Free Stories

Ma mère, Kendra, se promenait souvent dans la maison sans haut, laissant ses énormes seins couler librement. Ça m'a dégoûté. J'étais sa fille, pas un gars au hasard qu'elle a ramené à la maison un vendredi soir (pas qu'elle a ramené des gars à la maison). Elle ne devrait pas montrer ... Read full Story
C'était un étalon avec une mâchoire ciselée et des mains fortes; elle était une bombe avec des seins mignons et gais et des hanches incroyables. Ils se sont rapidement entendus lorsqu'ils se sont rencontrés pour la première fois à l'université. Il ne fallut pas longtemps avant qu'ils... Read full Story
Susan sourit à sa fille. Elle s'était habituée à dîner seule depuis que sa fille était partie à l'université. "Je suis tellement contente que tu sois de retour à la maison. Tu as bien réussi à l'université, mais c'est là que tu appartiens, Amy," dit Susan en se levant de t... Read full Story
Une femme attrape la grippe Futa ⚧️⚧️
Jessica étudia attentivement la recherche, la bouche grande ouverte d'incrédulité. La science derrière cela était pour le moins sommaire. Elle avait étudié la biologie à l'université et savait donc qu'une partie de cela était un fait scientifique bien connu, mais vers la fin, cela a dérivé vers l'ab... Read full Story
"Des rochers. Je savais que ce serait des rochers, ils se faufilent toujours sur vous." Vance siffla en levant les yeux vers la masse de débris qui tombaient maintenant vers lui alors qu'il se tenait debout et regardait avec défi l'énorme quantité de terre qui s'effondrait comme un véritable héros !... Read full Story
Vance n'était pas ce que vous appelleriez un homme typique de l'empire. Non pas qu'il n'en ait pas l'air, des années de génie génétique, un bon élevage, un bon régime alimentaire et un programme d'exercices l'avaient placé dans la fourchette parfaite pour qu'un futa veuille s'accrocher et s'assommer... Read full Story
Tim est entré dans la pièce de devant de la maison de son ami et a appuyé plusieurs fois sur l'interrupteur. "Hey Harley, ta lumière est éteinte", a-t-il crié dans les escaliers. "Ouais, c'est capricieux, je pense que tout cet endroit a besoin d'être recâblé. Il y a une de ces lampes sur la table... Read full Story
La journée de travail avait été longue et difficile et la tension causée par la date limite du projet qui approchait à grands pas montait. David savait qu'il avait besoin de se détendre d'une manière ou d'une autre, mais Allie, son autre significatif, était également stressée par son travail et aucu... Read full Story
Certains pensent qu'une lune rouge n'est que le reflet du soleil provoquant la teinte rouge rouille et étrange. Alors que d'autres croient en une signification plus spirituelle derrière la couleur de la roche lunaire éclairant notre ciel nocturne. Ce soir, s'il y avait un moment p... Read full Story
"Hey perdant," dit Ken en me poussant dans mon propre casier. « Tu es une putain de poule mouillée. Tu le sais, n'est-ce pas ? » "Bien, Ken!" dit Weston. "Pourquoi est-ce que vous devez toujours vous en prendre à moi ?" Je demande. Ken va me frapper et je me recroqu... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Layton McGuire. Quand j'avais 22 ans, je vivais à New York et je partageais un très petit appartement à loyer contrôlé à Greenwich Village avec deux autres colocataires pendant que nous fréquentions le City College (qui est un vrai collège, pas seulement un nom générique, cherch... Read full Story
Le lycée est un endroit compliqué avec différents groupes de personnes qui luttent pour trouver leur chemin dans le monde. Qu'il s'agisse d'étudiants de première année qui viennent d'emménager dans un nouvel endroit inconnu et effrayant, ou de seniors qui sont maintenant de jeunes ad... Read full Story
Amy se réveilla, surprise par le son strident de son alarme. Elle se réinstalla dans son oreiller et regarda de côté son horloge. En lisant l'affichage numérique, elle s'assit comme un boulon. « 8h30 ? Merde, je vais être si en retard ! Amy a sauté du lit et s'est habillée aussi vi... Read full Story
*Clac* *Clac* *Clac* Le bruit de mes talons sur le carrelage de la cuisine me distrayait juste au moment où j'avais besoin de me concentrer. Ma femme, ou Maîtresse Vicky comme je dois l'appeler désormais, m'avait laissé pas mal de corvées à faire aujourd'hui. Je venais de finir de... Read full Story
Scarlet soupira profondément en regardant les images de surveillance. Avec un doigt fatigué faisant défiler plusieurs pages de néant, juste des étudiants qui passaient leur journée, elle était sur le point d'arrêter et de se faire virer. Par nécessité, cela était devenu sa routine quotidienne, e... Read full Story
Vivre près de la périphérie de la ville peut être une chose fastidieuse, surtout lorsque vous avez été retenu au travail au centre-ville pendant plusieurs heures après votre horaire. Et surtout quand il fait nuit et que les bus ne vont plus jusqu'à votre quartier. Et surtout lorsque vous prenez ... Read full Story
J'aime m'habiller. J'aime beaucoup me déguiser en femme. Cela dit, je suis un homme mais pas gay. J'adore le travestissement. Je fais du travestissement depuis des années et ma garde-robe s'est considérablement développée au cours de cette période. Le sentiment tabou de porter des vêtements fé... Read full Story
"Alors, tu as entendu parler de Laura, n'est-ce pas ?" La voix qui demandait était suffisamment aiguë pour être ennuyeuse en soi, sans ajouter le volume odieux qui était d'environ un demi-niveau trop élevé pour l'intérieur. Au lieu de cela, je gardai la bouche fermée et m'assis devant un plateau ... Read full Story
Zoe procures a sissy..Chapter 1.
Zoe Viper sat back on her sofa extremely pleased with how her Friday night was shaping up. Wearing lace top stockings,a tight,black,latex miniskirt with a red satin corset and elbow length,black latex gloves,she took a drag on her blunt. Blowing out the smoke through perfectly painted red lips,she... Read full Story
My journey so far
Hi everyone and welcome to my page. I’ve accepted who I am as both a man and women already so far and I love to use both. Art is my passion, and pornography is art. I’m hoping to gain a following so I can fully pursue that passion. I found my camera’s battery today so I’m hoping to make at least... Read full Story
Chasseuses de trésor trans
Deux chasseuse de trésor Amy Taylor deux ami elle sont lesbiennes trans avec deux grosse bite elle adore faire l'amour mais leur dada c'est la chasse au trésor en Egypte et elle sont prise au piège dans une pyramide elle voit une porte ferme avec un trou alors Amy a une idée de sucé la bite de Taylo... Read full Story
Satan Shemale Bimbo Sissy Doll Chapter 2
Sindra rolled down Routs 666 and 12 miles later pulled up to a big black gate. There was a cop of sorts at this gate too. It was Betty page with gigantic boobs. Betty was all in black leather and wore a leather cops hat. She strutted on over with a bump and a grind and demanded to see Sindra's toon.... Read full Story
Clothing and the Nude
In The Erotic Eye and the Erotic Senses, Stefan Beyst observes that various gestures and poses have been designed to display parts of the body that would remain otherwise unseen. Erotic art is a striptease, he points out, in which, sometimes, nudity is revealed to oneself, as in a mirror. Whereas, a... Read full Story
A Stitch in Time Saves Nine
I'm lucky to have met Frankie. She's not one in a million, not with (at last count) one in ten males transitioning to shemales, but she's still a relatively rare find. We females who are transitioning to hemales, on the other hand, currently number thirty-three percent of the world's population! Fem... Read full Story
The House of Lesslie Part 2
I. I woke up. Even after having taken over the House of Lesslie weeks ago, each morning was still the same, and came with the same feeling of disorientation, in need of a few moments to adjust to the realities around me, as new as they were. The bedroom around me was still darkened by heavy... Read full Story
My First Time Out Part 2
It was Saturday morning at eight o’clock when Shayna was rudely awakened by the telephone in the room. “Hello,” she said in a raspy voice. “Good morning, this is the Bell Desk downstairs,” stated the Bell Captain. “Yes, responded Shayna?” “... Read full Story
My First Time Out Part 3
Angelo was still working on Shayna's blonde wig. He fussed with it, combed it, and teased it. Angelo knew a romantic style was very important to Sir Dominique. Shayna was escorted to a tremendous makeup table. Saki placed a headband on her that stretched her scalp and raised her non-existent eyeb... Read full Story
A taste of Sandy
My phone rang and a husky feminine voice whispered I am here. Trying to hide my hard cock with my shirt I quickly went out to my hotel parking lot and found the Escape with a silhouette waiting. I walked up to the window and introduced myself “Hi Sandy, I’m Zef” Come sit for a minu... Read full Story
Date With A Mistress Part 2
The week went rather slow for Patrick and he was anticipating Friday night. He didn’t know what would happen as he picked up the phone. He dialed the number with trembling hands. When the phone rang the person on the other end told him to call back in an hour as the Mistress wasn’t at ho... Read full Story
Bizarre Bras
If you haven't types "bizarre bras" into an Internet image browser lately, you probably haven't seen the ones I describe in this review, which is all the more the pity for you. (However, this is a deficit easily corrected; .) Meanwhile, here are some of the highlights of my own searches... Read full Story
Step Into My Office
All right, I admit it. I was an idiot. I never should have worn the butt plug--if “worn” is the right word--in the first place, especially not to work, but I couldn’t help myself. Okay, I guess I could have helped myself; nobody forced me to insert a plug up my ass. It’... Read full Story
Seven Lessons Part 2
That night he had many erotic images flood into his dreams, lingerie, fetishwear and sex, lots of sex. Hardcore action of all persuasions had filled his sleeping thoughts with him in both the receiving and giving roles. And then there were the bells, the bells were tolling for him. Actually, as t... Read full Story
Debbie Part 1
He had gotten a job with a large company doing odd jobs, mostly filing papers and bringing out mail. It wasn't much, but it was enough to pay for a small one-room apartment on the seedier side of town. Since he was still very shy from his experiences in high school he hadn't made any friends yet, bu... Read full Story
Interstate Reas Area Whore
Driving down the interstate the sign said Rest Area one mile. My heart skipped a beat and there was slight stiffing of my male meat in anticipation of events to unfold. This interstate rest area was always packed full of eighteen wheelers as many as forty. Surely one or two of these truck drivers wo... Read full Story
Transvestite in trouble Part 5
After feeding me Mary, untied me from the chair, other than keeping my hands tied behind my back, and a short chain between my ankles. She attached a studded collar around my neck attached to a dogs lead, and led me from the room. I teetered on the heels behind her, taking little fairy steps due to ... Read full Story
How I Learned To Love Drag Part 11
At the bull session to begin the week, we kicked around a lot of different skit ideas. Dave brought up the topic of gay marriages. We ran with that concept for awhile. Then we took a stab at the film Spiderman. The possibilities were enormous, though potentially expensive. I suggested we do... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 3
My weekend escapade with my first real lover, Jake, convinced me that I was destined to live as a girl, despite having been born a boy. Unfortunately, it was my male persona to whom the University of Minnesota had extended admission and a scholarship, and I wasn’t quite sure how they would rea... Read full Story
My Tgurl Cumslut Initiation
Lets start with my initiation. There I was lying there here in a red bustier with red thong, suspenders and stockings over my long legs ending in 5 inch stilletto heels. Being on hormones for several months now so my breasts have started budding and the nipples are bigger and so sensitive My erect c... Read full Story
In only a fur and very little else…
Well... I drove about 50 kilometers that night all dressed up as you can see me in the picture... quite late in the evening in early November... A cold and damp winters night in other words. The pictures by the way can be seen on my profil... I had never met the man before... So I was, I must add... Read full Story
A Dream Comes True
I was sitting in my home... if you could call it that. It was an apartment in a complex that looked so run-down it wasn't funny... and it drove away most of those who wanted to rent there. The only reason I stayed there was because it was the perfect cover for what I did. Anyways, I was readin... Read full Story
A Game within a Game Part 5
Another session - or not. The next morning Rob was the first to get out of bed. He took a hot shower and then dressed. Both Cathy and Helena were still sleeping. Their orgasms had taken a lot of energy. Rob went downstairs, filled two cups with coffee and brought them to Helena and Cathy. &... Read full Story
Mistress Continues my Tgirl Cum Slut Training
Mistress texted me to come over to her place so I drove over. Underneath my long trench coat I was wearing a pink bra, pink panties, suspenders and black sheer stockings. Driving was a little difficult with heels and being filled by a butt plug but very stimulating. I parked outside, it was still da... Read full Story
Mom's girlfriend has a fat cock
When I was a teenager, my mother got a woman. At first it was odd, because their roles in the relationship were so clear. My mother was the "bottom", and Jamie was the "top". They're great to each other, and I have grown to love Jamie unconditionally. I'm eigh... Read full Story
A Revenge Fuck
It had been a long day. I had fought the traffic after a miserable week to get home early and surprise my wife for what was to be a romantic weekend. But as I pulled up to the house my heart sank. I saw a bright red motorcycle in the drive way and something inside told me, "This isn't right!&qu... Read full Story
My shemale GF Part 3
Christy and I are on the couch, we had just woke up, I have a butt plug in and slept with it in cause she was going to fuck me today. She has a Pink G-string on and a Pink bra with her G-string pushed to the side for her cock. Me I'm wearing Metal Mulisha boxers and a Tyler, the creator T-shirt on, ... Read full Story
I am Hannah!
It was soon my eighteenth birthday. Hi, my name is Robin! I'm a lonely, chubby guy. Let me tell you my story. The years passed on by and me and Mary grew fond of each other. We went to different schools but kept seeing each other. But to her I was no longer Robin. In her mind I was Hannah and sin... Read full Story
Cow Girl`s got something hard in her jeans
Last Friday night me and the guys from work stopped to have a couple of beers. which of course turned out to be a whole lot more. boy was i going to be in trouble when i got home. but when i got home it was all quite, too quite. then i saw the note. "You son of a bitch you knew we had that dinn... Read full Story
My shemale GF Part 5
If you read my last story, you know that Ashley said she was going to dominate me, well that's exactly what she did. So today after work I went back to Christy's place not actually thinking she was going to fuck me. Christy was home before me and asked me to clean up, which is the universal sign ... Read full Story
Dear Karen Chapter 6
07.13.09 Dear Karen, Well, I have had quite a surprise. I came home at lunchtime recently and found BJ had a visitor. I walked into the bedroom and there was BJ and Frank. BJ was only wearing a bra and panties along with stockings held up by a garter belt. He was on his knees beside the bed an... Read full Story
Transsexual Sisters Chapter 6
Part 6: A Party to Remember MICHELLE AND NICOLE MAKE A CAREER CHOICE After their tormentors were jailed, Michelle and Nicole felt relieved and happy for the first time in weeks. Whether from curiosity, respect or sympathy for their ordeal they became very popular around the USC campus. They we... Read full Story
Alex to Alice Chapter 2
Alex felt disoriented for a moment and wondered if what had happened the night before was just a dream. But then it faded like distant smoke and Alice wondered who was this Alex? Perhaps, he was merely a distant dream from the night before? She fully awoke and stretched out in her cage. Carefully sh... Read full Story
Joe gets to the bottom of it
She kept it tucked away, it was uncomfortable squeezed between her legs held in place by the tight rubbery panties that really weren't her style, but they punctuated the "surprise". Joe was aroused by her femininity, as she slipped off the spaghetti straps of her little white dress reveali... Read full Story
Joe gets to the bottom of things
She kept it tucked away, uncomfortable, squeezed between her legs held in place by the tight rubbery panties that really weren't her style, but they punctuated the "surprise". Joe was aroused by her femininity, as she slipped off the spaghetti straps of her little white dress revealing the... Read full Story
An Afternoon Tea
Scene One: Backstage "Ah, there you are my pretty pet! All nice and comfy on your pretty perch, are we?" I hear Miss Debra's cheerful voice from behind me. I scan the large, ornate, gold-framed mirror hanging on the wall before me, straining my corseted neck to determine her whereabo... Read full Story
The story of how i began crossdressing
Entry #1: I guess i was 17 years old and broke up with my first gf back then. barely had any sex, so was horny all the time :P I decided to look online for couples and women who would be interested in camming with me, and a mistress responded to one of my advertisements on some swinger site ... Read full Story
Fourth Slave
I had been to this particular establishment before. I knew very well what they did and the women here were nearly all abducted. I knew that. What had brought me here today or rather on this night, was the loss of my slave. I had sold her when I got bored with her. I had a particular taste in women t... Read full Story