Free Stories

Maid in waiting.
This is my version of an incident that happened to me a few years ago. I live in a remote area of Scotland but I attended University in Edinburgh, the country's capital. I made friends then with a couple who were Bi and into swinging. They had arranged a sex party and I was invited. I was helping th... Read full Story
Three In A Day
Clara felf especially slutty today. She briefly gazed at her long legs shimmered in the smooth, silky black stockings, and black patent leather pumps as she pressed the gas pedal of her car. Her olive skin and black wig were set off by the brightest shade of red lipstick she could find. Driving d... Read full Story
mushrooms in all shapes and forms
Mushroom season is open! Yummy! I love mushrooms, in all shapes and forms. We were about fifteen mushroom lovers who only get together to pick mushrooms, without any other friendly gatherings! For this last outing of the season, our splendid instructor was accompanied by her cousin, who was sup... Read full Story
Becoming Zoe
My soon to be wife Annie had taken a job out of town and I only saw her every two weeks or so. I was so missing her. She and I had become long distance lovers. She was scheduled for a flight home on Friday night. I was going to pick up her son Zakk from his dorm and the two of us were going to p... Read full Story
Jamie knew he was different. He didn’t fit in with the other boys, but he didn’t feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn’t into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going f... Read full Story
Saving My Marriage
I love to write Erotica. For story requests please send me a private message or email It was our anniversary. Today made five years that my wife and I have been married and we were taking a road trip to celebrate. I chose our destination but I let her choose all of our a... Read full Story
Alessia Travestita Hung Mature Blonde British Porn Star
Alessia Travestita Hung Mature Blonde British Porn Star If you like Transexuals, big cocks, bondage, domination, deep throat, fisting, spit roast, 69, ass fucking, cum swallowing and big loads this story is for you. If not don’t bother reading. If you like my story please leave comments and ... Read full Story
My first time with a guy
MY FIRST TIME WITH A GUY Another true story it’s kind of long but I think you will enjoy it I lived west of Lake Worth Florida. At that time we were surrounded by 1500 Acres of woods. There were 10 of us and we all had dirt bikes and would go out riding all the time.. On Saturdays we had a game ... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Natalie mais ce n'est pas le nom avec lequel je suis née; c'est plutôt le nom que ma femme m'a donné quand elle a fait de moi sa "sœur" et sa poule mouillée cocu peu de temps après notre mariage. Mon vrai nom est Nathan mais c'est un nom que je préférerais ne plus jamais utiliser parce ... Read full Story
Ma femme, Jill, était à Denver pendant douze jours pour assister à un séminaire médical pour les chirurgiens plasticiens et ne devait pas revenir avant quelques jours. En raison de son travail, elle assiste à plusieurs séminaires, à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de l'État, parfois un jour ou plusieur... Read full Story
Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
Il a finalement pris rendez-vous chez les médecins pour l'examen de la prostate. Sa femme le harcelait depuis des jours, après qu'un de leurs amis eut récemment reçu un diagnostic de cancer de la prostate. En entrant chez les médecins, il a dit qu'il était ici pour un examen réservé p... Read full Story
"Asseyez-vous Robert", m'a demandé Mme Conley. C'était une femme plutôt grossière et autoritaire qui s'en sortait pour 50 ans, je dirais. J'ai fait ce qu'on m'avait dit et j'ai attendu qu'elle - une responsable principale des réclamations à la bourse du chômage où j'ai "signé" pour réclamer mes allo... Read full Story
"Ah putain !" Chris crie alors que sa tête est poussée vers l'avant puis se brise contre son siège de voiture. Pendant un bref instant, sa vision est floue. Se ressaisissant, il regarde autour de lui et ne voit aucune vitre ou quoi que ce soit de endommagé à l'intérieur de sa voiture... Read full Story
Je n'ai jamais vraiment compris pourquoi je ne semblais tout simplement pas m'intégrer. 22 ans, un récent diplômé du secondaire, une apparence décente. Juste douloureusement mince. La plupart des gars que je connaissais au lycée semblaient appartenir à une sorte de groupe. Athlète, érudit ou... Read full Story
OH, FRERE! ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le début de la séance avec le psychiatre. La femme aux cheveux argentés avec de petites lunettes de lecture à monture écrivait déjà dans son carnet. J'ai admiré son choix de mode d'un élégant tailleur-jupe gris avec un chemisier blanc. Ses simples escarpins noirs étaient élégants et montraie... Read full Story
Mettons les choses au clair. Je ne suis pas gay, pas une poule mouillée ou un pédé, je suis un hétérosexuel normal de 30 ans, d'accord ! Alors pourquoi vous demandez vous si j'écris ceci vêtue d'une robe bleu foncé, de bas noirs avec porte-jarretelles, d'une culotte bleu clair avec un motif à pois b... Read full Story
C'était vendredi, le réveil a sonné ; ma femme a tendu la main et l'a éteint en se levant pour se préparer au travail. J'étais infirmier et j'avais un week-end de trois jours comme d'habitude ; et comme d'habitude, je me suis levé et j'ai préparé le petit déjeuner qui consistait à griller les bag... Read full Story
champignons sous toutes ses formes et façons
La saison des champignons est ouverte! Miam... J'adore les champignons, sous toutes ses formes et façons. Nous sommes une quinzaine d'amateurs qui se retrouvent uniquement à l'occasion des ceuillettes de champignons sans aucun autre rassemblement amical! Pour cette dernière sortie de la saison,... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
J'ai enfin goûté la bonne chère/chair
Dépucelée en bon et du forme... Chose jamais osée depuis que je goûte la jouissance par tous les sens et dans tous ses sens... Je la découvris quand elle m'a sourit en guise de remerciement pour lui avoir cédé le passage dans la superette du bled où j'étais pour affaires. Sandales à ses pieds d... Read full Story
Être coincé au bureau tard un vendredi, c'est toujours nul. Alors que je remarquais que des subordonnés et des collègues quittaient le bâtiment alors que l'horloge sonnait cinq heures, certains d'entre eux s'arrêtant à la porte de mon bureau pour me souhaiter poliment un bon week-end... Read full Story
Peter et moi étions amis depuis que nous jouions au basket ensemble au collège. J'étais le meneur nerveux et il a pris les rebonds. Aucun de nous ne pouvait tirer, mais nous pensions que nous étions Kyrie Irving et LeBron James et avions prévu de mener l'université au championnat d'État ... Read full Story
L'enterrement de ma vie de garçon ⚧️ ⚧️
J'ai 24 ans et suis fiancé à Anne, de deux ans plus jeune que moi. Nous nous sommes connus à la Fac, avant que je commence à travailler pour une banque d'investissement en ville. Elle n'est pas une bombe atomique (1m66 et 60 kilos), elle a son charme, mais surtout elle est très coquin... Read full Story
2 Faker, Eierlose, Blockierlistenuser und ein paar richtig geile
Freitags sind Fimia und ich an die Bi-Night im CW Volketswil gefahren. Als wir eintrafen, waren schon viele Freund:innen auf der Terrasse anwesend. Wir fläzten uns zu ihnen auf die Liegen und schon bald wurden allerlei Zärtlichkeiten ausgetauscht. Da wurde gefummelt, hier wurde geblasen und sogar da... Read full Story
Long weekend at work
So I am the low man on the scale at work. My job is with the City I work in dispatch and am one of the people responsible for getting road crews, hydro and sewer crews out to fix problems wherever they occur. My boss is a very attractive woman named Jamie. She stands about 152 centimeters and dar... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
Bi male and anal sex
Thru out my adult sex life I have always enjoyed having my ass teased and played with. Then I started dating a woman whom loved to tease a mans ass with her fingers, yes fingers where she quickly got me use to taking 2 of her fingers. Then one night things changed. After a hot night of wild sex,... Read full Story
Ein etwas anderes Grillfest 31.07.24
Am 31.07. wollten wir eigentlich ein geiles Grillfest in der Ruine Anwil feiern. Leider machte Petrus kurzfristig nicht mit, so dass wir bei Andrea Obdach fanden. Nach und nach fanden alle Gäst:innen bei Andrea ein. Andrea begutachtete, als gute Gastgeber:in, die mitgebrachten Würste, während der G... Read full Story
Marathon im Cruisingworld Kirchberg
Ich wurde um 11 Uhr bei mir zuhause von meiner Begleitung abgeholt, gemeinsam fuhren wir ins Cruisingworld nach Kirchberg. Angekommen, wurden wir sogleich nett begrüsst, danach ging es in die Garderobe und gleich ins Spiegelzimmer. Wir starteten den Tag zärtlich mit Küssen und Streicheln. Ich wurd... Read full Story
Feriengruss 22.07.24
Erneut ging es ins Cruisingworld Kirchberg. Eine herzliche Begrüssung, ab in die Garderobe und dann unter die Dusche. Bereits beim Eintreten hörte ich ein paar bekannte Laute. Als ich beim Zimmer mit der runden Liege vorbei gehen wollte, um an die Bar zu kommen, war kein Durchkommen mehr. Vom Innere... Read full Story
Meine erste Erfahrung
Ich schildere hier meine Erfahrungen und wie aus mir die wurde, die ich jetzt bin. Es ist 1993, Ich bin zu diesem Zeitpunkt 8 Jahre jung und lebte in einer normalen Familie. Meine Eltern sind an einem Freitag Abend zum Essen gegangen mit anschließendem Kino Besuch. An diesem Abend sollte meine Cou... Read full Story
My wife Gwen
My wife, what can I say she is tall and leggy with thick, natural wavy orange-red hair with beautiful porceline skin and just enough freckles to tell you she is a true ginger. Add to that smokey green eyes and thin sexy lips and you can see why people refer to her as Gorgeous Gwen. From the time we... Read full Story
When I was twelve I met a new classmate named Dave, he and I became great friends hanging out, joining clubs and what ever else high school kids do. His family was from the Phillipines and he and his sister were the first generation born in this country. His sister Mai is the focus of this story. ... Read full Story
My wonderful life with Pat : The tattoo
Few hours later Marie and Pat arrived, Marie ordered me to stand-up and kiss me hardly with her tongue rolling in my mouth. She say me goodbye and thank you so much for dinner and the marvelous night, Pat is really lucky with you. I was so surprised i reply by a shy thank you. After Marie has le... Read full Story
SUMMER VACATION by Spanky de Bautumn
In our house, it was a well-known secret that my mother kept her change in the top drawer of her dresser. The same drawer she kept her slips, chemises, panties, and all other satin, nylon, or lacy ladies undergarments. During the summer, my brother and I would run to that wondrous drawer when... Read full Story
My wonderful life with Pat : Pat birthday
Today we will received a friend of Pat for her birthday Charles and Pat are friends since the kindergarden Today Charles is married with Suzanne. Charles has followed the Pat sexual changes from young man to lady shemale. Before being with Suzanne Michel had participated to several parties... Read full Story
Business trip
Craig and I were salesmen for the same company and on a trip together to woo new clients. The last thing I expected was that we would woo each other. It had been a long day and we went to our rooms to relax and unwind. After I had my room service and wanted to go over the proposals I realized Crai... Read full Story
Las Vegas Swingers
It had been over 6 months since I seriously dated someone, and I was getting depressed and in a rut. I had directed my attention to my work and it kept me from feeling sad about my loss of someone I almost married. I had met a transsexual girl that absolutely adored, but she was tragically killed. (... Read full Story
Tasting the good FLESH
I am no longer Virgin, en bon et du forme Thing never dared since I taste the enjoyment by all the senses and in all its senses... I discovered her when she smiled at me as a thank-you for giving her the way to the small-town supermarket where I was on business. Sandals at her feet of Cinderell... Read full Story
My best night at a gloryhole and theater.
Hello, this is an account of what I consider my best night of my life; I was living in Baltimore, MD, Essex area at the time. A little background on me is that I am married now and at the time of this night but not that happy at the time. I was married for about 8 years and my wife and I decide to f... Read full Story
My first Shemale
“Curious? Bi?” Well, yes, but only with a shemale. Beyond that I’m a firmly planted heterosexual. For many years I longed to have sex with a shemale but never did anything about it. (I’m not much of an initiator). The community I live in has lots of shemale beauts; maybe that started my intere... Read full Story
The Three of Us
Imagine you are a lonely person on the inside, and just wanting all your life to be loved for who you are. Holli Artigas, was just that person. Wondering whether her obsession with Jon Silva, a football star, was from a casual encounter, or was she truly fond of him? Growing up in the Sao Paulo, ... Read full Story
She also conquered my soul...
Initiation in a new era... Almost three months since I offered my virginity to a wonderfull he-woman, Selmi... unfortunately I had to cancel the second day we planned to spend together with my LORDESS because I quitted the town where we met the day before. Since, only few summer fling messages...... Read full Story
Camming Down the Rabbit Hole Ch. 09
As per my previous mornings recently, I stirred and rubbed the sleep from my eyes, that delicious feeling of my silk night ware stretching over my taught nipples and my morning wood throbbing in its lace enclosure. The urge to touch myself was palpable, it seemed no matter how hard I came the night ... Read full Story
De la pucelle quinquagénaire à la mature disponible...
***Prologue - Confessions: Depuis que j’ai offert ma virginité, je me mets chaque jour un peu plus dans la peau d’une femme. Le petit bled où je vis m’interdit de m’exhiber socialement. Totefois je me suis faite une complice, mon épileuse qui me reçoit après la fermeture . Depuis mon nouveau début,... Read full Story
Beginning of my Bi Life
Well It's all Started When I Was at 13 or may be 14 years old. I began to watch porn and reading porn comics and began to masturbate. I wasn't getting much privacy at my home so I was staying at my school even after my classes was over and when everyone was busy at after school Sport hours I masturb... Read full Story
My wife made me a bi-sexual
One night me and the wife were out drinking at a lounge on Maine Street it was getting late so we headed back to the car. As we were walking down the street, we walked by this adult bookstore called A-1 Adult Books joking around I said we should go in and look around (They had sex toys, books, and m... Read full Story
bi to sissy caught and turned
It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swallowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So ... Read full Story
First Sexual Crossdress Experience
How my secretary found out I'm a bi TV and how me and my TV friend educate her into some of the more zany aspects of TV sex. *** As I laid back against the wall of the toilet with my nylon-clad thighs spread wide and my erect cock jutting up lewdly from between them, the wooden door in front o... Read full Story
Slut bi cross dresser
Party Surprise - First sex as a Crossdresser. This is a work of Fantasy. I hope you enjoy. Stephanie and I had been married a few years and enjoyed a reasonable sex life. She knew of my dressing and although she didn’t approve she indulged me now and then and we had sex when I was dressed ... Read full Story
Ana in Action
I had fantasized about him for months. I just wanted to know what it was luck to have him pulsing inside me, to feel his body pressed against mine in sheer lust. I just had no idea that it would actually come about and that my wife would be the hook up. You see, Jim has been one of my wife's drinkin... Read full Story
Six Hours of Pure Heaven. Authors Notes: This is the story of my first visit to an anything goes swingers club in Las Vegas. The night of the story I was one of the first arrive and one of the last to leave. This club is a real club and it is called the THE STUDIOS and it is open 4 days a week, Thu... Read full Story
My first bi encounter
As a young catholic boy I always prayed I would have a women’s body. I would wear my sister’s clothes and masturbate in my bedroom. I have been a closet cross-dresser for a long time. In my early twenties I rented my own apartment. I would buy from Fredericks of Hollywood catalogue for my outfits, ... Read full Story
Brazilian Discovery Chapter 4
John, the husband of Susan (see Susan and John series) has travelled to Brazil for a one year training session. Mr Gupta has sent him as the pretty little Joan, in the hope he would lose any interest for Susan and leave him totally free to deal with his senior accountant! The corset maker had bee... Read full Story
Interview with a Fluffer
. "Clarissa", I want to thank you for agreeing to do this interview with me. I think a lot of my readers will be very curious to hear about your experiences in the industry. First of all, can you describe what is involved in your job for me? A. Hi Leah, first of all, no problem, I... Read full Story