Free Stories

Catching up with the biggest cock
I have recently written with an account from my diary about the biggest cock that I’ve ever seen and someone saw the experience and wanted to know more as I had said that I met him a few times. So, I can bring that right up to date now because I have recently been to see him again. But let me go bac... Read full Story
El sueño
Y soñé con tu mirada..y no dormía. .despierto estaba y sueño era..soñaba y te miraba..y al mirarte salto una lágrima. .soñaba que te miraba..soñaba hace tiempo que te amaba y al despertar un día de amor lloraba... Read full Story
Mon histoire; je ne sais pas laquelle...
Fin des 80; une période difficile pour un jeune reporter parcourant des milliers de km pour une miette d'info. Chaque jour un événement nouveau et un peu plus de pression pour moi. Me voyant dans cet état pataugeant lors d'une mission, un collègue-ami se rapproche et murmure à mon oreille: “vas! te ... Read full Story
Sultry Mistress,
Sultry Mistress, Natacha has now been living with me for over a year. It is a cerebral and perverse Domina who immediately wanted to submit me to her desires. She took power over me by making me discover my femininity during role-playing games. Like a spider, she imprisons me in her web a ... Read full Story
J'ai enfin goûté la bonne chère/chair
Dépucelée en bon et du forme... Chose jamais osée depuis que je goûte la jouissance par tous les sens et dans tous ses sens... Je la découvris quand elle m'a sourit en guise de remerciement pour lui avoir cédé le passage dans la superette du bled où j'étais pour affaires. Sandales à ses pieds d... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Tony et je mesure 5'8 ", ne pèse que 58 kilogrammes, sans graisse corporelle et un chiffre pour lequel la plupart des filles tueraient selon toutes les filles que je connais. J'ai un teint olive et je bronze très bien, J'ai les cheveux bruns courts et les yeux couleur noisette. Je suis ... Read full Story
L'argent était difficile à trouver dans notre foyer. Être l'aînée de quatre enfants et ma mère étant une mère célibataire mettent nos ressources à rude épreuve. Nous avons rarement eu de l'argent supplémentaire dans notre famille à dépenser pour des choses comme manger au restaurant ou aller au ciné... Read full Story
J'ai quitté la maison à 18 ans et j'ai emménagé dans une petite maison de location. J'avais toujours aimé m'habiller en lingerie, mais maintenant j'étais libre de porter de la lingerie tous les jours et d'apprendre les joies d'être une femme, ce que j'avais toujours v... Read full Story
Jaime se tournait et se retournait dans un sommeil agité, ses yeux fermés et son visage grimaçant alors qu'il luttait avec ses rêves. Normalement, il s'endormirait paisiblement au son d'un podcast bourdonnant, mais pas dernièrement. Bien qu'il ne le sache pas, chaque nuit, sa psyché ... Read full Story
Ma femme Rona était assise sur le canapé avec son pop-corn pendant que je terminais les plats du souper. « Hal ! Dépêche toi Hal, ça va commencer », m'a fait signe ma femme excitée. "Une seconde chérie. J'ai presque fini," répondis je en rangeant la dernière assiette. Mon épouse de vingt-six ans ... Read full Story
Shemale Porn
Nowadays, I masturbate exclusively to shemale porn. Like most guys, I started out reading, then watching, straight pornography. Sure, there was the titillation of happening across a cross-dressing tale in the glossy flesh mags, but they were for a ‘straight’ readership, and didn’t quite scratch that... Read full Story
« Vas-y, embrasse-le, Christina. Tu sais que tu le veux ! Je suis Christina, et c'est ma petite amie, Sandy, qui me dit d'embrasser la bite dure de "Jamie" alors qu'elle dépasse de sa culotte en satin noir baissée. Son sexe est dur, mais doux au toucher, et mon cœur bat la chamade alors que je le... Read full Story
Lettera a Cristina (bocca di rosa)
Beh, e' bene che tu lo sappia. Ero io quel 40enne che hai incontrato in metro'. Avevo, per la precisione, 39 anni e 10 mesi. E, ti sbagli, non stavo scrivendo proprio a nessuno, cercavo solo l'applicazione della telecamera per riprenderti con un filmino o scattarti delle foto per averti anche dopo... Read full Story
Alles was wichtig sein könnte
❤ ❤ ❤ Ein paar Antworten zu meiner Person ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Name:Marcel ❤ ❤ Alter:32 ❤ ❤ Haarfarbe:blond ❤ ❤ Größe:174cm ❤ ❤ Schuhgröße:42,5 ❤ ❤ Familienstand:Ledig ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ ❤ Bist Du devot: ja ❤ ❤ Bist Du rasiert:ja ❤ ❤ Wie rasierst du dich:nass ❤ ❤ Wie oft rasierst du dich:2 bis ... Read full Story
Being taught a lesson .......... I think!
How did I end up on my back in my own bed, legs straight up with my ankles over her shoulders, ready to have my ass fucked from a lost bet? A bet that Alma clearly cheated at as we discover. I was off to Thailand for a 16 week course in Thai massage at a school recommended highly by a friend I ha... Read full Story
jouir anale/vaginale mon ‘sine quoi non’
Quelque chose est sûre, mon désir est d’être baisée et baiser… Et dans c’est dans cet ordre des choses que je veux réaliser mes fantasmes depuis deux ans. Bien que je ne sois pas trop pointilleux pour choisir mes partenaires, la chance m’a toujours souri pour trouver le bon. Toutefois depuis quelqu... Read full Story
Le Donjon de Natacha,
Le donjon de Natacha, Depuis longtemps, j'adore porter de la lingerie car cela me procure toujours autant d'excitation de me contempler en femme devant ma glace. J'ai appris depuis longtemps à mémoriser les gestes et attitudes féminines en étant perchée sur mes escarpins. Je sais aussi me maq... Read full Story
My Parisian escapades,
My Parisian escapades, During my many business trips to Paris, I never miss going to see my friend. Sabrina is a Cuban transsexual that I have known for several months. With her, I can let go with complete confidence and live my fantasies. I am one of his friends and lovers who give him the ... Read full Story
L'arme redoutable des femmes,
Au fil des ans, ma femme s'est décidée à prendre le contrôle de ma sexualité en voyant que je n'avais plus de désir pour elle. Une association féminine l'a formé en quelques mois à devenir une dominatrice zélée. Au fil des mois, je suis devenu son soumis à la maison. Chaque soir, elle vient m... Read full Story
Comment je suis devenu addict à mes jouets...
Voici les jouets qui me donnent le plus de plaisir et la manière dont je m'en sers. Je précise que j'en utilise souvent plusieurs à la fois... Mon plug ovale de 7 cm : Sa forme et sa texture souple m'ouvre la chatte en douceur pour me préparer à recevoir mon plus gros gode ou à être fistée... Read full Story
Mes soirées de travestis à l'hôtel,
Mes soirées de travestis à l'hôtel, Ma femme ne voulant pas que je porte de la lingerie à la maison, j'ai finis par vivre ma féminité à son insu. Pratiquant le vélo dans ma région, j'ai pris cette excuse pour commencer à me raser régulièrement les jambes comme le font la plupart des cyclistes.... Read full Story
My friend Barbara,
My friend Barbara, I look forward to welcoming Barbara. She is a lovely brunette with blue eyes who likes to make love without taboos. She knows how to bring our fantasies to life by imagining exciting role-playing games. - You're going to fall in love when you discover my underwear, she assur... Read full Story
Open letter to transvestites
Open letter to transvestites I carry out a commercial activity which requires me to spend many nights in hotels in the capital. These stays allow me to fully explore my part of femininity alone or accompanied. My wife doesn't want to see me wear lingerie, so I also invent weekend seminars to ... Read full Story
My desire to be a woman,
My desire to be a woman, Natacha, tall and slender, stands in front of me. Her hair tied in a ponytail refines her face, emphasizing her Dominatrix profile. She wears a lovely nightie and a corset highlighting her magnificent breasts. She is perched on stiletto heels topped with thigh-high... Read full Story
It all began after my husband died and I was living alone. I decided to adopt a family and corrupt their minds. You see, I'm an ex SHEMALE PORN STAR and I like to live a wild life and I figured after my husband died I should relive my wild life and be happy. I reached over for my GOLD METAL MESH CIG... Read full Story
Ma tante Micheline
Micheline une de mes tantes mais elle la plus salope a coup sur. Un visage ingrat mais un corps splendide avec des formes généreuse en effet elle avait de bonne mensuration 1m75 des seins en forme d'obus de jolie fesses,et toujours le même style de vêtements elle porte des jupes et des chemisiers s... Read full Story
transvestite mistress gina
i went to visit tv mistress gina one day. as i walked in she ordered me to strip naked and lick her shoes, i did this for a while then she led me to her room. she placed me in a dentists chair spread my legs wide open strapped them down and did the same with my hands. my cock ass and balls were tota... Read full Story
My First Ladyboy
I was working in Bangkok a couple of years ago. As was the normal practice all the guys would finish work on a Friday afternoon and head to the local bar for a couple of beers.. This particular Friday we were in the usual place chatting and having a nice relaxing time......when she walked in....t... Read full Story
A TV in the Shoe Store
I work at a ladies shoe store at a large metropolitan mall. My name is Jillian, though my friends all call me Jilly. Those same friends also say that I am blessed with a beautiful face, and an athletic body! Pretty heady for a 30 year old woman whose ideas of athletics never got beyond sports i... Read full Story
Shemale Skirt
I have long legs and I love showing them off by wearing skirts. I found a short pink skirt a few weeks ago that I just had to have. I bought the pink skirt and tried it on as soon as I arrived home at my small apartment. I looked at myself in the mirror and realized that the skirt was much shorter t... Read full Story
My New Outfit
My sister knows that I have been dressing in girls clothes for four years now ever since she caught me in her black string bikinis and white patterned tights when I was 14. Needless to say, I freaked out but she was completely cool with it. Ever since, we go shopping for new clothes together wheneve... Read full Story
Birth of a New Sissy Part 1 Encounter
I met Jeff one day at the nearby tennis courts. I could never have imagined what the result of that meeting would be. I suppose I should tell you a bit about me. I'm a happily married 34 year old. About average in most respects. A little spare tire trying to form around the middle but in decent ... Read full Story
Birth of a New Sissy Part 3 Completion
I suppose at some level I knew it would happen. Or at least I should have. After nearly a month of servicing Jeff's cock and fucking myself silly on my dildo lover things took a turn. I came home from work a little early on a day Laura was off as well. When I got home she was out, but as soon ... Read full Story
Seven Lessons Part 1
Bryan was king of the road warriors. Speeding around the country in his sleek, powerful Mercedes selling whatever his latest job demanded. He was damn good at it too, always raked in huge amounts of commission until some faggotty client bitched about a one-sided deal he had put together and then it ... Read full Story
TV television
My girlfriend Gloria and I had just moved into an apartment together, having gone out for six months or so, before making the committment. We moved in furniture from each of our apartments, after deciding what would go best in the new place. With the exception of a television, we really had everythi... Read full Story
My girlfriend Gloria and I had just moved into an apartment together, having gone out for six months or so, before making the committment. We moved in furniture from each of our apartments, after deciding what would go best in the new place. With the exception of a television, we really had eve... Read full Story