Free Stories

Chastity contract
The journey to becoming the perfect chastity slave is an exciting one! Many people who enjoy the control of wearing a chastity belt also enjoy having a clear set of rules and expectations to abide by. For this reason, many keyholders choose to implement a chastity contract. While it’s easy to get... Read full Story
Chastity and its effects
I actually thought of writing this for some time now, this quasi-scientific testimonial and reflection about chastity. Now, I finally had some time to reflect, gather and compare info and experimentation from personal experience about the topic. More specifically, the effects it has on the mind and ... Read full Story
Headmistress' Favorite Sport Part 5
A new part of the first year slaves training was introduced as part of the plan to make them hopelessly addicted to sex. Every evening when they finished class they would be escorted to a room covered in rubber on the inside. The sissies were ordered inside unbound and unescorted, dressed only in th... Read full Story
Headmistress' Favorite Sport Part 3
There was no more time for Denise and Susanna to get over their chemically induced bout of incestuous activity as Denise was being sent to school. This was of course part of the plan. Slaves should always feel guilty about something and once their slave training was over, neither would be able to ma... Read full Story
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 09
As per my previous mornings recently, I stirred and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, that delicious feeling of my silk night ware stretching over my taught nipples and my morning wood throbbing in its lace enclosure. The urge to touch myself was palpable, it seemed no matter how hard I came the night ... Read full Story
Am I gay?
Please help me. I'm confused and unsure if I am gay. I feel so ashamed of myself. I don't want to be gay but I was molested by my neighbors at 6 years old and from then on I would wear my mom's panties or sniff my sisters while masturbating. Cumming would always make me feel guilty for what I have d... Read full Story
How I Became Chrissy the Caged Sissy
I am a sissy, or femboy, or tgurl, or shemale? Well either way I like wearing female clothes and being treated like a girl, especially in the bedroom, and now I also like being locked up in a chastity cage that I wear 24/7 now. This is the story of how I became a caged sissy: "Put it on and ... Read full Story
Need A New Keyholder/Daddy
I get an erotic thrill off of the thought of another man "owning" my body and having control over my sexual pleasure. I enjoy having my boyclitty, my cock, locked up in a chastity cage; it represses my erections, hides my cock so I rarely see it, and denies me any of that little sexual pleasure of t... Read full Story
Long time threesome with chastity after nightclub
I often go to LGBTQ nightclubs these days. Because I can relieve stress by crossdressing, wearing sexy clothes and dancing. I especially enjoy grinding with guys while wearing mini skirt and locked up in chastity. The reason I wear a chastity when I go to nightclubs is because I want to mak... Read full Story
Mi Primera Vez
Como les había contado en mis post anteriores, desde joven este instinto femenino me consume cada día mas, esta sensación de ser chico con una hembra por dentro es una de las mejores sensaciones del mundo. Usar ropa femenina es el éxtasis al universo, como les dije soy travestí de closet al 1000... Read full Story
Continua mi mundo Tv
Como les decía a mis 20 años ya era otro mundo, ya compraba mi propia ropa intima femenina mas que todo ropita muy chica, pues siempre he sido muy delgad@, a esta edad aun era virgen pero con hombres ya que aproximadamente a los 17 le robe un consolador a una tía, "les admito que ha sido uno de ... Read full Story
The day i bought my fleshlight and it was better then i expected
We have all been there, you want something bigger and better than just jerking off, not sex but something that you can enjoy solo. We have all seen that famous American Pie scene where Jim decides the apple pie will feel amazing to fuck and proceeds to shove his dick into it and if I really think ab... Read full Story
Weekend Fantasy
have so many fantasies....the one that gets me lately, is having access to a house out in the middle of nowhere, for a week or weekend, where i can dress up, all day. No one knows of my lustful the idea of being able to stay this way without thought, gets me so hard and such in the moo... Read full Story
sex-agenarian's onanic lust
An onanic lust of a sex-agenarian that I am; I'M IN BIG HEAT; it's the season of bodily reunions in nature... I'm like an elephant(e) waiting to be satisfied. My cloaca is starting to titillate at the mere sight (look hah!) of a guy's swollen crotch on the street... I activated all my sensors to sa... Read full Story
Luxure onanique
Luxure onanique du sex-agénaire que je suis... JE SUIS EN GRANDES CHALEURS; c'est la saison des retrouvailles corporelles dans la nature... je suis comme une éléphante qui attend d'être satisfaite. Mon cloaque commence à titiller rien qu'à voir (regarder hah!) l'entrejambe gonflé d'un mec dans l... Read full Story
Manual Sissificar a tu Novio
MANUAL DE LA ESPOSA Y NOVIA PARA SISSIFICAR A SU HOMBRE, DESCUBRIRLE SU LADO SUMISO Y CONVERTIRLO EN CORNUDO Y MARICÓN por MARINATVFEM Todo el proceso es una batalla psicológica que tienes que ganar siempre. Mantén la calma y no levantes sospechas. Entrénalo día a día con humillaciones continua... Read full Story
Blue collar Master, white collar slave Part 2
About an hour later I was once again naked except for my chastity pouch and my stilettos and once again I was screaming and crying, my body covered with angry red welts from Master Darren's whip. On my knees crying and begging I held his cock in my hands, trying to give the best handjob ... Read full Story
Debbie Part 8
Moira sat in her booth at the entrance to the subway station and saw people pass by. She sat there every day selling tickets, and although several thousand people passed her during a shift, she could now recognize many of the regulars and she even knew when to expect them. It was now almost 9 o'cloc... Read full Story
La trasformazione di una sissy parte 1
Ricordo ancora come se fosse oggi la prima volta che conobbi Franco, non so nemmeno io come ma quella sera in cui mia moglie si trovava di turno notturno mi sentivo particolarmente eccitato. La lettura di un libro particolarmente coinvolgente si era impossessata di me. Molte volte mi chiesi se davve... Read full Story
Seven Lessons Part 1
Bryan was king of the road warriors. Speeding around the country in his sleek, powerful Mercedes selling whatever his latest job demanded. He was damn good at it too, always raked in huge amounts of commission until some faggotty client bitched about a one-sided deal he had put together and then it ... Read full Story
Wie ich zur Sissy Schlampe wurde - (1) Prolog
Schon in meiner jüngsten Kindheit trug ich die Schuhe meiner Mutter, rannte lachend in Kleidern umher und stahl Strumpfhosen aus dem Kleiderschrank. Solche Sachen machen die meisten jungen Burschen, denn sowas ist auch nur eine experimentelle Phase und niemand denkt sich was dabei. Wie auch bei mir ... Read full Story
How I became addicted to my toys,
How I became addicted to my toys I tell in this story my experiences by showing how I developed my share of femininity and the toys that I use in bed to amplify my pleasures alone or as a couple. For several years now I have discreetly rented a second garage near my home to store my wigs, dres... Read full Story
Chinese Extremes Part 4
The ride to Master's residence was completely uneventful for Lien. The whole way she lay in the trunk of his limousine, hooded and gagged, with her legs strapped together and her arms secured with the armbinder. The trip may have been uneventful, but Lien wasn't bored. She spent the whole trip fanta... Read full Story
Becoming Jodi
So i wake up Sunday morning Suzie is already up she's on the internet looking up voice training for me she says if Jodi is here to stay people will need to hear her talk now that she's going to be working at the store. she was only wearing a pair of shorts no top my man hood was still tucked up whic... Read full Story
My girlish desires
My girlish desires, I am happy to spend my weekend at home to live my life as a woman. I apply a depilatory cream to my body, which I leave to act for a few minutes before going in the shower. I take this opportunity to do an enema to avoid unpleasant surprises during my girl games. Then, using ... Read full Story
My addiction to anal orgasm,
My addiction to anal orgasm, I love feeling the sensual contact of my corset and my nightie on my skin. In front of the wall mirror in my bedroom, I take suggestive poses to arouse my desire during my lingerie fittings. Feeling vaguely like a woman, I lower my last barrier of chastity by sl... Read full Story
Mi primo y yo (parte 3)
Hola otra vez hermosos!!!, hoy les contaré la siguiente parte para que entren en contexto lean las historias anteriores nenes :* así entenderán lo que a continuación les relatare. Bien una vez llegando a mi casa después de una noche riquísima con mi vecino Chris tome mi celular el cual había olvi... Read full Story
Sultry Mistress,
Sultry Mistress, Natacha has now been living with me for over a year. It is a cerebral and perverse Domina who immediately wanted to submit me to her desires. She took power over me by making me discover my femininity during role-playing games. Like a spider, she imprisons me in her web a ... Read full Story
2 Traileros
Una noche buscaba divertime con alguien y publique un anuncio donde buscaba a un hombre mayor que me hiciera su putita y le gustara verme vestida. A los 20 minutos un hombre me envio un mensaje diciendome que es camionero y estaria esa noche en la ciudad. Eso me exito mucho y le pregunte donde podri... Read full Story
Mi amigo gay
Saludos a todos :) Bueno hace tiempo quería contar esta historia pero por diversas razones no había podido pero hoy se las comparto, mi historia es la siguiente: Hace unos años cuando cruzaba la universidad conocí a un chavo muy buena onda llamado Eduardo al cual todos conocían como Santy, e... Read full Story
Mi primo y yo (parte 1)
Hoy me anime y les voy a compartir una historia que nadie más que yo y mi primo sabemos, espero que les agrade. Primeramente debo confesarles que a pesar de ser 3 años menor que yo siempre tuve mucha afinidad con mi primo, él era el menor de 3 hermanos de los cuales 2 son de mi edad, sin embargo nu... Read full Story
Ladies who Lunch - At the Gloryhole
Ladies who Lunch - At the Gloryhole By Sabrina G. Langton *** Author's Note: Hi, just a quick little story to make us all wet and squishy. Three mature crosssdressers have a little more excitement than they are used to after lunch. I hope YOU like it... *** The Boynton Tavern So w... Read full Story
Mi primera experiencia anal
Les voy a contar una historia muy excitante de mi vida Soy un chico muy curioso desde temprana edad, desde que tenía 9 años jugaba con mis primos a las escondidas por las noches o a las carreras y bueno ya saben cómo todo niño siempre busca conocer y saber cosas y sentir cosas, pues un día Estaba j... Read full Story
Mis inicios como Ayline
Pues me presento, mi nombre es Ayline Julieta soy de la Ciudad de México, actualmente tengo 34 años y no tengo mucha experiencia, pero ya tuve mi primera vez y deseo platicarles como fue, espero sus comentarios y críticas constructivas. Iniciare como muchas de nosotras contándoles como me inicie ... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Pues me presento, mi nombre es Ayline Julieta soy de Coacalco en el Estado de México, actualmente tengo 34 años y no tengo mucha experiencia, pero ya tuve mi primera vez y deseo platicarles como fue, espero sus comentarios y críticas constructivas. Iniciare como muchas de nosotras contándoles com... Read full Story
la storia di Sara
Erano alcune settimane che ciattavo con Sara, una trans bolognese conosciuta per caso in internet. Di Sara ho visto solo il bel viso molto femminile con lunghi capelli biondi ed il suo meraviglioso seno. Una sera stavamo parlando e lei mi disse " alcuni mesi fa mi sono rifatta il seno, ho conosciut... Read full Story
Paola, una nuova amica
Ho conosciuto Paola sulla chat di questo sito, dopo alcune sere passate a chattare assieme ci siamo accorte che abitavamo nella stessa città. Decidiamo di incontrarci, Paola mi aspetta a casa sua. La sera dopo mi reco da lei, mi aspetta, profumatissima, indossa una lunga vestaglia bianca, i lunghi ... Read full Story
La Señora de la casa te la va a meter todita
Tras mi estancia en varias ciudades y, aunque tengo mi grupo de amigas, a veces necesito desconectar. Para ello suelo perderme durante una o varias semanas por casas aisladas, de turismo rural en su mayoría. Siempre busco casitas con encanto, para disfrutar de mi retiro como es debido...con pisci... Read full Story
Marido grosero pero bien follado
Mxxxxa es una de mis amigas de mayor confianza, Ella es algo gipi en lo que a sus pensamientos, si bien nunca ha llamado la atención en su forma de vestir, peinarse, etc.... Ha sido siempre liberal y a pesar de tener un carácter marcado nunca ha exagerado o formado escándalos en público y demás. ... Read full Story
Mi primera vez de travesti con mi novia
¡Hola a tod@s! ¡De nuevo estoy aquí contándoles una nueva aventura con mi novia y como cada vez me vuelvo mas nena! Bueno, les voy a contar la primera vez que me vestí con ella y tuvimos sexo como niñas.... mmmmm.... ¡delicioso! Después de enseñarle mis fotos mas lindas, vestida de nena lin... Read full Story
Nunca se Olvida
He tenido la oportunidad de tener sexo con varios hombres, algunos mayores que yo y otros muy chicos, no me fijo en estereotipos o personalidad, solo me gusta disfrutar del sexo..... Pero siempre hay uno que te deja enamorado, Daniel su nombre una persona que conocí por medio de un chat. No pas... Read full Story
My wonderful life with Pat : Domi and Morgan
second part of the tattoo ..... I was nervous to be tied and at her mercy.Morgan put on a mask to make me blind and she tightened the ties to keep me from moving. Then with a very soft voice Morgan sussed me, don’t be afraid, i will make this day an unforgettable one. You will have a such intens... Read full Story
La festa di iniziazione
Venerdì Paola mi chiama al telefono " domani sera andiamo ad una festa, una festa un po'particolar, mettiti carina, sexy ma elegante!" Sabato sera torno da lavoro il più velocemente possibile, eh si, lavoro anche il sabato! Mi rado il viso più a fondo che riesco e proseguo anche sulla ricrescita ... Read full Story
La Mujer Trans más feliz del mundo.
- Porfavor, no pares Gaby! - Le gritaba yo, completamente llena de placer, mientras a 4 patas aguantaba sus grandes embestidas, a la par que mis grandes tetas chocaban entre sí. - Ya casi me voy a venir Juanita! - Dijo ella, mientras trás de mi daba todo de si para hacerme sentir en el paraiso, s... Read full Story
Mi comienzo como Tv
Desde muy joven me atraía la ropa femenina, tal vez a mis 14 años ya sentía esa atracción no normal que nos hacen creer a los "hombres". Para ese tiempo no existía como hoy en día estas redes o paginas sociales, les comparto un poco de mi.... Como les decía a esa edad comenzaba mi interé... Read full Story
las tanguitas de mi prima
Era una tarde como cualquier otra, estaba solo en la casa de mis tios, yo me quedaba en el mismo cuarto de mi prima. Yo habia notado que prima usa unas tanguitas muy lindas y otras sexys, eso lo vi cuando tendio su ropa una de esas veces que habia lavado su ropa. A si que aprovechando que estab... Read full Story
Mi primo y yo (2da parte (historia con mi vecino))
Bueno ahora toca el turno a la historia que les prometí con mi vecino. Recuerdo bien que todo comenzo un dia que mi primo y yo estábamos solos en mi casa como de costumbre por uno de los tantos viajes de mi familia, ese día me arregle super linda para mi hombre pues había comprado un conjunto de ... Read full Story
Trasformazione: Diventare Una Cagna
Come mi sono trasformato o meglio, come mi hanno trasformato in una femminuccia succhiacazzi, beh, è una storia complicata. Già da ragazzo, appena superata la pubertà, sentivo dentro di me il desiderio di strofinarmi contro il cazzo duro di qualcuno, di baciare con la lingua qualche mio professore d... Read full Story
Cogiendo con travesti
Hola, soy de Colombia. Siempre he sentido pasión y deseos por las travestis y me encanta su sensualidad y lo femenina que se ven.. Siempre soñaba con estar con una bella travesti hasta que se me dio la oportunidad. Conducía mi moto una noche y de repente en la calle, en un anden, vi a una voluptu... Read full Story
Ho incontrato una Dea
Era una tiepida sera di primavera, erano da poco passate le 8 di sera ed io avevo già cenato, era tutto il giorno che mi sentivo eccitata e la voglia aumentava dentro di me, volevo divertirmi un po' con i miei giocattoli anali, però era troppo presto, la serata era troppo bella ed invitante per rima... Read full Story
Mi amiga no se imagina lo que su marido y yo hacemos. Ella y yo seguimos siendo amigas, pero compartimos el mismo hombre y ella no lo sabe. Yo soy la que le apaga el fuego a su hombre; a ella no le gusta que la penetre por atras, mientras que a mi me encanta sentirla toda. En la cama somos do... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Una giornata in piscina con Paola e Lilly
E' domenica mattina, mi sveglio, sono nel grande letto di Paola, guardo l'orologio sul muro di fronte al letto, sono da poco passate le 11,30. Alla mia sinistra Lilly, alla mia destra Paola, completamente nuda. Anch'io e Lilly siamo praticamente nude, solo calze e reggicalze, ci siamo addormentate... Read full Story
Cuando descubrí que me encantaba vestirme de mujer, la verdad no supe que hacer, no solo era una fantasía, era lo que quería desde muy dentro de mí, fue un shock muy grande, del porque siendo hombre me encantaba vestirme de mujer..comprendí que no era normal al promedio de los hombres, porque siendo... Read full Story
I meet my new Mistress for the first time
I was feeling excited about and looking forward to Friday night. The reason for this was that I intended to dress up as my alter ego, Tania Harvey, and to go for a night out to a club nearby that is popular with TG’s, TV’s and other like minded people. I took a lot of care and attention over the way... Read full Story
My wonderful life with Pat : The tattoo
Few hours later Marie and Pat arrived, Marie ordered me to stand-up and kiss me hardly with her tongue rolling in my mouth. She say me goodbye and thank you so much for dinner and the marvelous night, Pat is really lucky with you. I was so surprised i reply by a shy thank you. After Marie has le... Read full Story