Free Stories

"Qu'est ce que je fais ici?" Ce n'était pas la première fois que Max se posait cette question ce soir. Il détestait les rassemblements avec beaucoup de monde, il détestait les fêtes et il détestait particulièrement les soirées costumées. Et pourtant il était là. Pas seulement lors d'une soirée costu... Read full Story
« Alors, tu as besoin d'une place ? elle a demandé. Des mèches de cheveux roux, qui étaient tombés de sa queue de cheval, encadraient son visage alors qu'elle me regardait. "Hummm bien sûr," mentis-je. L'équipement de la station de développé couché où je m'entraînais était conçu pour être utilisé... Read full Story
La journée de travail avait été longue et difficile et la tension causée par la date limite du projet qui approchait à grands pas montait. David savait qu'il avait besoin de se détendre d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais Allie, son autre significatif, était également stressée par son travail et aucu... Read full Story
Je vois ma cible assise au bar, en quelque sorte à la limite d'un des groupes de commerciaux. Il prend une bière mais il ne boit pas aussi vite que les autres et il regarde nerveusement autour de lui de temps en temps. J'ai une préférence pour l'homme plus légèrement construit. Il doit être plus ... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Jesse, je suis un homme senior de 21 ans à la Florida State University. Je sors avec bonheur avec Becky, qui est aussi une personne âgée de 21 ans. Nous sommes ensemble depuis que nous avons rencontré des étudiants de première année lors d'une fête. Becky est un 10 absolu. Vi... Read full Story
"Ah putain !" Chris crie alors que sa tête est poussée vers l'avant puis se brise contre son siège de voiture. Pendant un bref instant, sa vision est floue. Se ressaisissant, il regarde autour de lui et ne voit aucune vitre ou quoi que ce soit de endommagé à l'intérieur de sa voiture... Read full Story
Aller dans une nouvelle école pour ma dernière année de lycée était plutôt nul. C'était toute la tribulation de changer d'école, ce qui n'était jamais génial dans le meilleur des cas, plus le fait de savoir que tous les amis ou connaissances que je pourrais me faire iraient tous dans des... Read full Story
Tout a commencé lorsque mes voisins ont pris de longues vacances d'hiver en Floride. Ils avaient un condo là-bas et avaient l'impression de vouloir faire une pause dans le froid du nord. Je suis Rich, un gars de 20 ans qui vivait à quelques portes d'eux. Je fréquentais un collège communa... Read full Story
La pièce faiblement éclairée s'éclaire d'éclairs de rouge et de bleu depuis l'extérieur de la fenêtre alors que la transsexuelle vêtue de manière salope s'agenouille sur le corps de sa victime, pleurant, après qu'elle vient de lui trancher la gorge d'une oreille à l'autre... Read full Story
"Jess, Jess, j'ai besoin que tu m'aides à porter les courses." Jess gémit et, coupable, il souhaita que sa mère demande à quelqu'un d'autre de l'aider. Il voulait juste regarder toutes les autres filles sissy sur Twitter et obtenir son petit « excitation » dur. Il desc... Read full Story
La Taverne Boynton Alors nous avons déjeuné, c'était une chose que nous avons faite. Je devais admettre que c'était l'une des choses que j'ai faites que j'aimais le plus. « Salut mesdames, qu'est-ce que ce sera aujourd'hui ? Sabrina ? » "Salade César s'il... Read full Story
J'ai eu 18 ans en février et j'ai obtenu mon diplôme d'études secondaires en mai suivant. Je vivais toujours à la maison et, en raison de difficultés financières, je devais fréquenter un collège communautaire gratuit et local. Ma mère et moi étions les deux seuls dans la maison car mon p... Read full Story
SISSY MAID TO BE . . . ⚧️ ⚧️
C'était le vendredi typique quand nous nous sommes réveillés. Il est temps de préparer les enfants pour l'école, puis de s'entraîner où les parents de Lizzy viendraient les chercher et les garderaient pour une nuit au bord du lac. Puis se concentrer sur le travail pour nous deux. Nous av... Read full Story
💞 BOBBIE 💞 Être une fille n'est pas une question d'âge, c'est de s'amuser. Amusement d'une manière féminine spéciale. Les septuagénaires qui sortent en soirée s'appellent filles, parce que c'est ce qu'elles vont faire : s'amuser d'une certaine maniè... Read full Story
💞 DAISY 💞 En tant que garçon, ou jeune homme, devrais je dire, j'étais un perdant. À l'école, je n'ai pas tout à fait réussi à obtenir le GCSE de base requis pour la plupart des emplois. Je n'avais pas de permis de conduire. Je n'avais pas de véritables hobbies ou c... Read full Story
💞 VIERGE ⚧️ ⚧️
Avoir vingt et un ans la semaine prochaine et toujours vierge, est-ce vraiment si triste ? Pas une vierge sans baiser au moins, mais je ne sais pas si un baiser ivre avec une fille au hasard il y a quelques années lors d'une fête au hasard provoquée par la foule compte. Presque tout le monde a e... Read full Story
J'étais assis dans mon appartement à New York en train de boire quelques bières en m'apitoyant sur moi-même après avoir été largué par ma copine d'université quand j'ai reçu un appel d'un vieil ami de lycée me convainquant d'assister à notre réunion de lycée de 5 ans dans un ... Read full Story
ÉTÉ ⚧️ ⚧️
Je ne me souviens pas exactement où ma fascination pour les choses féminines a commencé. Mon premier souvenir remonte à l'âge de six ans environ, lorsque je portais une des robes de ma sœur. Mes parents - qui étaient tous deux des conservateurs de la vieille école et des chrétiens - m'ont at... Read full Story
Dès que je me suis réveillé, j'ai su que quelque chose s'était passé. J'ai senti l'étreinte chaleureuse du sommeil s'éloigner lentement. Mon esprit essayait de donner un sens à l'endroit où j'étais. Un hôtel? Je ne me souvenais pas d'y être arrivé. Ma tête était si... Read full Story
PRISE ⚧️ ⚧️
J'ai toujours voulu aller à Paris. Mais c'est Emma qui m'a persuadé d'arrêter de tergiverser, d'oublier tous les risques évidents du voyage et de le faire. Cependant, alors que la voiture de covoiturage que nous avions réservée nous conduisait depuis l'aéroport, j'avai... Read full Story
Je n'avais vraiment aucune idée de ce qui m'attendait. Je veux dire, je savais pourquoi j'allais au magasin, mais je n'avais aucune idée de ce que ce magasin en particulier me réservait. Je pensais juste que j'avais besoin de quelques... quelques choses. Je les avais tous jetés, encore une fois. ... Read full Story
Πολλες φορες ειχαμε συναντηθει απο τοτε.Αφου μεχρι και τα ονοματα μας ειχαμε αλλαξει σε γυναικια.Εμενα μ' λεγε Σοφια κι εγω τον ελεγα Τζουλι.Ενα Σαββατο λοιπον ημασταν σπιτι του που ελειπαν οι δικοι του, μας ηρθε η ιδεα να κανουμε παρτουζα.Το προβλημα μας ηταν το τριτο ατομο.Ρε Τζουλι του λεω τι θα ... Read full Story
2.ΜΕ ΕΝΑ ΦΙΛΟ ΓΙΑ ΤΣΟΝΤΑ ΣΕ ΚΙΝΗΜΑΤΟΓΡΑΦΟ Μια φορα με πηρε ενας φιλος μου να παμε να δουμε κινηματογραφο τσοντα.Δεν ηξερε τιποτα για εμενα οτι ειμαι crossdress.Εγω τις περισσοτερες φορες μεσα απο το τζιν φοραω καλτσες η καλσον ανοικτα απο κατω, σουτιεν η μπουστακι και φυσικα στρινγκ.Η αισθηση του ν... Read full Story
Mi primera vez
Mi primera vez, fue hermoso, un familiar que esta buenísimo, me dió mi primera vez. Guiandome de forma salvaje y desenfrenada, mientras metia su jugosa verdad en mi apretado culo. Follamos horas, y me corria orgásmica mente con cada arremetida, ya no era capaz de sentir las piernas. Cuando el alf... Read full Story
1er rdv avec mon amant
Cela débute un jour quand dans une soirée il me raconta qu'il aimait bien les hommes, avec une consomation d'alcool abusive il me raconta ces histoires ses rencontre, nous en restons la, un soir je décide de me rendre chez lui il avait un petit studio en ville je tape à sa porte il m'ouvre je rentr... Read full Story
Φαντασιώσεις μιας Cross
Είχα γνωρίσει τον Τάκη στο Romeo. Καθαρόαιμος top, 55άρης, γεροδεμένος, πρώην ναυτικός και τώρα εισοδηματίας, όπως μου συστήθηκε. Του άρεσαν πολύ οι cross και στο chat μου μιλούσε στο θηλυκό γένος. Μου έλεγε πράγματα που θα έλεγε αν φλέρταρε με πραγματική γυναίκα. Από την αρχή επέμενε να βρεθούμε αλ... Read full Story
2 Traileros
Una noche buscaba divertime con alguien y publique un anuncio donde buscaba a un hombre mayor que me hiciera su putita y le gustara verme vestida. A los 20 minutos un hombre me envio un mensaje diciendome que es camionero y estaria esa noche en la ciudad. Eso me exito mucho y le pregunte donde podri... Read full Story
SUBMISSA, ADESTRADA E BEM ALIMENTADA POR UM MACHO DOTADO Ha alguns dias atras, quase antes de começar essa coisa toda do Coronavirus e do povo ficar isolado em casa, eu tava voltando pra casa, já umas 11 da noite. Meu onibus, o ultimo, ia demorar ainda pra passar, não tinha ninguem na rua, tudo f... Read full Story
SUBMISSA, ADESTRADA E BEM ALIMENTADA POR UM MACHO DOTADO (parte 2) Como eu falei, depois de ter minha boquinha judiada e meu cuzinho maltratado por um dotado, com pauzão grosso e pesado que gozou tanto na minha garganta que tive que ir engolindo pra não vazar nada pelos cantinhos da minha boca...... Read full Story
BBC Takes sissy slut and uses her properly.
I'm a dominate alpha man who loves to humiliate sissy girls and punish them when they aren't perfect submissive sluts. I want them to worship my big black cock and beg me to let them lick it then grab them by their hair and shove my cock deep inside their throat, making them gag. I like filling siss... Read full Story
Camming down the rabbit hole Ch2
How had I ended up in this situation? Sure I was going to need to make ends meet, but I could find a normal job couldn’t I? was I this desperate? Perhaps desperate wasn’t the right word, just over a month ago I had started out camming as a bit of fun, to maybe make a few pounds while I masturbated, ... Read full Story
Sissy gets her Prezzie
Justina woke up on Monday morning and was already tired, she had been dogging till 3 and her little ass was a little bit sore. She made her way to the bathroom and had a pee, brushed her teeth then headed for the kitchen to make coffee. As she was walking her phone went off, she had a text from ... Read full Story
Lusting in cousins wardrobe
I enter the wardrobe wearing a pink fluttery satin panty. The maid catches me bending over the counter and says: "u slut, im going to fuck you outside". Get dressed and meet me by the pool. I get so horny and start trying dresses. I want to get fucked so badly i put on the first outfit i find. I lea... Read full Story
She lied ........ Part 1
I had walked into this bar on Castro St. in San Francisco, not realizing that it was a place for transsexuals. I chatted up with this super sexy bartender dressed in all lime green. We made small talk & she invited me up to her place after work. Being that she lived only 4 blocks away & it was a... Read full Story
My Date with a Crossdresser
A couple of months ago, I was contacted by a crossdresser here at Xhamster. She has asked me not to reveal her identity. We arranged to meet one night at a motel near the Pittsburgh International Airport. I arrived at the agreed time, but when I knocked on her door she told me she wasn't ready ye... Read full Story
Mature crossdresser & 18 year old
Myself being a fulltime crossdresser and wear mini skirt and dresses all the time an high heels. A few weeks ago some new people move in across the street from me to be extact it was a woman and her 18 yr son.I talked to her few times and she was very nice and in our talks asked her if it bother he... Read full Story
Fucking Outside with a Crossdresser
I was on CL the other night checking out ads. I came across one by a CD. He wanted to fuck Bareback outside by the front door of his apartment. It sounded hot, He told me it was dark and no one could see us. I imagined a porch with no neighbors near by. I get there and is a regular house in the subu... Read full Story
Showing my femininity
When I was still little guy, my stepfather always told me I wasn't a real boy, but I was his little girl. One day, he was drinking beer with his friends, so he grabbed me by the arm, pulled my shorts down and showed off my teeny cock to them. I remember that all of them laughed at me. They made fun ... Read full Story
Next time fucking her cross dressing husband and bred his wife
Wachenheim dressed up in a pretty skirt and loose blouse with his wife watching walked up to and knelt between my legs. He sucked my thick long black cock. His wife watched and masturbated as he worked my cock deep in his mouth. She knew as soon as I did him that she ws next. It was her wishes for t... Read full Story
The Bounty Hunter - Working With A Partner
My boss, Carl Bronson, was pleased with the results of my first case, and gave me more jobs over the next few months. In each, I learned from my mistakes and was able to apprehend my target. Even better, I was finally earning some good money and doing something that was worthwhile and, more importan... Read full Story
Jamess Cum Slut part 3
James decided it was time to take me into town for something special. He’d said he’d ordered a few things in and wanted to get me something really nice for a surprise this evening, seen as I’d been such a good girl. I dressed up pretty casually, leggings, a plain red pantie and bra set and and cute ... Read full Story
How I Became the Sissy Slut
It all started when I was about 11. I was a very petite and short and had long straight brown hair with whispy bangs as a child. I was often mistaken for a girl. I have a sister who was 6 years older than me about my size she used to dress pretty sexy with the tight jeans and the skin tight sailor b... Read full Story
I was drinking a little beer on my deck while no one was home. In fact I had the entire property to myself for the entire evening. I ditched my male clothing and put on a simple dress, thong, stockings, cleaned and lubed my asshole, and put in my but-plug. I started messaging guys on grindr even tho... Read full Story
Meeting Amanda
I’m a happily married man. My wife Tess and I have been together since we were teenagers. We were each other’s first real lovers and being in our mid-thirties by now, we still madly in love with each other. Tess and I always are very honest and open to each other. Both in normal life and sexual... Read full Story
From boy to crossdresser episode 5
When I was going to school, I used to play with my own dick as much as I could. Once in the school library, when I took my dick out of my pants and rubbed it, I tasted my own precum, it tasted interesting, it was a little salty. This was the first time I tasted my own precum, I fell in love with it,... Read full Story
spending the whole weekend as a sex slave
i met a dirty old man who owns run down motel he has put me in what he calls the honeymoon sweet im dressed like a cheap $1 whore. ive bean fucked by 12 different men so far i dont even know what they look like as i have a blind fold on load me he ties me up before they come in they load me up on po... Read full Story
My neighbor's daughter!
This happen to me when I was 40 years old about 10 years ago. It’s after this I started to Crossdress. About 6 years ago, after the passing of my wife, I moved in a neighborhood closer to work. What I liked about this neighborhood is that the vegetation is well established and it's private, nice... Read full Story
Trannies in Space
There was no spaceport on Jansen's Planet. There had been, but whatever calamity had befallen the world generations ago had also destroyed its port. It was one of so many planets out in the Barrens that had fallen on hard times. So Dekker set down the Barnabas in a clearing in the forest, a remna... Read full Story
Meeting a guy from online Part 1
I had been talking to a guy Jim online for a few months he was white 47 and we got into some very erotic conversations on line and even had phone sex together a few time then we decided to meet,I was all too excited thinking about seeing him in anticipating what both of us knew what was going to hap... Read full Story
Ana in Action
I had fantasized about him for months. I just wanted to know what it was luck to have him pulsing inside me, to feel his body pressed against mine in sheer lust. I just had no idea that it would actually come about and that my wife would be the hook up. You see, Jim has been one of my wife's drinkin... Read full Story
How I began my crossdresser transformation
Here are the usual disclaimers this story is for adults only if you are viewing this and are not 18 years of age or older please close this page immediately. There is no crossdressing in the story but this is how I began my transformation from regular boy into cock sucking teenage crossdresser.... Read full Story
Crossdresser 1st time!
Hi, im new to this. this happened about 3 years ago now. I had started off the night being at my ex gfs house looking at her sexy underwear thinking how it would feel etc. so, having just started a new job I felt it was time to relax a little while she was out working (from 10pm til 6am). from th... Read full Story
A girl called Eddie
Carrie had always treated me like her little sister, even though we were only third cousins. Though she was only two years older than I was and not of exceptional physical stature, I had allowed her to dominate me for as long as I could remember. Not that she was exceptionally cruel or abusive in an... Read full Story
Hello, I am posting this as a story because I couldn't couldn't  say everything I wanted to in me profile. I have just joined AShemale, I am a mature chap who had been on XHamster for nearly two years,  I love crossdressing and gurls, I have been dressing regularly for many years and before that... Read full Story
Campground Tour
I wanted to do something a little different the other night, so I decided to go somewhere I'd never gone as Karyn before. We have a resort area with several campgrounds not too far away, so I decided to take a late night stroll through one of them. I dressed down just a little – spiked stil... Read full Story
My sexy girlie boy friend in high school taught me to suck cock
In school. the boys would all get so horny and have a need to cum many times during the day. there was a place down some stairs in high school where boys could get their cocks sucked for cream. they were told that pretty girls that didn't want to be identified were down stairs behind a hole in the w... Read full Story