Free Stories

Caught at Lunch
Only so long can you hide, if you are wondering what the hell I am on about then let me explain. As a part time transvestite dressing is always a thrill as is the joy of turning myself from a very average looking guy into a sexy cock loving slut, but due to where I live the chances to fully dress... Read full Story
Womanhood for Jenny
The muted alarm-clock brought jenny awake instantly. She reached over to shut it off. Being ever so careful not to disturb Master, she slipped out of bed and gazed lovingly at the sleeping man. From their earliest intimacy, He had accepted her completely as a woman, His woman, not a trans-gendered m... Read full Story
Claudia Coming out adventure part 1
*Author's Note: This story starts off being told in First person and after awhile the story shifts to third person* Hello everyone, my name is Claudia I am a Cross dresser who one day hopes to be transgendered, although I do not want the surgery, I am looking to eventually live my life full... Read full Story
How I learned the pleasures of anal
This narrative is the journey that lead up to my first experience with anal sex. The details I have here are as accurate as I can recall and any dialog is essentially the best of what I can remember now. It of course gets more sexually explicit and graphic towards the end... I was born and grew u... Read full Story
The Creators: Book One by
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pul... Read full Story
College project surprise
So this story happened while I was still in college and remains without doubt, the craziest, most exciting experience of my life. So I the story begins one day when I walking to class. I went to a big university so my walk was quite long, and the first 1/3 was just through off our campus housin... Read full Story
Shy boy to bimbo sissy
it's all started when my older brother showed me a shemale masturbating video when I was 15. after I saw it I was instantly attracted to trans girls than cis girls. I was a very shy pale feminine looking boy.high school wasn't great, boys used to bully me. I am too shy to talk to the girls... Read full Story
Gangbanged By 3 trannys
Gangbanged By 3 trannys This is a story about the night I was Gangbanged by 3 trannys. I was at a Transgender after hours clubs that was filled with hot ass Tgirls. This tall white gorgeous woman was eyeing me the moment I walked in. She was wearing this fitting blue dress that showed off ... Read full Story
La fille d'à côté
J'ai toujours aimé porter des vêtements pour femmes. Regarder des Playboys et des Penthouses avec des modèles presque nus portant des soutiens-gorge sexy, des culottes, des bas avec des jarretières, des talons hauts, etc. Éditeur de Hustler Magazine Bob Guccione a rapidement emboîté le pas. Les modè... Read full Story
Bikini garçon
J'étais le garçon que mon père avait espéré après 3 filles avant moi. La vie dans notre maison à deux étages de la classe moyenne de banlieue était aussi normale que celle de n'importe qui d'autre. Mon père était un père aimant qui m'élevait et faisait les choses qu'un père aime faire avec son fils ... Read full Story
HypnoSissy Partie 2
DEVENIR CUM SLUT Une fois habillé et James parti, Rose demanda: "Vous êtes-vous amusé?" Je hochai la tête. "Oui, bien que je me sente un peu gay." Rose secoua la tête. "Brian," gay "est juste un mot, comme" lesbienne ", ou" faggot "ou" gouine ". J'ai mangé la chatte et demandé aux filles... Read full Story
J'ai toujours aimé la lingerie féminine. De regarder des catalogues à voir des copines le porter, j'ai adoré le look et la sensation de la lingerie sexy et soyeuse, mais pour moi, cela a toujours été plus profond. À 18 ans, j'ai essayé ma première paire de culottes, oh mon Dieu, c'était merveilleux ... Read full Story
Ma femme était absente de la ville depuis quelques semaines récemment et je n'avais aucune relation sexuelle. J'ai essayé de me retenir, mais lors d'une nuit particulièrement excitante, j'ai pensé que j'irais dans un bar comme distraction si rien d'autre. Je me suis habillé d'un pantalon et d'une ch... Read full Story
Être un mec très petit 1 mettre 60 avec une petite carrure a été un handicap majeur dans ma quête de compagnie féminine. Avoir un micro pénis était le clou de mon cercueil. Tout au long de ma jeunesse, j'ai été ignoré ou rejeté par les filles. J'ai eu ma première petite amie à l'unive... Read full Story
"C'est jolie!" "Oooh... Sexy !" "Salope !" Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des descripteurs que j'ai utilisés lorsque j'ai "fait du lèche-vitrines" en ligne. C'est l'un de mes passe-temps préférés. Aller sur divers sites de lingerie et regarder des soutiens-gorge, des culottes, des bas, des jarret... Read full Story
Hard Decisions by Elaine © 2020
Hard Decisions by Elaine © 2020 No one in this story is based on anyone alive or dead. It is a work of fiction and should not be read by minors. I appreciate the kind efforts of many of my friends who cast a welcoming glance over the initial writings. I owe you all a big debt of thanks. Prolog... Read full Story
The Interview
The Interview By Sabrina G. Langton *** 'A crossdresser goes on an interview in lots of pink, of course she gets the job' 'Author's note, just a quick little story with some really graphic sex, and a little tiny moral. I hope YOU like it.' *** "Okay, sit, sit, let's get started. S... Read full Story
From boy to crossdresser episode 4
I used to dress as a woman in private and see myself as a woman. I used to do feminine and girly things, I danced, I put on make-up, I started to see myself as a girl. I enjoyed this work and it made me more lustful. I masturbated more and played with my dick more. It was at this time that a memor... Read full Story
Peter et moi étions amis depuis que nous jouions au basket ensemble au collège. J'étais le meneur nerveux et il a pris les rebonds. Aucun de nous ne pouvait tirer, mais nous pensions que nous étions Kyrie Irving et LeBron James et avions prévu de mener l'université au championnat d'État ... Read full Story
« Vas-y, embrasse-le, Christina. Tu sais que tu le veux ! Je suis Christina, et c'est ma petite amie, Sandy, qui me dit d'embrasser la bite dure de "Jamie" alors qu'elle dépasse de sa culotte en satin noir baissée. Son sexe est dur, mais doux au toucher, et mon cœur bat la chamade alors que je le... Read full Story
Alpha Gamma's Secret
Molly woke up to the sound of her alarm clock beeping. She opened her eyes slowly and looked at the time. It was 7:00 AM. She groggily reached over to shut it off, pulled away her blankets, and stepped out of bed. She walked from the bed room which she shared with her sorority sister Gina to the ... Read full Story
Aunt Cindy's Bizarre World Part 2
Chapter 7 I am guessing it was just over an hour until I heard the door open. It was her again, Miss Sindy Satin my auntie. This time she was wearing just an under bust white satin corset, long boots in satin exactly like mine but in white and her long, white bridal satin gloves and a the ribbon ... Read full Story
V Is for Vicky
"Mike, it's getting late. You really ought to go and fetch Martina." That was my wife Mary talking. We'd sat up until almost one in the morning waiting for Martina to get back from the party. At first I was reluctant, I mean, Martina was nearly eighteen and really we should be standing ... Read full Story
Angel Chapter 1
On her eighteenth birthday, fresh from her shower, Angel Jones looked at her nude reflection in the full-length mirror in her bedroom, and was mostly pleased with what she saw. Her blonde hair, down past her shoulders and still growing, was soft and shiny, and all that she could have asked for. She ... Read full Story
I Give Up
The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone h... Read full Story
J'ai rencontré ma femme Tara pour la première fois lors d'une soirée de réveillon. Je portais de l'eye-liner et mes cheveux étaient relativement longs. Elle m'appelait "joli garçon" pendant que nous dansions. Elle était très sexy avec un petit corps, de longs cheveux noirs et... Read full Story
Covid et les licenciements dans mon entreprise n'auraient pas pu arriver à un pire moment. Je m'appelle Ashton, et j'ai 23 ans, un an après l'université, et je viens de signer un bail de 2 ans, 2300 $ par mois sur un superbe appartement de 2 chambres avec l'intention d'uti... Read full Story
"Maman, maman," cria Michael. "Aide-moi!" Mary tourna la tête vers les cris de son fils pour ensuite entendre Melissa crier: "Sortez d'ici, espèce de pervers!" Mary se précipita dans le couloir jusqu'à la chambre de sa fille où elle trouva Michael passant devant elle, suivi de près par une bro... Read full Story
Unforgettable First Time
I am in my late thirties and have known for a while that I have a sexy body. I'm 5'11", slim and athletic with little cherry butt and shapely legs. A lot of women have told me my body is sexy. A few men have mentioned it too. Sometimes I get photo-snapped at the pool or the beach. I've been luc... Read full Story
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers Part 6
Magician's Assistant - Friends & Lovers takes place in the Magatrix the Magnificent Universe, which was first introduced in my serialized seven-part story, Magician's Assistant. The premise upon which both that story and this story are based revolves around the fact that Magatrix the Magnificent... Read full Story
Eve Quest
Chapter 1 My name is, or maybe we better make that was, Andy Moore. Until recently my personal identification was in the name of Jamie Jo Moore and everyone I knew called me Sissy. My parents died in an automobile accident when I was twenty-four years old leaving me an estate of around $3,000,... Read full Story
The Bitch Bites Back
Pamela stood huddled in the dark doorway, halfway down the back alley. It was cold and a light drizzle had settled in, the sheets of fine rain just discernible in the dull light of the single working lamp halfway down the alley. Pamela was in her mid forties and fighting a losing battle against t... Read full Story
Bikini Boy
I was the boy my father had hoped for after 3 daughters before me. Life in our suburban middle class two-story house was as normal as anyone else's. My dad was a loving father bringing me up and doing the things a father likes to do with his son – baseball, fishing, camping, working the garage... Read full Story
For Want of a Heel
"Shit, shit, SHIT." Sally glared at her right foot. The heel of her shoe was broken off, still caught in the chink of the cobblestone walkway she was standing on. She carefully set the bag holding her laptop down and reached down to pull the heel free. "Two hundred dollars," S... Read full Story
The Mind Flip
IT was a weekend like any other, in the city in the north of England. Rain poured in sheets down the basement windows of the flat I shared with my friend Joe, breaking up the shapes of the buildings on the opposite side of the road like a kaleidoscope, and I sat indoors, slouched in front of the com... Read full Story
"Asseyez-vous Robert", m'a demandé Mme Conley. C'était une femme plutôt grossière et autoritaire qui s'en sortait pour 50 ans, je dirais. J'ai fait ce qu'on m'avait dit et j'ai attendu qu'elle - une responsable principale des réclamations à la bourse du chômage où j'ai "signé" pour réclamer mes allo... Read full Story