Free Stories

My shemale initiation
I was alone at home. Wife gone for a vacation. I was surfing the net. I am infatuated with shemales. I looked at redbook and saw a very sexy lady. I contacted her. I drove to her hotel and picked her up. She was gorgeous. As we drove to my house, I asked about the size of her package. She said 9". I... Read full Story
Shemale Chrissy Fucked by a Demon
I wanted to write this the night it happened, Halloween, but I was still so traumatized. I was at my fictional fantasy Sugar Daddy's house alone and already spooked out by the noises of this old hundred-year-old wooden house in this loud thunder storm on what some call "Devil's Night." I had to turn... Read full Story
Les relations à distance sont difficiles, surtout dans ces premiers mois très importants où vous passez chaque instant à parler, toucher, embrasser et baiser. Lorsqu'il s'agit d'une longue distance, 20 heures sur 24 sont généralement passées ensemble nus et au lit; le seul moment où les vêtements so... Read full Story
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Read full Story
I love Shemales
Ever since I was 13 I have had a thing for shemales. I had always wanted yo experience sex with a shemale. So when I was 20 I decided to get on an escort site and find a sexy Tranny. I ran across the perfect one so I immediately booked a date with her. So the dreamday finally came and I was so excit... Read full Story
Ein etwas anderes Grillfest 31.07.24
Am 31.07. wollten wir eigentlich ein geiles Grillfest in der Ruine Anwil feiern. Leider machte Petrus kurzfristig nicht mit, so dass wir bei Andrea Obdach fanden. Nach und nach fanden alle Gäst:innen bei Andrea ein. Andrea begutachtete, als gute Gastgeber:in, die mitgebrachten Würste, während der G... Read full Story
The Audition
New York City wasn't a bad palce to be back then. I was a student working at an office job and doing what I enjoyed. That was being a musician. Lots of weekend and night gigs at cocktail parties, lounges and so on. There were a few pianists I worked for as standing time-keeper ( bass play... Read full Story
- Trou de gloire du sex-shop - "Hey bébé, quand est-ce que tu rentres à la maison?" le message texte bourdonnait doucement. Sortant discrètement le téléphone de ma poche, je tape "Même heure que d'habitude, juste après 5 heures, pourquoi... quoi de neuf ?" C'est mon amante Sarah, ma meilleu... Read full Story
Mon téléphone a vibré pour la troisième fois en 3 minutes. Je ne pouvais plus ignorer cela. De plus, si je le faisais, je serais foutu. Elle n'arrêtait pas de me crier dessus, de me réprimander ou pire de me punir. J'ai ouvert la conversation textuelle entre ma femme Janice et moi. "Alors James v... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Stephen et je suis étudiant diplômé à l'école de commerce locale. Je suis à mon travail depuis moins d'un an et, en tant que nouveau venu au bureau, je pensais que faire des heures supplémentaires ferait bonne impression sur mon patron. Eh bien, j'ai certainement fait une impression, ma... Read full Story
Current Fantasy
I really wanna get fucked for the first time and my dream way of doing it, always wanted to do a porn. The dream is that I go there and get done up in such a way, I am unrecognizable, just looking the best. Have a tranny come in and do my make up, the way she likes it and gives me a preview of what ... Read full Story
About Jack and Diane
Thanksgiving was over the college kids are returning to school and Las Vegas has slowed down from the busy restaurants and overcrowded casinos. It’s the best time of year to see a nice show for less. Jack’s friends had all taken off with families and he had time to think about how lonely he really w... Read full Story
Dating my Sissy-sister (English)
You are wearing women's stockings and a thigh-high transparent top, the thin shoulder straps of which leave your arms and shoulders elegantly exposed! You're the real lil bunny to me in that girl outfit of yours... How about, should I teach the little one about the naughty girl? You're giggling a... Read full Story
Caught in the act...
One summer, my cousin Nancy came to stay with us for a while, as her parents had gone away on a cruise trip. At 18 years old, she was a couple of years older than me and in the full bloom of her young womanhood, so to speak. She knew it, too, and it was obvious that she had no problem at all in pull... Read full Story
Becoming a Chrissy - Chapter 2
I had always felt like I had a hot body for a girl. I was naturally blonde and smooth; I guess I had been blessed by my parents’ Scandinavian genetics. My pubes were always just a small fuzz—easy to shave and keep a clean bikini line. Same thing with my armpit hair. And my ass? Completely smooth and... Read full Story
SheMale Encounter
“Promise not to fall in love while you’re away?” Lana asked as she wrapped her arms around me. “I’ve told you several times already,” I snapped at her. I had begun to get more than frustrated with her. “This is just a business trip and nothing more, besid... Read full Story
My Shemale experiences
I have had experiences with Shemales. All in Hawaii. Three different ones. I met them all through yahoo chat when it was still fairly popular. In the 1998-2000 time frame. The first one I met up with was doing video shows in some back area part of Honolulu. She agreed to meet me as long as we only h... Read full Story
Alex mordilla sa lèvre en fixant le test d'anatomie devant lui. Après une semaine épuisante de finales et de sessions d'étude nocturnes, c'était enfin son dernier test. La liberté était si proche qu'il pouvait presque y goûter. Sa jambe rebondit anxieusement alors qu'il remplissait une autre série d... Read full Story
Le lycée est un endroit compliqué avec différents groupes de personnes qui luttent pour trouver leur chemin dans le monde. Qu'il s'agisse d'étudiants de première année qui viennent d'emménager dans un nouvel endroit inconnu et effrayant, ou de seniors qui sont maintenant de jeunes ad... Read full Story
Amy se réveilla, surprise par le son strident de son alarme. Elle se réinstalla dans son oreiller et regarda de côté son horloge. En lisant l'affichage numérique, elle s'assit comme un boulon. « 8h30 ? Merde, je vais être si en retard ! Amy a sauté du lit et s'est habillée aussi vi... Read full Story
Je dois dire que je n'ai jamais imaginé cet événement m'arriver de mon vivant, je veux dire que je suis un enfant assez bien équilibré vivant dans une ville de banlieue tranquille. Rien de grave ne se passe ici, et je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui a toujours des ennuis, alors me faire penche... Read full Story
L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par ... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
Si ses histoires étaient vraies, non seulement beaucoup d'hommes ont eu des réveils sexuels entre la fin de la trentaine et le début de la cinquantaine, mais beaucoup d'hommes de mon âge étaient curieux de se féminiser, de sucer des bites et peut-être même d'avoir des fesses. Mais je ne peux pas ... Read full Story
La pièce faiblement éclairée s'éclaire d'éclairs de rouge et de bleu depuis l'extérieur de la fenêtre alors que la transsexuelle vêtue de manière salope s'agenouille sur le corps de sa victime, pleurant, après qu'elle vient de lui trancher la gorge d'une oreille à l'autre... Read full Story
The 10 in Bay 10
On the USS Corinth, there were 10 bays - the first bay was for the captains and their personnel, the second bay for first class, the third bay for business, and so on. The back bays were reserved for the ship’s workers. All the way back in bay 10 was the engineering bay. Those in bay 10 rarely inter... Read full Story
« Tyler ! Arrêtez-vous – vous regardez à nouveau, et il l'a remarqué ! » La voix de Jack chuchota d'une voix rauque à l'oreille de Tyler alors que l'eau chaude de la douche tambourinait dans son dos. Il ne restait plus que les trois sous la douche maintenant. L'entraînement de basket-ball était t... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Après avoir abandonné l'université, je n'avais évidemment plus le droit de vivre dans les dortoirs. Mes parents ne me reprendraient pas. Je n'avais qu'un seul endroit où aller : l'appartement de mon ami Jack. Nous nous sommes rencontrés au collège en première année. Il a toujours été bon avec moi. ... Read full Story
Certains appelleraient cela une crise de la quarantaine... même si je n'ai que trente-cinq ans et j'espère que je n'ai pas encore atteint le milieu de ma vie. Certains me traiteraient de pédé... bien que j'adore bouffer la chatte et baiser ma femme. Certains appelleraient cela de la curiosité.... Read full Story
L'enterrement de ma vie de garçon ⚧️ ⚧️
J'ai 24 ans et suis fiancé à Anne, de deux ans plus jeune que moi. Nous nous sommes connus à la Fac, avant que je commence à travailler pour une banque d'investissement en ville. Elle n'est pas une bombe atomique (1m66 et 60 kilos), elle a son charme, mais surtout elle est très coquin... Read full Story
mi primer scort shemale
Hola me llamo Antonio, por mucho tiempo tuve la curiosidad de experimentar el sexo con una shemale, asi que me di la tarea de cumplirme y quitarme esa curiosidad. Busque una pagina de scorts muy conocida aqui en mexico, una shemale que me gustara; y que creen la encontre. El siguiente fin de sema... Read full Story
« Alors, à quoi ressemblerait ta petite amie parfaite ? » « Toi », pensa Steph, regardant dans les yeux noisette avec des reflets dorés à l'intérieur. Il lui fallut quelques secondes pour se rendre compte qu'il devait répondre avec sa bouche. « Oh, euh… quelqu'un d'attention... Read full Story
Shemale sex on a beach
Had to tell you what happened to me recently. I wrote to one of my favourite shemales last week and was telling her I missed sucking and fucking with her due to the current virus situ. Wished I could travel to see her and have some fun and she told me she was away from home too. I asked her where an... Read full Story
Shemale sex on a beach
Had to tell you what happened to me recently. I wrote to one of my favourite shemales last week and was telling her I missed sucking and fucking with her due to the current virus situ. Wished I could travel to see her and have some fun and she told me she was away from home too. I asked her where an... Read full Story
Feriengruss 22.07.24
Erneut ging es ins Cruisingworld Kirchberg. Eine herzliche Begrüssung, ab in die Garderobe und dann unter die Dusche. Bereits beim Eintreten hörte ich ein paar bekannte Laute. Als ich beim Zimmer mit der runden Liege vorbei gehen wollte, um an die Bar zu kommen, war kein Durchkommen mehr. Vom Innere... Read full Story
First time shemale encounter
Lets start off by saying this a very true story, one that i love to re-live over and over. lets begin I was in el paso, girlfriend at the hotel. Something in me decided to go to the strip club. So i did. After a few dances, i decided to leave. I had always heard in mexico it was very ea... Read full Story
Shemale fucks guy - My gf fucks my slutty ass.
I have a shemale girlfriend & we both are in a relationship. One day, I decide to give her a visit. I'm 5'7 guy & she's 6 feet. That makes her tall & intimidating & whenever we meet, it's me who become her gf. I visit her, she takes me in. SHe pulls me towards her while giving me a deep kiss. I ... Read full Story
My new Experience with Amy Cute Shemale in Pune
Hi friends i am back with new story. I am mad shemale lover. and keep on finding new shemales for me. This time i got new website to search for shemale I saw an advertisement of Amy and i liked her. called her and fixed appointment. went to her hotel, which was ok ok ... Read full Story
Loosing my virginity to Shemale Preet
This story is of may be 2017. When a shemale escort took my virginity n fucked me. I am not new to shemales. I hv been attracted to shemales since 1999 when first time I got internet at home. Suddenly while browsing i saw shemale website n instantly i was hooked to it. Well how I met my first ... Read full Story
CD/TS Shemale Chrissy Fucked On the Ranch
I met John on the swinger site AdultFriendFinder. He was everything I was looking for: old, in his late 60s, and not rich, but financially stable and independent, owning a ranch that has been in his family for generations. Maybe he could become the Sugar Daddy I am looking for? I am a shaved-smooth ... Read full Story
Adventures of Shemale Sandra Part 2
Sandra thought about Jeff all through the next day. He had been her first, and she could still recall their experience as if it had happened only moments ago. She could feel his rough hands on her tender flesh; his sweat falling in beady drops on her soft belly; his stiffled grunts echoing in her ea... Read full Story
JoHannas Trainingsprogramm
Hallo Freunde, ich bin JoHanna Satin, eine Satin Bitch und Hobbyhure. Leider war ich die letzten Monate aus krankheitsbedingten Gründen nicht als JoHanna aktiv. Jetzt kann ich wieder JoHanna sein ! Ich will wieder als Hobby Nutte auf Tour gehen und Schwänze blasen ! Ich beginne meine Outfits zu sort... Read full Story
Ich und der Kommissar
Ich und der Kommissar, nach einer Vergewaltigung wollte ich mein Erlebnis einem Polizei Kommissar schildern. Wir saßen im Wohnzimmer auf meiner Couch, er sagte zu mir ich solle ihm meiner Erlebnis schildern, er merkte das ich etwas gehemmt und schüchtern war, er bot sich auch als Statist an, er sag... Read full Story
Big Dick Alessia Visits Dallas
Alessia Hung Mature MILF travels to visit a Big Dicked Man and his Sexy Household If you like Transexuals, big cocks, bondage, BBWs, big clits, deep throat, fisting, 69, ass fucking, sounding, piercing, cum swallowing and big loads this story is for you. If not don't bother reading. If you fav... Read full Story
A new start in life
“In life, finding a voice is speaking and living the truth. Each of you is an original. Each of you has a distinctive voice. When you find it, your story will be told. You will be heard.” John, living outside Boston, being your average accountant working with Gillette, had gone through a messy di... Read full Story
A Shemale Vacation Part 2
We sat there staring despondently at the ground. We had searched through all our bags and pockets and had nothing like the money we needed to pay for the hot sex sessions we had each enjoyed with the hot, hung Dutch whore. The guy, the pimp, who had previously been all smiles and friendly encouragem... Read full Story
Becoming a Shemale's Bitch
I just got into town and spent the whole day moving in and cleaning my new apartment. I didn't have much furniture but the place needed a lot of cleaning. I saw their was a bar a few blocks away from my apartment and decided to go out for something to eat. It was around five o'clock when I walk... Read full Story
This is some of True incidents happen in my life when i take an office trip at last 2 years. After a long flight, I departed, and made arrangements for my luggage to be sent to the hotel, and then went to a restaurant / bar to get a meal and a drink. I am not a good flyer, and get real nervous durin... Read full Story
Nancy the hot and sexy TS in Pattaya
Hi this is Ris, this is my third story. Well Last year I went to Thailand on lone trip. I went directly to pattaya and had rest and went to Walking Street in the evening. Was visiting many nude bars, ts Bars, dance bars. but while walking on the street one particular girl catch my attention. s... Read full Story
When I Knew I Was A Crossdressing Sissy Slut
I remember the fun I had taking selfies with sexy little outfits and make up on. I loved the dirty,sexy feeling of taking pics of me exposing my asshole and sliding back onto a suction cup dildo stuck to the wall. Hearing from a guy just how much he wanted to eat my ass or fuck me always got me ting... Read full Story
How Sia Shemale Pune fucked me ...
I met Sia through ts-dating . Called her n went to meet her. When I saw her I could not believe that she is shemale n has got cock between her legs. My god so beautiful feminine. Her implants are very sexy n make her more beautiful... Then I paid her n we went to comfortable small bedroom. I d... Read full Story
My Sugar Daddy Fucked My Girlfriend...And I Joined In
I am a shaved-smooth, boyish bisexual male slut. At 43, I still look and feel young, and I enjoy the feel of and attention from older men, the older the better, 55 and up, with gray hair, wrinkles, and very hairy chests and bods. My Daddy, a 70-year-old White man that fits this description, "owns" m... Read full Story
delicious virile male flesh
Tasted delicious virile male flesh… The breeze caressed my swollen nipples giving me pleasant shivers. The two glasses of Riesling had also contributed to my excitement. My crotch was burning as if the disappearing sun had blown all its thermal energy into me. Under my fine lace panties, purple o... Read full Story
My Shemale Fantasy
Allow me to introduce myself, i’m a young European man, in my early twenties, writing my first erotic story. This has been a fantasy all my life, it probably will remain a fantasy, but that doesnt mean i cant write about it. Ever since i was old enough to realize my raising sexual interest and... Read full Story
Mutual Fuck With Art Student
It was the beginning of the semester at the Art Institute and I was pretty excited about my new schedule. Professor Ludovian always brought interesting nude models to his classes, and his tips on how to draw the human body were most useful. I had learned a lot in the intermediate class but now in th... Read full Story