Free Stories

Describing Breasts
Descriptions are complex things, but, done well, they seem simple and elegant and easy, just like a ballet or a football play. In describing almost anything, a writer uses the same elements and techniques. To illustrate, in this article, I will show aspiring writers how to describe a pair of breasts... Read full Story
A Couple And A Shemale Encounter
Not long ago I was sitting home alone on a Friday night with nothing much to do and feeling horny so I decided to go out. I showered, misted myself with my favorite perfume, put on a sexy black bra, rolled on a silky new pair of jet black sheer to waist pantyhose, slipped into a tight, very short, l... Read full Story
Office Casual
"Good morning Ms. Anderson," Karen said as her boss walked past her desk station and into her office. "Good morning Karen," Ms. Anderson said, not even stopping to make eye contact, "I'm going to be very busy today, so I'll need you to let me know if you get any mail fo... Read full Story
The Girl Next Door Ch. 01 by derezzed ©
Michael was your average 21-year-old college student. He was on his way home from college for summer break after finishing his finals and looking forward to a few months of relaxation. Driving home Michael reflected on his past three years of college. It had been a great junior year. He met a lot of... Read full Story
The Girl Next Door Ch. 01
derezzed Michael was your average 21-year-old college student. He was on his way home from college for summer break after finishing his finals and looking forward to a few months of relaxation. Driving home Michael reflected on his past three years of college. It had been a great junior year. H... Read full Story
Jo, Shemale Goddess! Part 1
Jo plumped the cushion and carefully positioned it until it was precisely at the right angle. Nothing less than perfection would do. Ricki, her friend of twelve years was coming to stay overnight and she would notice if the tiniest thing was out of place. An impatient knock on the door signalled ... Read full Story
Photo Op
Stanley Lewis pulled his Toyota Corolla into the Arco gas station, parking behind the red Mustang convertible, the driver of which, a leggy blonde in a mini-skirt, was refueling her vehicle. Stanley had been driving all morning, having started in Kingman, Arizona, completing the final leg of his tri... Read full Story
His teacher, The transsexual
Greg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't a... Read full Story
The Transsexual Teacher
Greg was late for class. He ran through the hallways. They were very particular about being punctual here. His health teacher especially. She was very focused on such things. Greg had been late twice this week. He couldn't help that his car kept breaking down. Ms. Sin was a real hardass and didn't a... Read full Story
The Girl Next Door Ch. 03 by derezzed ©
Chapter 3 – The Night Out Michael woke up on Monday morning feeling quite relaxed. The sun filtered in through the blinds towards him. He felt warm from the gentle rays. As Michael became more alert, he examined his surroundings. The feeling of silk sheets wrapped around him and Alexis's arm casu... Read full Story
Shemale Video Galleries And A Cock To Bang
I arrived in Bangkok one early afternoon and I was ready to experience the thing the place was famous for. As soon as I checked in my hotel and got in my hotel room, I started searching for some hot encounter through shemale video galleries. They were all really pretty and promised a lot of fun. ... Read full Story
Hung Shemale has Motorcycle Trouble near Vegas
I drive down a deserted two- lane highway outside of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is August and the temperature is well over 100 degrees. In the distance, I see a tall beautiful mature creature that walks alongside the road. As I pull over, I am stunned by her powerful physique. She sports an incredibly ti... Read full Story
See Me At Shemale Cam Tube
I was dressing when I heard a new e-mail arriving. "You're hot as hell on Shemale Cam Tube", he wrote, "Wanna meet me 4 lunch? Promise to be a gentleman!" It was cute, especially coming from such a skinny guy. I'm a big girl - over six feet, with strong legs and huge breasts whic... Read full Story
Tourmenter ⚧️ ⚧️
Sasha attendait avec impatience ces vacances en famille depuis peu de temps. L'invitation était courte mais faisable et même si elle se sentait un peu pressée à son goût, tout se passait bien. Elle adorait sa caravane. 'Glamping'... camping glamour... convenait à son idée du confort e... Read full Story
J'ai quitté la maison à 18 ans et j'ai emménagé dans une petite maison de location. J'avais toujours aimé m'habiller en lingerie, mais maintenant j'étais libre de porter de la lingerie tous les jours et d'apprendre les joies d'être une femme, ce que j'avais toujours v... Read full Story
J'ai toujours aimé la lingerie féminine. De regarder des catalogues à voir des copines le porter, j'ai adoré le look et la sensation de la lingerie sexy et soyeuse, mais pour moi, cela a toujours été plus profond. À 18 ans, j'ai essayé ma première paire de culottes, oh mon Dieu, c'était merveilleux ... Read full Story
Ma femme Rona était assise sur le canapé avec son pop-corn pendant que je terminais les plats du souper. « Hal ! Dépêche toi Hal, ça va commencer », m'a fait signe ma femme excitée. "Une seconde chérie. J'ai presque fini," répondis je en rangeant la dernière assiette. Mon épouse de vingt-six ans ... Read full Story
J'ai enfin goûté la bonne chère/chair
Dépucelée en bon et du forme... Chose jamais osée depuis que je goûte la jouissance par tous les sens et dans tous ses sens... Je la découvris quand elle m'a sourit en guise de remerciement pour lui avoir cédé le passage dans la superette du bled où j'étais pour affaires. Sandales à ses pieds d... Read full Story
L'arme redoutable des femmes,
Au fil des ans, ma femme s'est décidée à prendre le contrôle de ma sexualité en voyant que je n'avais plus de désir pour elle. Une association féminine l'a formé en quelques mois à devenir une dominatrice zélée. Au fil des mois, je suis devenu son soumis à la maison. Chaque soir, elle vient m... Read full Story
Le rêve est mort. L'écriture était ma passion, mais cela n'a jamais servi à rien. La réalité a une mauvaise façon de vous rattraper, déchiquetant vos désirs dans son sillage. Ce cycle d'épargne et de vie de ces économies s'est progressivement révélé intenable et maintenant, à ving... Read full Story
Pounded to submission part2
Two days ago Joesph was checking out porn. A couple of BBW vids here some interracial there, the usual. Then he saw a just viewed picture with a Brazilian She-male and couldn't stop looking. With his curiosity getting the better of him he clicked on it. She was gorgeous! Her face appeared to be as f... Read full Story
My Own Private Carolina (Part 1)
I returned to my hometown for what I assumed would be the last time. My mom finally decided to sell our old family home and move into a condo at the beach. It only made sense for her to do so. Since my father passed away seven years ago, there was nothing left to keep her there, and it was really fa... Read full Story
Ma femme et maintenant elle va me transformer en Sissy
Karen et moi sommes mariés depuis 28 ans. Nous avons eu nos hauts et nos bas, mais nous sommes restés fidèles et avons produit deux excellents sexe en conséquence. J'ai toujours été secrètement bi. J'ai été pris au piège de quelques accessions, mais j'ai résisté aux tempêtes et j'ai visité des relat... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
Nicholas a sorti son téléphone et a pris une dernière photo de sa maison. Nicolas emménageait dans une nouvelle maison aujourd'hui. Nicholas était un garçon de 18 ans, il était le plus petit et le plus maigre de l'école, il gardait ses longs cheveux blonds. Il n'était pas bon en sport et n'a jamais ... Read full Story
"Maman, maman," cria Michael. "Aide-moi!" Mary tourna la tête vers les cris de son fils pour ensuite entendre Melissa crier: "Sortez d'ici, espèce de pervers!" Mary se précipita dans le couloir jusqu'à la chambre de sa fille où elle trouva Michael passant devant elle, suivi de près par une bro... Read full Story
Wife Left Me so I Could be a Girl
I Am The Girl My Wife Did Not Want As the only child of a single mother I grew up around all things feminine. Having lingerie and stockings drying in the bathroom was normal for me and I always loved how pretty the full cut nylon panties and slips with tons of lace looked. I lived at home with... Read full Story
TV television
My girlfriend Gloria and I had just moved into an apartment together, having gone out for six months or so, before making the committment. We moved in furniture from each of our apartments, after deciding what would go best in the new place. With the exception of a television, we really had everythi... Read full Story
My girlfriend Gloria and I had just moved into an apartment together, having gone out for six months or so, before making the committment. We moved in furniture from each of our apartments, after deciding what would go best in the new place. With the exception of a television, we really had eve... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Ash regarda sa mère, incrédule quant à ce qu'elle venait de dire. Il comprenait la prémisse de base de ce qui s'était passé, mais le raisonnement qu'elle avait dû le déconcerter. "Pourquoi ?! Pourquoi ferais-tu ça ?!" Il a plaidé, la voix légère et désespérée. Elle haussa l... Read full Story
Le Parti de l'apothéose féminine, ou FAP, a reconnu les différences physiques entre les hommes et les femmes. Cependant, la FAP a affirmé que même si les femmes pouvaient être physiquement inférieures aux hommes, elles étaient moralement supérieures. Tant que les hommes seraient plus forts que l... Read full Story
The Girl Next Door Ch. 02 by derezzed ©
Chapter 2 – Taking the Next Step Into Depravity Michael hardly got any sleep that night. When he did his dreams were filled with images of Jenny and her large penis. He tossed and turned in frustration. As he rolled over for what felt like the thousandth time he was blinded by the sunlight that h... Read full Story
The Girl Next Door Ch. 02
derezzed Chapter 2 – Taking the Next Step Into Depravity Michael hardly got any sleep that night. When he did his dreams were filled with images of Jenny and her large penis. He tossed and turned in frustration. As he rolled over for what felt like the thousandth time he was blinded by the s... Read full Story
Dame et jardinier
Piotr se tenait sur les escaliers de la villa de Klonowa Street, située dans le quartier à la mode et riche de sa ville. Il était environ midi par un chaud samedi de juin. C'était son dernier arrêt ce jour-là. Il avait déjà collecté l'argent des autres clients avec lesquels il traitait des jardins, ... Read full Story
L'interphone du bureau de Jane Johnson bourdonna. "Oui, Mary," dit Jane. "Il y a une Mme Winter ici pour vous voir madame." Marie a répondu. "Par tous les moyens, envoyez-la directement." dit joyeusement Jane. La porte du bureau du principal a été ouverte par ... Read full Story
"Jess, Jess, j'ai besoin que tu m'aides à porter les courses." Jess gémit et, coupable, il souhaita que sa mère demande à quelqu'un d'autre de l'aider. Il voulait juste regarder toutes les autres filles sissy sur Twitter et obtenir son petit « excitation » dur. Il desc... Read full Story
Amy se réveilla, surprise par le son strident de son alarme. Elle se réinstalla dans son oreiller et regarda de côté son horloge. En lisant l'affichage numérique, elle s'assit comme un boulon. « 8h30 ? Merde, je vais être si en retard ! Amy a sauté du lit et s'est habillée aussi vi... Read full Story
Family Frolic
FRIDAY My sister and her husband wanted to take a few weeks off in the sun and asked me to look after their kids for a while. I'd move out of my tiny apartment and into their house for the duration. As I was still living off my severance and they had a nice spread with an indoor pool and a h... Read full Story
My dream pt 2
A few hours later I woke up and realized that I had fallen asleep. Sydney must have also fallen asleep as she was still in my arms. I tried to get up with out waking Sydney but that wasn't possible. She woke up and quickly put on her nightie so she could walk me to the door. When we entered ... Read full Story
The Weekend
The weekend A story inspired by the very sweet and sexy samantha satine and my beautiful wife Part 1 - The preparation samantha packed her suitcase with her usual attention to detail, makeup, lingerie, wigs, but no dresses. Her head was confused by this, Master D had given her instructions... Read full Story
Occasion louppé avec des regrets
Un grand regret que j'aurais toujours, il y a longtemps j'avais l'habitude de me rendre dans un bar hotel restaurant ,le serveur le bon fils de famille il avait une bonne stature grand et fort mais il avait son côté féminin trés trés voyant en gros son homosexualité trés présente un jour je lui dem... Read full Story
Rebecca's Secret Part 3
Kate stood before me, dressed in only a burgundy bathrobe, with her back to the door. She looked up at me as if waiting for me to say something, as if I was the one who needed to provide an explanation. Rebecca, meanwhile, stood behind me, using my body to shield her from Kate's eyes, not that it ma... Read full Story
Alpha Gamma's Secret Part 3
-7- "This has been an important and exciting year for our sorority," said Jessie, House President, to the assembled sisters of the Northeastern University chapter of Alpha Gamma Tran. Today was a very special day. It was the annual Commencement Ceremony which marked a successful en... Read full Story
A Maid Family Part 2
Sitting up with a start I felt the cold wet cloth that someone had put onto my brow fall into my lap, and then shortly after that I felt it slide in between my crotch and then onto the seat of the leather sofa where as luck would have it the damn thing then wedged up against me, and after a few ... Read full Story
My Dream pt 3
Our first invitation arrived at the end of September. Sydney spotted it first and tossed it into the trash with out looking at it. She didn't tell me what it was and I didn't bother asking. The next invitation arrived two weeks later. This one Sydney opened and after reading it she passed ... Read full Story
Mutually Assured Attraction Part 2
Sarah gasps and jumps back in shock. She wonders why she should be surprised that the beautiful shemale in the bed had called her by her name. Confused, she lifts her gaze from Jessica and looks around the room frantically searching for an explanation. Her gaze fixes on a mirror. In the mirror st... Read full Story
My First Time Out Part 3
Angelo was still working on Shayna's blonde wig. He fussed with it, combed it, and teased it. Angelo knew a romantic style was very important to Sir Dominique. Shayna was escorted to a tremendous makeup table. Saki placed a headband on her that stretched her scalp and raised her non-existent eyeb... Read full Story
Secret Lover
I could not believe what was happening to me right then and there. It was a mix between a dream and a nightmare. Here I was lying in the bed of my four year college crush, Colleen, both of us naked, both of us breathing heavily after a heavy make out session, then stripping naked, then...and here's ... Read full Story
My Beautiful Surprise
Mark Holloway groaned as he sat up in bed and reached behind him to touch Madison. It was six o'clock on Saturday morning in Birmingham, Alabama. His hand met only a cool pillow and undisturbed sheets. Then he recalled with an increase in his heartbeat that she was due to arrive at the Birmingham In... Read full Story
John and his wife had gone to a party at the home of Barbara, one of their friends. Barbara was tall and statuesque. A very striking divorcee who gave every indication of being eager for sexual activity. John had met her before his marriage at a time when his finance was living in another city.... Read full Story
The TV is on with the sound on mute and I hear the sound of cars and trucks running by the outside of the building just close enough for me to hear the tires rubbing against the asphalt as they go by. I can't find much to do in this little town and the closest source of entertainment is a half h... Read full Story
Britney Story
Yeah, for those of you that have already read it, this is just my "Oops, I Did It With Britney" story that has previously appeared in four separate parts in the "celebrities" section, but I've put it on here for a couple of reasons. For one thing, I've noticed that the stories in... Read full Story
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Read full Story
All Night Forced Sex Part 4
When I woke up all I had on was very small running shorts that had a slit up each side and a t-shirt. The shorts were unable to contain my hard-on so I let it stick out the bottom. No one was around and it felt nasty hot. I snapped out of my daze and began to panic just as she opened the door. &q... Read full Story
Joey Says
My sister Beth had phoned to say she was in the neighbourhood, and could she call in. In fact she had a few days and could I put her up. It had been ages since I had last seen her but of course she was very welcome. I am Mat, 28 and recently separated from Kate. Beth is a year younger and as far ... Read full Story