Free Stories

Old Folks
I had been cross-dressing for some years, but I had never been with another man. I had been talking on a gay chat site for some months when I found someone who I got on with well. We exchanged photos I was happy with his and he was happy with mine. Deciding to get together, we arranged a date and ti... Read full Story
It all began the summer my smoking habit had grown into a 2 pack a day habit and MOTHER was very PROUD of ME. Let me tell you a little about myself, I'm a qualified BITCH, born a boy, but home schooled to become a BITCH in HEAT. My MOM lost my DAD when I was three and we lived on a sprawling esta... Read full Story
Just One of Those Days
Let me start by introducing myself. My name is Amanda, though I sometimes use the shortened version Mandy. I am thirty-three but my sexual awakening didn't really occur until I had turned thirty. Previously I had been a generally shy and quiet girl with a steady and normal relationship. ... Read full Story
A Sissy (S)exercise Fantasy
I stopped going to the gym about six months ago, when money got tight and I had to find ways to reduce my expenses. I usually don't get to the gym much in the spring or summer months anyway, so it was an easy expense to cut. I hate going into the office all sweaty, so I avoid working out in the morn... Read full Story
High School Friend Has A Secret
I had just walked inside my apartment after a 10 minute walk from the grocery store in the blistering cold. It was a frigid Denver day in the middle of February, the kind that forces you to sit cooped up inside all day. My roommates were still back in our hometown visiting old friends and family. We... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 7
The horrible memory of my crackhouse ordeal faded much as the lurid surgical site on my abdomen faded to a faint pink smile at my bikini line. I went off the AIDS cocktail after one awful month of constant nausea, and was pronounced antibody-free. My surgeons pronounced me healed and recovered. Natu... Read full Story
First Time With a Shemale
I was living in LA and pretty fresh out of school, not to mention pretty naive in the peripherals of human sexuality. I'd been with a few girls growing up, but nothing ridiculous. I liked going out with my buddies, and we'd drink and there was the occasional recreational use of ummm, how should we... Read full Story
Kidnapped (Adult Fiction)
Kidnapped I remember being normal. I was a young man in my 20's living in my parent's house struggling to get by. I was online more than I probably should have, but it was an escape from the harsh reality of my life. I didn't feel fulfilled or like a success, I felt like a failure on many differe... Read full Story