta ormai diventando un appuntamento fisso. Ho trascorso la settimana facendo il conto alla rovescia e cercando di immaginare quale sarà il suo regalo che non mi ha mai dato! Sono le 9 di sera, arrivo finalmente a casa sua, il cancello è aperto, la porta è ... Read full Story
Lady Regina
I know that many say that I I’m a coward because I am comfortable living in the closet as a part time female and not expressing my special female side completely. My friends all tell me to go out and have fun and not worry about what people say or think. In spite of that, and because of the prudish... Read full Story
"Merci d'avoir fait ça, Alex," dit Mr Stevens en me serrant la main. "Au revoir Mr et Mme Stevens !" J'ai crié depuis la porte d'entrée alors que mes voisins me faisaient signe avant de monter dans leur voiture. Ils fêtaient leur anniversaire avec une soirée et je m'étais porté volontaire pour ga... Read full Story
He Could Have R*ped Me!
This guy was so big, taller than me and I'm 6 feet, and bigger, not fat, just right for his big size, and I am so skinny, except for my tummy, that he could have pinned me down and forced himself onto and into me against my will, and no matter how much I'd struggle with him and fight back, he could ... Read full Story
Growing up CD
Peter, Max and I played together like that for the rest of the weekend. We must have sucked each other's cocks at least 10 times over the three days. Peter and I were both physically drained. Max just seemed to be insatiable for our bodies. He didn't want us to go. He kept on saying how much he ... Read full Story
It was the very first night of my month long North Carolina July summer vacation stay when my Aunt Meg suddenly entered the bedroom that I was temporarily sharing with my younger cousin Rudy. Being so openly effeminine in his body language,voice and looks, I had already planted such dirty thoughts ... Read full Story
My Seductive Secret (True Story)
During my childhood, me and my brother used to play with two other boys who were our neighbors every weekend. One day we decided to wrestle, and I took on the youngest one, (he was about 2 years younger than me, like my brother) and we wrestled in the shed while my bro and his bro (who was my age) w... Read full Story
Sissy Experience - Episode 1: The Beginning
Hello All, Hope you’re all doing well!! This story narrates the beginning of my crossdressing and sissy adventures. Before I begin I’ll tell you somethings about my family. We are a family of four consisting of me, mom, dad and an elder sister. I am currently 20 years old and in college. My da... Read full Story
Shemale fucks guy - My gf fucks my slutty ass.
I have a shemale girlfriend & we both are in a relationship. One day, I decide to give her a visit. I'm 5'7 guy & she's 6 feet. That makes her tall & intimidating & whenever we meet, it's me who become her gf. I visit her, she takes me in. SHe pulls me towards her while giving me a deep kiss. I ... Read full Story
The Day I Went SheCock Crazy
I summed up courage to meet up with my old shemale flame Fransicca (she is a Malaysian but living in indonesia) ... messaged her, she sounded excited and asked if i minded her friend joining us. 'Why not' i said. It was settled. we booked a villa for the next day. I checked in early. cleaned up ... Read full Story
How I Became Chrissy the Caged Sissy
I am a sissy, or femboy, or tgurl, or shemale? Well either way I like wearing female clothes and being treated like a girl, especially in the bedroom, and now I also like being locked up in a chastity cage that I wear 24/7 now. This is the story of how I became a caged sissy: "Put it on and ... Read full Story
First Time I tasted Tgirl Sperm
I met a Mexican Trans girl online from Hermosillo and we hit it off and corresponded for a a few months. The vibe was good and ended up deciding that I would help her pay the $140 bucks for her 6-month tourist visa to come up and visit..the process took forever but once she got it, I booked her a pl... Read full Story