Free Stories

« Tyler ! Arrêtez-vous – vous regardez à nouveau, et il l'a remarqué ! » La voix de Jack chuchota d'une voix rauque à l'oreille de Tyler alors que l'eau chaude de la douche tambourinait dans son dos. Il ne restait plus que les trois sous la douche maintenant. L'entraînement de basket-ball était t... Read full Story
Forcé d'être femelle
La dernière chose dont je me souvenais était de sortir de la banque et de traverser la route vers ma voiture. Je venais juste de voir mon directeur de banque pour discuter du transfert d'argent d'un de mes comptes vers un compte d'épargne à intérêt élevé. J'avais gagné pas mal d'argent à la Loterie... Read full Story
Tante Rose m'a habillé comme une fille
J'étais à cet âge entre les chiffres célibataires et l'adolescence, assez vieux pour avoir remarqué le sexe opposé mais pas encore capable de comprendre quoi faire avec la raideur entre mes jambes. En tant que seule merde, ma curiosité pour le sexe opposé était aux mieux limités. C'était des vacance... Read full Story
Closet Sissy Son fait en fille
Pourquoi étais-je à quatre pattes avec la bite de mon père dans le cul et la chatte de ma sœur dans mon visage? Je ne savais pas que ma mère était au courant de mon secret. Elle savait que je portais sa lingerie et celle de ma sœur. Cela a commencé lorsqu'un jour j'étais seul à la maison et que j... Read full Story
Bikini garçon
J'étais le garçon que mon père avait espéré après 3 filles avant moi. La vie dans notre maison à deux étages de la classe moyenne de banlieue était aussi normale que celle de n'importe qui d'autre. Mon père était un père aimant qui m'élevait et faisait les choses qu'un père aime faire avec son fils ... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
"Merci d'avoir fait ça, Alex," dit Mr Stevens en me serrant la main. "Au revoir Mr et Mme Stevens !" J'ai crié depuis la porte d'entrée alors que mes voisins me faisaient signe avant de monter dans leur voiture. Ils fêtaient leur anniversaire avec une soirée et je m'étais porté volontaire pour ga... Read full Story
Embarrassé par ma mère
Oh mon Dieu! Je ne peux pas croire ce qui vient de se passer. J'étais tout habillé avec mes sous-vêtements sexy, bas noirs, porte-jarretelles, string en dentelle et talons quand j'ai vu ma mère et mon père se garer dehors dans la voiture. J'ai paniqué et j'ai enlevé mes talons très rapidement et j'a... Read full Story
Ado est forcé à poule mouillée
Ma première fois avec un autre homme était quand j'avais 18 ans à la fin des années 80. Ma copine était vierge et le plus loin nous sommes allés baiser et frotter avec nos vêtements. J'emmènerais mes magazines sales là où nous habitions dans les bois et enlèverais tous mes vêtements et me mastur... Read full Story
Je veux juste régler ça d'abord, avant toute autre chose. Je suis un mec - 100% masculin. J'aime juste m'habiller avec des vêtements de fille. Je suis en fait une fille beaucoup plus belle que je ne suis un garçon. Vêtue de vêtements sexy, maquillée et coiffée, je fais une fille très ... Read full Story
Son profil était assez simple sur le site. Il ne semblait rien vouloir pour lui-même, bien que je sois sûr qu'il apprécierait énormément le processus. Je suis tombé sur l'annonce lors d'une de mes nombreuses sessions en ligne de fin de soirée. Vous connaissez ceux, vous avez un peu de vi... Read full Story
Finding out my next-door neighbor was a crossdressing beauty que
Finding out my next-door neighbor was a crossdressing beauty queen. I mean fetish is trans women, but I don’t mind blowing a load to a beautiful cross-dresser. I used to live in a small apartment complex in Queens New York. My neighbor was a guy name Luiz from Brazil. A very friendly and fl... Read full Story
Il y a un claquement, puis "Réveillez-vous !" J'ouvre lentement les yeux. Je me sens étourdi, confus. Je suis assis sur un lit, et dans un fauteuil gris devant moi, une jeune femme est assise. Elle porte une longue robe verte et ses cheveux noirs sont coiffés d'un côté. Elle me regarde avec un gr... Read full Story
Jaime se tournait et se retournait dans un sommeil agité, ses yeux fermés et son visage grimaçant alors qu'il luttait avec ses rêves. Normalement, il s'endormirait paisiblement au son d'un podcast bourdonnant, mais pas dernièrement. Bien qu'il ne le sache pas, chaque nuit, sa psyché ... Read full Story
Être un mec très petit 1 mettre 60 avec une petite carrure a été un handicap majeur dans ma quête de compagnie féminine. Avoir un micro pénis était le clou de mon cercueil. Tout au long de ma jeunesse, j'ai été ignoré ou rejeté par les filles. J'ai eu ma première petite amie à l'unive... Read full Story
First Date With Daddy
My Dream Date. It hasn't happened yet, but a girl can hope, this story is very short story based on my fantasy's. It was Sunday night and I had my first date lined up with daddy. We hadn't met, but we had spoken online at depth and exchanged numbers. I had sent him a couple of pic... Read full Story
PRISE ⚧️ ⚧️
J'ai toujours voulu aller à Paris. Mais c'est Emma qui m'a persuadé d'arrêter de tergiverser, d'oublier tous les risques évidents du voyage et de le faire. Cependant, alors que la voiture de covoiturage que nous avions réservée nous conduisait depuis l'aéroport, j'avai... Read full Story
Max Fun
My friend Max is an excellent fuck-buddy and I am always glad to have him over. His body is not spectacular and his dick is a bit short, but he can fuck for hours, cum several times, and says I fuck better than any female he has ever known. Max always brings party treats, allows me to record videos ... Read full Story
Shemale Porn
Nowadays, I masturbate exclusively to shemale porn. Like most guys, I started out reading, then watching, straight pornography. Sure, there was the titillation of happening across a cross-dressing tale in the glossy flesh mags, but they were for a ‘straight’ readership, and didn’t quite scratch that... Read full Story
I Fooled Everyone But the Black Pimp Part 4
Fuck. I said I wasn’t going to do any drugs and I’m drinking this Gatorade that I know has something in it. Trish said it would help my nerves, and it has, I feel loose…and very horny. When I’m usually horny my cock is hard but right now, I’m putting lotion on my body and I’m going really slow over ... Read full Story
Mein erster Blowjob
Nun hat es endlich mal geklappt. Ich schrieb längere Zeit mit einer anderen Sissy und lernten uns immer besser kennen. Nach mehreren vergeblichen Versuchen sich mal live zu treffen, hat es dann endlich geklappt. Wir trafen uns auf einem Parkplatz. Ich hatte bereits einen heißen String, Strapse und e... Read full Story
Meine erste Erfahrung Teil 2
Ich knüpfe hier direkt an meine andere Erfahrung an, da ich glaube ich kann vielen die Angst nehmen ihren ersten Schritt zu wagen ;) Ich war zu diesem Zeitpunkt 16 und habe einen Tag vorher meinen ersten richtigen Schwanz im Mund gehabt. Diese Erfahrung die mir ein Bekannter meiner Cousine besche... Read full Story
Sweet Encore
I was alone tonight and feeling just a bit paranoid as I listened to the soft music. The soothing sounds put me in a seductive mood, but It seemed that all my lovers were too busy for me, or they had other plans. Uncle Barney and my detective were probably home being dutiful husbands. Bo was under h... Read full Story
Beginnings of an inner woman
Since I was little I started touching my buttocks, I liked the sensation, during puberty I couldn't resist anymore and I started rubbing my anus with my fingers until one day I inserted one between my buttocks, the sensation was strange, like wanting to do po but with strokes. of pleasure, the a... Read full Story
The Story of Stephanie (Chapter 6)
So here I was. Life slowly but surely getting back on track. New job going well and my new flat starting to feel like home. Life was good again. I was back on TVChix and breathing new life into my Stephanie persona. I was using old photos on my profile. Ones I'd taken myself and ones from my visit t... Read full Story
My First Visit to a CD Sex Club
Feb 16 Time off work booked, nice new wig, false nails & lashes, & a nice new sexy red bra & panties from Ann Summers & I'm all ready for a fab day at Happy Mondays @ lovejoys on the 22nd. I'm really looking forward to meeting SuzieStern & all the other girls. Its been way too long since I last m... Read full Story
Sissy Boy’s Secret Desire || Part 4
The sensation was overwhelming—his body writhed beneath her as she took him deeper with each thrust, pushing him beyond anything he'd ever imagined. The strap-on filled him completely, stretching him, making him gasp for air. Each movement sent ripples of pleasure coursing through him, blending with... Read full Story
Sissy Boy’s Secret Desire – Part 5
The relentless rhythm of her thrusts left him gasping for air, his body trembling uncontrollably beneath her. His mind was drowning in a sea of pure, raw sensation—each brutal movement sending shockwaves of pleasure mixed with pain through him. He couldn’t stop himself from crying out, the sounds of... Read full Story
Sissy Boy’s Secret Desire || Part 6
The room was heavy with the scent of sweat and submission, his body still trembling in the aftermath of what felt like total surrender. She lay beside him now, her presence looming, both comforting and intimidating. He had given her everything—his control, his dignity—and yet, there was an odd sense... Read full Story
Freak House Superstar Come Fest
Kiki and Ty Blaze were doing their thing. They were living on their love and passion, literally. The couple had taken their love, passion and desire to please one another and turned it into their livelihood. They had become stars in the world of underground porn. Their production studio, Nasty Nigga... Read full Story
Being Shemale
Every night I wear make up and dress up in a sexy lingerie. I stand in my balcony late night trying to lure men and women driving on the road. Last night a truck driver stopped near my house to inspect his vehicle. During his inspection he suddenly saw a long legged booty women in the balcony inf... Read full Story
I unlocked my Gooch /Taint pleasure in bed with str8 friend.
So I have this quick story I used to expiremental with a straight friend of mine hes white guy pretty husky body and thick guy with blue eyes. We’re very different but the same on things. A few times when we get drunk we actually and have fun but nothing penetrative. But he does become more… Open Mi... Read full Story
Salacious Sarah
Joe Dodge walked down bustling Market Street in Philadelphia in awe. Joe and his wife Tammy moved here 4 months ago from a small town in Alabama. The 24 year old man missed his hometown but at the same time he marveled at the sights in the big city. It was Friday evening, he always went straight hom... Read full Story
All Right I'll Do It Chapter 3
The door closed and the four of them were gone. I stood there overwhelmed with the dried and drying cum on my face and in my hair. Dave's pee and cum was still deep inside me and my throat ached from Robert's cock. But Dave had me really scared so I decided to clean up the house as he said despit... Read full Story
All Right I'll Do It Chapter 2
The door closed and I stood there in shock. John's cum was drying and pulling my skin as if he was pinching my cheek. I rushed to the bathroom. I had barely gotten the shower running when I had to kneel in front of the toilet and vomit. My mind swirled as both the humiliation and probably Robert's s... Read full Story
Forced Entry
Danny sat at the bar of the Holiday Inn nursing his fourth double scotch, espousing to the man beside him the reasons why his company was the best designer and distributor of accounting software in the world. Danny was a large man in his forties and was running to fat. He was dressed in a travel-... Read full Story
Lust and Love with Leona
This is a work of fiction. * The days after I fucked with Leona I spent alone. She has told me that she was going for shoot in the Bahamas for a week. I was a man who had everything in terms of material comforts, and there was not a girl I couldn't pull in a bar. But I found that I could not s... Read full Story
White sissy used by black Masters
I’m booked into a London hotel and, after you text me to say you’ve arrived, I text you back the room number. It seems like ages before I hear a firm knock at the door and I jump up, excited but nervous about what’s about to happen. I walk over and unlock the door, careful not to m... Read full Story
Made me a slut
I spent my time online since I was 18 watching tranny porn and crossdresser porn I really enjoy a mix of both especially with a big black cock in between I found a movie with a ebony tranny with a big cock and a white sissy gurl with a nice sized cock also... They got dolled up together and all of a... Read full Story
Betrayed Chapter 4
I really wasn't surprised when Dianna directed me into the parking lot at Ringers. It was only a few blocks across town from my new home; a five-minute drive, if the traffic wasn't killing at the time. Consciously, it had not been a factor in my decision to take the new place. Sub-consciously... wel... Read full Story
Would You
'Would you...?' 'Look the part to play the part....' 1 5' 4...dreaded, and to be dreaded....bookish, be-spectacled—damn near much so that you might miss the way her tits spoke to you no matter how much she attempted to 'silence' them ....that you might miss the way her sk... Read full Story
For The Sensual
For the sensual, description is everything. The collar. The collar is custom-made; one of two; her request. This particular one matches the corset. The corset—the "bustier." The collar. Literally, no choker here. She is disciplined. Her collars merely evoke ownership. She belongs. Sh... Read full Story
Anastasia's Life So Far
Chapter 1: Humbling Beginnings My story starts where most every crossdresser's story starts. It starts somewhere around the time I was an infant. I can remember not to mention being told several thousand times that my choice of toys as a child was dolls, strollers, dress up and tea parties, Barbi... Read full Story
Marcia Goes Back to School
Marcia was painfully nervous. She hadn't been able to eat very much in days. The upside was she was even skinnier which would make Mistress and her husband very happy. She'd always been thin and on the diet Mistress Carol had her on she was already thinner than she dreamed possible. Her anxious stom... Read full Story
Anastasia's Life
Chapter 1: Humbling Beginnings My story starts where most every crossdresser's story starts. It starts somewhere around the time I was an infant. I can remember, not to mention being told several thousand times that my choice of toys as a child was dolls, strollers, dress up and tea parties, Barb... Read full Story
Erotic Cummings
For the last few years, my ex-wife and I have engaged in a torrid affair. You see I am a avid cross dresser, who enjoys playing the role of a uninhibited female sex slut, who shares herself with women. This game allows my ex (Amanda), to keep most of her marriage vows intact, while allowing her to e... Read full Story
Depois da Senhora dos Anéis, o negão superdotado!
Oieeee.... Sou Paula CDzinha. Esse conto aconteceu no início de 2016. Espero que vocês gostem, eu estava começando minhas aventuras pela Capital Federal até me transformar no que sou hoje, Paula CDZinha a primeira pornstar da Capital Federal. Vamos ao que nteressa: Olá, este é meu segundo conto.... Read full Story
Dirty Business Trip
Chapter 1: The Transsexual Hotel Encounter "Yes, I am checking in," I said, putting my credit card on the desk. The woman behind the desk took the card and looked at the name. She was about 5 feet 10 inches tall with dark black hair and brown eyes. Her skin was beautifully tanned and he... Read full Story
Am I gay?
Please help me. I'm confused and unsure if I am gay. I feel so ashamed of myself. I don't want to be gay but I was molested by my neighbors at 6 years old and from then on I would wear my mom's panties or sniff my sisters while masturbating. Cumming would always make me feel guilty for what I have d... Read full Story
Mes débuts
Travesti depuis longtemps maintenant j'ai toujours aimé les tenues de serveuse la jupe et le chemisier sont pour moi la féminité absolue, ados je me suis mis à la couture je chapardait les vêtements de ma grande soeur les gaines et combinaisons de ma mère, un jour j'ai même fait des photos de moi as... Read full Story
Минет страпону в женском нейлоновом белье
Вчера у одной сексапильной милфы купила ее длинный пеньюар (очень редная вещь) + она в подарок отдала колготки с вырезом, трусики и лифчик. Я приехала за город в домик и там оторвалась. Все это надела. Взяла искуственный член, включила видео, одела шпильки. Просто ласкала себя и делала минет страпон... Read full Story
My Fantasie: I am a sissy slutty stripper
My favorite fantasie: I am myself but with a feminine body, but with my cock and with real breasts and a pussie, dressed in heels with lacy anklets, white hose and garter belt, white high-cut lacy panties, white lacy bra with nipples exposed, pageboy short blonde haircut, rhinestone necklace/br... Read full Story
since i moved in by myself if i am home and thats all the time im dressed like a cheap whore rubbing my clitty non stop i truly believe its a curse that no matter what i do to try and curve the urges they never stop so now ive fully embraced this evil sole destroying curse its cost me everything... Read full Story
Every Year
Imagine me. A slim eighteen year old boy, dressed. I mean Dressed. Dressed up that is, in my sister's clothes. I felt good, very good. In fact I felt incredible. I had done this several times before when my parents had been away but never to this extent. They were away for two nights, visiting Uncle... Read full Story
The Creators: Book One by
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pul... Read full Story
My first BBC experience
I stand 5 foot 8 and weigh 138 lbs. With a perky butt, long natural eye lashes, and clear smooth white skin I would always receive comments from women how jealous they were of my features but never did they want to pursue an intimate relationship with me. But I also didnt have much interest in them ... Read full Story