Free Stories

Panty Town
Chapter One -- Jamie Jamie Sanders did not think he was a sissy. Growing up, he played with trucks and showed his innate male aggression though soldiers games with the other boys. He climbed trees and watched baseball with his Dad and brother. Unfortunately, by the time he was in eighth grad... Read full Story
‘My goodness!’ she exclaimed, ‘It appears that you've had an accident, youngster. You'd better come home with me so that we can make you presentable. It's quite safe, 'cos I live in the big house in the woods on the other side of the hill behind the toilets. Come along, now,’... Read full Story
A Crossdresser Gets Fitted
Not long ago I was out shopping and stopped at one of the clothing outlet stores that I frequent when looking for sexy clothes and shoes to wear when I go out clubbing or to wear in my adult videos. I was looking through the display rack of my favorite brand of pantyhose, trying to find the colors I... Read full Story
A Game within a Game Part 2
The first steps A few weeks later, after their 'special' marriage, on a Sunday morning, while having breakfast in their glasshouse, Helena asked Rob: "Are you up for a game, dear?" She watched Rob with some caution because she knew from the past, that 'games' did not always end well.... Read full Story
A Game within a Game Part 4
Dr. Catherine. The next morning when Rob wake-up, Helena sat beside him on a chair, looking anxious. "Good morning, sleepy head. I hope that you slept well. The pills Kim gave you, surely helped." Rob got out of bed, but lucky for him, Helena grabbed him, otherwise he would have f... Read full Story
Michele And The Predator
The predator peered through the bedroom window and smiled; he couldn't believe his luck. This woman was just to his taste; he felt himself begin to stiffen as his eyes devoured her; he couldn't wait until he had his hands on her. In his mind he played out the scenario that he envisaged would soon ta... Read full Story
Le clitoris
La nature, généreuse et sans complexe, m’a doté d’un clitoris d’une taille un peu au-dessus de la moyenne. Sans toute fois être difforme, mon bourgeon dépasse quelque peu de la fente de ma vulve. Si bien que, gamine encore, je rechignais à p... Read full Story
Head Cheerleader Mikki
At 18 i was your average kid in high school. Decent grades played sports. I was on the volleyball and swim teams. I was about 5'7" 145 lbs and in good shape. My girlfriend was 19 and used to be the head cheerleader at our school. She was gorgeous. Her names Donna and she was a freak when it ca... Read full Story
Head cheerleader Mikki
At 16 i was your average kid in high school. Decent grades played sports. I was on the volleyball and swim teams. I was about 5'7" 130 lbs and in good shape. My girlfriend  was 19 and used to be the head cheerleader at our school. She was gorgeous. Her names Donna and she was a freak when ... Read full Story
Danielle Works a Saturday
It had been a few months since his wife left him. Well "ex-wife" as the divorce had been recently finalized. It was her choice; she walked out on *him*. She said she got tired of "Danielle", even though she was entirely responsible for Danielle's "birth" to begin with. ... Read full Story
My TV Sex Adventures Hot time in the Gurl&#
After sucking off the custodian of the offices next door I went back to the club. I was seriously disappointed. I loved how big and hard his dick was and I really wanted a serious cock like his to fuck. I got back into the club with only a knowing grin and a chuckle from the guy at the door. He was... Read full Story
Bookstore Bound
My Master, ever the gentleman, held the car door open for me. I smiled at him as I turned to get out of the car. I made sure to spread my legs in a very unladylike manner, giving him a good peek up my short dress. He simply shook his head and took my arm. We made our way over to the entrance to the ... Read full Story
Discovering Amber Chapter 3
There have been very few times in my life I have been terrified and today was definitely the tops on that list. Ms drove us to the mall and as I watched she walked around the front of the car and opened the door for me. I looked up to see her hand extended toward me. "Practice getting out li... Read full Story
Discovering Mistress Sarah's World Part 2
Chapter 4 : Introducing Miss May! Miss May's arrival seemed sudden and quick to Joe. He heard the door close downstairs. Then there was the sound of somebody running up the steps. The bedroom door flung open and before Joe could look up to see anything, he heard an excited voice exclaim, "ki... Read full Story
From Husband to Castrated Sissy
"Oh my god!" My wife looked up over the muscular shoulder of the huge black guy nailing her on our bed. Her long tanned legs wrapped around v-shaped torso. "Hi honey. What are you doing home early?" "Kelli what the fuck's going on here?!" At that, the black guy... Read full Story
Tina and Dani
I had not cross dressed in months, but I was having an insatiable desire to suck some cock. I decided to go to a local Phoenix gay club in search of a fun sexy date. After a few "apple-tinis" I was approached by a cute guy, in his thirties, shorter than me and well built. He introduced him... Read full Story
Owned sissy girl
I met the mature dominant couple that I now call Mummy & Daddy on the internet. Their ad said they were looking for a full-time live-in mature sissy plaything. After we made contact they invited me to their house. I was instructed to bring any sissy clothes with me and to refrain from orgasm for... Read full Story
ROBERTO’S SECRET by Spanky De Bautumn
Cody Daniels was only trying to help her country; she never dreamed things would come to this. She was patriotic and felt compelled to do whatever asked of her to aid in the capture of the terrorist known only as "Roberto". But lying in his bed, bound and gagged, Cody wondered why she let herself go... Read full Story
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Read full Story
La soumission
Mon amie Sophie qui m’a déjà surprise à deux reprises dans des situations équivoques, n’a pas tardé à revenir à la charge en m’appelant au téléphone pour me faire une proposition singulière. « Mélina, samedi soir, débrouille toi pour te libérer et me rejoindre à la maison. J’ai une surprise pour ... Read full Story
Je discutais en ligne depuis quelques mois avec le type de papa Dom que j'avais rencontré sur la liste de Craig. Son poste était qu'il était un excellent professeur pour les nouveaux travestis curieux et qu'il ne bougeait pas trop vite. Il avait sa propre place, beaucoup de jolis vêtemen... Read full Story
Ma copine m'a fait une poule mouillée
Quand j'avais 18 ans, malgré ma timidité et ne pas être en tout cas incroyablement attirante, je me suis en quelque sorte retrouvé une petite amie de 2 ans plus âgée que moi. J'étais alors assez petit pour un garçon, vers 5'7 et très mince n'ayant pas encore développé beaucoup de muscle. J'avais les... Read full Story
"Merci d'avoir fait ça, Alex," dit Mr Stevens en me serrant la main. "Au revoir Mr et Mme Stevens !" J'ai crié depuis la porte d'entrée alors que mes voisins me faisaient signe avant de monter dans leur voiture. Ils fêtaient leur anniversaire avec une soirée et je m'étais porté volontaire pour ga... Read full Story
J'étais là, une semaine avant la fin du lycée. Aller à l'université à l'automne. Belle voiture, bonne famille, amis. J'avais tout. Alors, qu'est-ce que je faisais à quatre pattes dans une cabine vidéo du mauvais côté de la ville, habillée en pom-pom girl avec une bite dans chaque... Read full Story
Ma petite amie et moi étions ensemble depuis près de neuf mois lorsque nous avons décidé d'emménager ensemble. Son bail expirait donc c'était logique car nous nous étions rapprochés et elle semblait vraiment être "la bonne". Nous nous entendions très bien et je l'aimais, mais, po... Read full Story
Chastity and its effects
I actually thought of writing this for some time now, this quasi-scientific testimonial and reflection about chastity. Now, I finally had some time to reflect, gather and compare info and experimentation from personal experience about the topic. More specifically, the effects it has on the mind and ... Read full Story
L'appel de Maîtresse Andrea a fait ma journée. Je ne l'avais pas vue depuis plus d'une semaine et j'avais hâte de jouer avec elle et de voir enfin ma chasteté retirée. Vous devez savoir que Maîtresse et moi nous connaissons depuis de nombreuses années et j'ai toujours aimé être son poule mouillée. ... Read full Story
Il était tard, près de minuit un vendredi soir glacial, au milieu de février, lorsque je me suis retrouvé au volant d'une tempête de neige absolument aveuglante. Après avoir écouté les bulletins météo à la radio toute la journée, j'étais certain que je pouvais battre la tempête à la maison. Ils avai... Read full Story
Vance n'était pas ce que vous appelleriez un homme typique de l'empire. Non pas qu'il n'en ait pas l'air, des années de génie génétique, un bon élevage, un bon régime alimentaire et un programme d'exercices l'avaient placé dans la fourchette parfaite pour qu'un futa veuille s'accrocher et s'assommer... Read full Story
Il y a environ 6 mois, j'ai rejoint une salle de sport parce que je n'ai jamais eu un corps très masculin et maintenant que je viens d'avoir 21 ans, il était temps de me lever enfin et d'essayer de développer des muscles. C'est là que j'ai rencontré ma petite amie Brook qui m... Read full Story
"Jess, Jess, j'ai besoin que tu m'aides à porter les courses." Jess gémit et, coupable, il souhaita que sa mère demande à quelqu'un d'autre de l'aider. Il voulait juste regarder toutes les autres filles sissy sur Twitter et obtenir son petit « excitation » dur. Il desc... Read full Story
Amy se réveilla, surprise par le son strident de son alarme. Elle se réinstalla dans son oreiller et regarda de côté son horloge. En lisant l'affichage numérique, elle s'assit comme un boulon. « 8h30 ? Merde, je vais être si en retard ! Amy a sauté du lit et s'est habillée aussi vi... Read full Story
Je me suis réveillé en me sentant comme tous les matins pendant des mois, extatique. Il n'y a pas d'autre façon de décrire ce que je ressens quand je me réveille le matin. Je me suis levé de mon oreiller, j'ai déclenché l'alarme et j'étais hors du lit en quelques secondes. Je ne ... Read full Story
J'étais assis dans mon appartement à New York en train de boire quelques bières en m'apitoyant sur moi-même après avoir été largué par ma copine d'université quand j'ai reçu un appel d'un vieil ami de lycée me convainquant d'assister à notre réunion de lycée de 5 ans dans un ... Read full Story
"Tu aimes porter des culottes ???" s'est exclamée ma meilleure amie Chloé alors que nous étions dans sa voiture pour rentrer chez elle. "Oui," dis-je timidement en regardant par la fenêtre. C'était mon plus grand secret, et c'en était un que je ne pouvais plus garder p... Read full Story
T PARTY ⚧️ ⚧️
"Ce serait génial ! A bientôt !" J'ai répondu avec enthousiasme avant de me déconnecter de l'appel Zoom. Je me suis souri lorsque l'image d'Ivanka a disparu de mon écran. Ivanka (en fait appelée Ira IRL) vient de m'informer d'un week-end de rassemblement pour les T ; Transsexuels et travestis. C'... Read full Story
"Euh quoi?" Je secouai la tête en essayant d'éliminer les toiles d'araignées de mon cerveau. La dernière chose dont je me souviens, c'est que ma collègue Cheryl m'a montré son nouveau pendentif Paraiba Topaz. Elle le tint d'abord dans sa paume, puis le laissa tomber et le faire pendre par la chaî... Read full Story
"Alors, tu as entendu parler de Laura, n'est-ce pas ?" La voix qui demandait était suffisamment aiguë pour être ennuyeuse en soi, sans ajouter le volume odieux qui était d'environ un demi-niveau trop élevé pour l'intérieur. Au lieu de cela, je gardai la bouche fermée et m'assis devant un plateau ... Read full Story
The Interview
The Interview By Sabrina G. Langton *** 'A crossdresser goes on an interview in lots of pink, of course she gets the job' 'Author's note, just a quick little story with some really graphic sex, and a little tiny moral. I hope YOU like it.' *** "Okay, sit, sit, let's get started. S... Read full Story
Ladies who Lunch - At the Gloryhole
Ladies who Lunch - At the Gloryhole By Sabrina G. Langton *** Author's Note: Hi, just a quick little story to make us all wet and squishy. Three mature crosssdressers have a little more excitement than they are used to after lunch. I hope YOU like it... *** The Boynton Tavern So w... Read full Story
Je m’appelle Xavier, 22 ans, étudiant sportif, pratiquant le rugby, 1,80 70 kg filiforme. J’ai du succès avec les filles de mon Age, mais depuis quelque mois mon regard se détourne vers les femmes matures, + de 40 ans environ, et ce soir j’ai mon premier rendez-vous avec Adèle, grande rousse dont j... Read full Story
Mon addiction à l'orgasme anal...
Mon addiction à l'orgasme anal, J'aime sentir le contact sensuel de ma guêpière et de ma nuisette sur ma peau. Devant la glace murale de ma chambre, je prends des poses suggestives pour faire monter mon désir lors de mes essayages de lingerie. Me sentant confusément femme, j'abaisse mon dernier r... Read full Story
Mon addiction à l'orgasme anal,
Mon addiction à l'orgasme anal, J'aime sentir le contact sensuel de ma guêpière et de ma nuisette sur ma peau. Devant la glace murale de ma chambre, je prends des poses suggestives pour faire monter mon désir lors de mes essayages de lingerie. Me sentant confusément femme, j'abaisse mon de... Read full Story
My desire to be a woman
My desire to be a woman, Natacha, tall and slender, stands in front of me. Her hair tied in a ponytail refines her face, emphasizing her Dominatrix profile. She wears a lovely nightie and a corset highlighting her magnificent breasts. She is perched on stiletto heels topped with thigh-high... Read full Story
In Need of Some Sex
In Need of Some Sex By Sabrina G. Langton *** Author's Note: Hi... Just a teensy tiny story. I'm sure you know what I, um, well we like. Just a little sex in the night to make the heart grow fonder. Just two people meeting for the first time, definitely not the last. A nice intro to a new rel... Read full Story
eromène contre vieille pétasse
Une eromène baise une vieille pétasse Lorsque je levai la tête pour découvrir à qui appartenaient ces mains de mannequin qui me servaient, j'ai été surpris de tomber sur un girly-boy. "Autre chose" sourit-t-il/elle en traînant ses longs doigts vernis incolores sur la nappe. Je n'ai pas pu m'... Read full Story
Chasseuses de trésor trans
Deux chasseuse de trésor Amy Taylor deux ami elle sont lesbiennes trans avec deux grosse bite elle adore faire l'amour mais leur dada c'est la chasse au trésor en Egypte et elle sont prise au piège dans une pyramide elle voit une porte ferme avec un trou alors Amy a une idée de sucé la bite de Taylo... Read full Story
First time in panties
When I was around 11, I started to enjoy playing with myself. I didnt realize at first what I was doing, but I knew it felt soo good. When I was alone at home, I would get naked at walk around the house just playing with my cock and feeling so excited. It was during one of these times that I started... Read full Story
Far Eastern Adventure
He was transferred to the Far East with no real choice in the matter. His boss never took no for an answer and rarely gave him the opportunity to try. She had been acting strangely for the last few weeks, eyeing him oddly as if trying to unravel some hidden mystery within him. This strange perusa... Read full Story
Transgender Storylines
Stories about transsexuals and transvestites typically involve one or more standard themes concerned with such characters' treatment of themselves, their treatment by others, their treatment toward others, the events and circumstances of their transitional period, their outing themselves or being ou... Read full Story
A Dogging tale
Last month I went dogging. I don’t often go out to dogging sites as there is always a chance of police being around and you sometimes meet the oddest of characters. But I was feeling very horny and there was nobody around to play with so I got dressed and drove off. I wore some black sexy l... Read full Story
Motorway Madness
I would like to tell you of a recent true experience of mine. I always like to wear a set of frillies under my male clothing, and on this particular occasion, I was driving down the M6 near Birmingham, when I decided to stop for a break at a service station. I had been driving all morning , bu... Read full Story
Transgender Art
Artists whose work includes transgender, transvestite, or transsexual themes are rare. In other articles, discuss the work of Christopher Leach ("Christopher Leach") and Kimberly Wilder ("Kimberly Wilder: An Assessment"), whose respective styles, if not subject matter, are vastly... Read full Story
Forced Feminisation
It all started as just a game. i logged into a forced feminization chat room and portrayed myself as a slave being punished by my Mistress. Saying She had instructed me to enter this room for 5 minutes and obey any command given to me. It seemed harmless and exciting. How stupid could i have been. I... Read full Story
A tranny's fantasy date...
I haven't had many opportunities to explore my femme side lately, so I arranged to meet with a friend at a club. I wind up going in my favorite club/party wear - a tight top, a black flouncy miniskirt, garters attached to black fishnet stockings and my most comfy 5" black patent heels. I work m... Read full Story
Caught in the Act....
One summer, my cousin Nancy came to stay with us for a while, as her parents had gone away on a cruise trip. At 18 years old, she was a couple of years older than me and in the full bloom of her young womanhood, so to speak. She knew it, too, and it was obvious that she had no problem at all in pull... Read full Story