Free Stories

"... Dois-je être ici?" Cole a demandé anxieusement. Sa mère s'était détournée de lui, occupée à sortir plusieurs plateaux de lasagnes du four. "Je peux rester chez un ami ou quelque chose comme ça..." Christina, comme sa mère s'appelait, soupira profondément. "C'e... Read full Story
Les choses allaient si bien.... Après un long et misérable quart de travail, Steven rentrait enfin chez lui. La plupart des gens détestent faire la navette, mais Steven trouve que la demi-heure de route est un moyen idéal pour se détendre avec un livre audio ou un podcast. Dernièrement, cette pet... Read full Story
Kyla essuya la sueur de ses yeux, puis essuya le liquide de sa main, tout en s'appuyant sur son balai. Ce putain de jour était trop chaud, bien trop chaud. Elle regarda autour d'elle : le vestiaire vide était complètement immobile, attendant patiemment d'être nettoyé, son air saturé de l'odeur de... Read full Story
Le premier jour du reste de la vie de Christopher Matthey, la matinée de Chris a commencé comme d'habitude. Le nettoyage de la vaisselle du repas de la veille était laissé à son père Alec qui ronflait, non pas dans sa chambre, mais sur le canapé où il s'était endormi en regardant la télé. Ch... Read full Story
Le soleil de l'après-midi était brûlant alors qu'Andrew se précipitait sur le trottoir. Le bas de ses baskets fondait pratiquement sur le trottoir chaud alors qu'il se dirigeait vers la salle de sport. Il n'avait pas de sac d'entraînement ni de lecteur audio parce qu'il n'allait pas faire d'exercice... Read full Story
Alors que Mandy se déplaçait dans la jungle, elle réalisa qu'elle était désespérément perdue. Repoussant les branches et les feuilles, elle poussa un soupir d'agacement face à la même clairière qu'elle avait rencontrée auparavant. "Bon sang." Étirant ses bras et écartant ses c... Read full Story
"Des rochers. Je savais que ce serait des rochers, ils se faufilent toujours sur vous." Vance siffla en levant les yeux vers la masse de débris qui tombaient maintenant vers lui alors qu'il se tenait debout et regardait avec défi l'énorme quantité de terre qui s'effondrait comme un véritable héros !... Read full Story
Vance n'était pas ce que vous appelleriez un homme typique de l'empire. Non pas qu'il n'en ait pas l'air, des années de génie génétique, un bon élevage, un bon régime alimentaire et un programme d'exercices l'avaient placé dans la fourchette parfaite pour qu'un futa veuille s'accrocher et s'assommer... Read full Story
First time in Key West
I've always been fascinated by shemales.  Aside from having an overall appreciation for how the male member in general functions and, when properly stimulated, pulses and pumps...cum spewing from the tip.  I've watched any number of webcam shows where guys jerk off.  And yeah, I've wa... Read full Story
The BIG COCK that I will eat.
ENGLISH: Hello friends. In the link below, you can see the tranny cock that will fuck me in the days to come. I saw her advertised on the internet, I picked up the phone and called, I will see her when her clinical tests are negative for sexually transmitted diseases, because I will surely swallow... Read full Story
TG Girlfriend moves in
Monday morning 6:00 am and I am just awakening, and I realize a naked body beside me has her arm around me, we are both naked. My wife Lydia is out of town to a seminar, and this adorable brunette perky tits and lovely eyebrows, beautiful lips slightly pink, sleeping beside me. Joanne and I had spen... Read full Story
The Tip for A Tip
I love to write Erotica. For story requests please send me a private message or email Thank you. Now Enjoy! COVID had shook up my world pretty bad. Furloughed from my day job, I had to make ends meet. I started doing food delivery for the local ride share company... Read full Story
Southern Hospitality Ch. 03
XtinaSmith2017 Ash looked himself over in his bedroom mirror critically, finding himself oddly self-conscious about his looks. He had been texting Laura all throughout the day and they had agreed that dressing pretty casual would draw the least suspicion, so he had. He wore a simple patterned ... Read full Story
Cum is a Cross-Dresser New Drink
Nikki looked up at me with her big, brown eyes as her head bobbed on my cock. Nothing was quite so sweet as one of her blow jobs. She had this way of dragging her tongue along the underside of my cock that made me want to cum in seconds. I always tried to hold it, but Nikki wouldn't let me. When she... Read full Story
Ma mère, Kendra, se promenait souvent dans la maison sans haut, laissant ses énormes seins couler librement. Ça m'a dégoûté. J'étais sa fille, pas un gars au hasard qu'elle a ramené à la maison un vendredi soir (pas qu'elle a ramené des gars à la maison). Elle ne devrait pas montrer ... Read full Story
Meranda avait fait partie du projet militaire d'Athéna. Elle était, très grande pour une femme, environ six trois. Elle se réveillait toujours à six heures sans problème. Ensuite, elle faisait ses cent pompes. Malgré son conditionnement, elle avait toujours une taille de poitrine substantielle q... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à vingt-cinq ans, j'ai... Read full Story
Le trou de gloire Futanari
Alors que je pousse mon déjeuner scolaire avec une fourchette en plastique, je ne peux m'empêcher de laisser mon esprit vagabonder. J'ai envisagé de faire quelque chose... Quelque chose que je ne devrais probablement pas. Mes amis m'ont parlé de cet endroit, un dans un vieux bâtiment aba... Read full Story
"Hey perdant," dit Ken en me poussant dans mon propre casier. « Tu es une putain de poule mouillée. Tu le sais, n'est-ce pas ? » "Bien, Ken!" dit Weston. "Pourquoi est-ce que vous devez toujours vous en prendre à moi ?" Je demande. Ken va me frapper et je me recroqu... Read full Story
Alex mordilla sa lèvre en fixant le test d'anatomie devant lui. Après une semaine épuisante de finales et de sessions d'étude nocturnes, c'était enfin son dernier test. La liberté était si proche qu'il pouvait presque y goûter. Sa jambe rebondit anxieusement alors qu'il remplissait une autre série d... Read full Story
C'était un étalon avec une mâchoire ciselée et des mains fortes; elle était une bombe avec des seins mignons et gais et des hanches incroyables. Ils se sont rapidement entendus lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois à l'université. Il ne fallut pas longtemps avant qu'ils... Read full Story
L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par ... Read full Story
L'interview L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par Mary et a mar... Read full Story
Lettera a Cristina (bocca di rosa)
Beh, e' bene che tu lo sappia. Ero io quel 40enne che hai incontrato in metro'. Avevo, per la precisione, 39 anni e 10 mesi. E, ti sbagli, non stavo scrivendo proprio a nessuno, cercavo solo l'applicazione della telecamera per riprenderti con un filmino o scattarti delle foto per averti anche dopo... Read full Story
La journée de travail avait été longue et difficile et la tension causée par la date limite du projet qui approchait à grands pas montait. David savait qu'il avait besoin de se détendre d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais Allie, son autre significatif, était également stressée par son travail et aucu... Read full Story
Je me suis réveillé en me sentant comme tous les matins pendant des mois, extatique. Il n'y a pas d'autre façon de décrire ce que je ressens quand je me réveille le matin. Je me suis levé de mon oreiller, j'ai déclenché l'alarme et j'étais hors du lit en quelques secondes. Je ne ... Read full Story
Je dois dire que je n'ai jamais imaginé cet événement m'arriver de mon vivant, je veux dire que je suis un enfant assez bien équilibré vivant dans une ville de banlieue tranquille. Rien de grave ne se passe ici, et je ne suis pas quelqu'un qui a toujours des ennuis, alors me faire penche... Read full Story
Une femme attrape la grippe Futa ⚧️⚧️
Jessica étudia attentivement la recherche, la bouche grande ouverte d'incrédulité. La science derrière cela était pour le moins sommaire. Elle avait étudié la biologie à l'université et savait donc qu'une partie de cela était un fait scientifique bien connu, mais vers la fin, cela a dérivé vers l'ab... Read full Story
Tim est entré dans la pièce de devant de la maison de son ami et a appuyé plusieurs fois sur l'interrupteur. "Hey Harley, ta lumière est éteinte", a-t-il crié dans les escaliers. "Ouais, c'est capricieux, je pense que tout cet endroit a besoin d'être recâblé. Il y a une de ces lampes sur la table... Read full Story
Certains pensent qu'une lune rouge n'est que le reflet du soleil provoquant la teinte rouge rouille et étrange. Alors que d'autres croient en une signification plus spirituelle derrière la couleur de la roche lunaire éclairant notre ciel nocturne. Ce soir, s'il y avait un moment p... Read full Story
The best blowjob I ever gave
Back in 2010 or so I was living in the south(USA). I was a frequenter of Craigslist and other sites to hook up with prostitutes, shemale, Ts, and men. I was doing errands on the weekend and was checking on my phone for craigslist ad's and found one that was a little different. This woman had not pu... Read full Story
Cum in my wett mouth Big Tits Girl!! La?
Hit me up. I’m soo needing a gurl to practice bjs on for hrs.... Read full Story
Oneness with the bodies
many years went into just fantasizing being with shemales. I was getting hornier day by day to try it out. But being in a relationship there was hardly any room or time for it. I once experienced it in bangkok and confirmed that I really can do it and actually love it. One day suddenly it was br... Read full Story
My first experience with a tranny
ENGLISH: I want to tell you about my first sexual experience with a transsexual in 2018. I was a bit drunk and got horny, I searched the internet and found a brunette tranny with 7 inches of cock, wavy hair, young and attractive. She had an HIV negative health card. We went to the motel and I was... Read full Story
Old but new
Years had passed since high school, and Alex found himself wandering through the familiar streets of his old neighborhood. The crisp autumn air carried a sense of nostalgia. As he passed Tony’s Sandwich Shop, he felt a pang of curiosity and decided to step inside. The shop hadn’t changed much—the... Read full Story
First fuck in public ;)
You’re only wearing a coat, I find a place where, I can kiss you then slide my hand between the flaps of your coat. I expose your breasts and slide my hand down across your tummy down to your pussy. My fingers start to explore your soft bush, working there way to your soft pink lips surrounding your... Read full Story
Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag at the Club
"Can you wear a dress tonight?" "I can't crossdress in public, I'm not 'out' and don't want to be seen that way." "That's okay. We're going to a gay-only club that has a drag queen show tonight, so you'd fit right in." "Cool, but I'll have to change when we get there." "Awesome! See you tonight!... Read full Story
my first realization
As a 14 year old boy, I was the classic adolescent; playing sports for my junior high and chasing girls. One day during track practice, I was talking to a teammate in the gym. There was a particularly small, slender, pale white boy trying to become a pole vaulter. The team’s best pole vaulter was a ... Read full Story
Awesome day at class =)
Sooo i'm in college. and one of my professors is really hot. he's older but looks like he's in his 30's. anyway, every single day in class i would notice his huge bulge under his pants and just couldn't help but wonder =P so i figured, hey maybe i should start flirting with ... Read full Story
Alex pt.2
I could not believe it, me and Alex exploring each other's mouths with our tongues. As I pulled Alex closest to me, I could feel a little nub poking what are spandex. Immediately, that made all the blood rush to my cock. Indeed, Alex felt my man meat get hard and big, even more, Alex let out ... Read full Story
My story
"You're gonna make me suck that, aren't you?", I asked her. " Yes" she said. "But you're going to suck it because you want to". " I doubt that", I said. "We'll see", she said with a smile. "You're gonna cum in my mouth, aren't you?", I asked? "Yes baby, Mommy is gonna feed you her sweet nectar... Read full Story
My story, more or less pt.2
So there I was, a boy with a desire. (Refer to pt.1 for context) A few months went by from the "initiation" and I've progressed quite a bit I have switched from shemale porn to femboy porn, to relate to the main characters more. I have also scoured every closet in desperate search f... Read full Story
That night....
I was extremely nervous when I pulled out my phone and dialed the number. Never before, in my wildest dreams, had I thought I would act on one of my strongest fantasies. I knew I would be nervous when I first met her, but after exchanging pictures and seeing that big, fat cock of hers, I knew I ha... Read full Story
Happy Ending
The last massage of the day is always the worst. It’s no secret that it’s the end of your shift and you just want to go home! But, today a really pleasant surprise happened. An appointment came through and requested me, which was odd because I didn’t recognize the name or the telephone number on ... Read full Story
Bikini contest
I was at this beach bar in Mt Pleasant SC. There was a bikini contest that day. As I attended, the contest started. I was 23yrs old and the thought never crossed my mind about a tranny. However this was supposed to be all girls. Nobody, including me suspected this girl that won the contest was a tr... Read full Story
Happy Birthday
I love to write Erotica. For story requests please send me a private message or email Enjoy! I couldn’t move. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t move. The restraints didn’t give in any direction. The more I fought the more pain I was in. My safe word (wasabi) ... Read full Story
Jamie knew he was different. He didn’t fit in with the other boys, but he didn’t feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn’t into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going f... Read full Story
Hooked On Shemale Cock
Nitromethane Well, that did it, I finally swallowed my first load of shemale cum, and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since. It was three years or so that I'd been wanting to have a shemale cum in my mouth, and it was everything I'd dreamed and more, but now what? I'm at work think... Read full Story
How I Became His Office Fucktoy
Until this job ended last year, every day at my lunch break I would service one of my many Daddies in his office in the building where I worked. He'd always slip me a few bucks, a $20 or even $50 afterwards, not as a payment for sex, but as a "tip" "for all the hard work you do here," he says. I wor... Read full Story
Deflowering Latina Sissy Destiny
A real life story of my one and only time deflowering someone and being their first real encounter, I was 27 at the time and she was 21. I am absolutely convinced that Trans girls and CDs have a bit of a 6th sense when it comes to perceiving which guys are into them even in a public situation. I ... Read full Story
Bottom Bitch
Let me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliat... Read full Story
Becoming Zoe
My soon to be wife Annie had taken a job out of town and I only saw her every two weeks or so. I was so missing her. She and I had become long distance lovers. She was scheduled for a flight home on Friday night. I was going to pick up her son Zakk from his dorm and the two of us were going to p... Read full Story
New Orleans TS dream come true..
In was on New Orleans running water for the victims of Katrina in 2005. I went down to Bourbon St several times an one night I walked into adult fetish store and as I was looking around there was what appeared to be a very beautiful black woman bending over with a very short skirt on. I was admirin... Read full Story
Taking Ricky's Cherry
My work has me traveling all over the US and if you have read any of my previous stuff then you might have figured out that I have a major cougar streak. I just love being the first T gurl to a sexually inexperienced young guy. I was bored and horny in the hotel room, so I logged into a gay dating s... Read full Story
Flight cancelled
I was on my way back from a long business trip to Chattanooga, Tennessee and deciding to hit the airport bar during my layover. As I walked up to the bar I noticed there was only one seat open. I took it. I ordered my favorite drink, an old fashioned neat with makers mark. As I sat there waiting for... Read full Story
Sissy Slut Reunion
Rob had moved back to town and called me. He had just moved into his new place and he wanted me to come by and talk. I knew what he really wanted from the tone of his voice, because I wanted it too. He said he had been thinking and dreamed about me the whole time he was away. My spirits lifted and ... Read full Story