Free Stories

Dès que je me suis réveillé, j'ai su que quelque chose s'était passé. J'ai senti l'étreinte chaleureuse du sommeil s'éloigner lentement. Mon esprit essayait de donner un sens à l'endroit où j'étais. Un hôtel? Je ne me souvenais pas d'y être arrivé. Ma tête était si... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Stephen et je suis étudiant diplômé à l'école de commerce locale. Je suis à mon travail depuis moins d'un an et, en tant que nouveau venu au bureau, je pensais que faire des heures supplémentaires ferait bonne impression sur mon patron. Eh bien, j'ai certainement fait une impression, ma... Read full Story
La journée a commencé comme n'importe quel autre jour. Vikki se lève à l'aube, prend sa douche le matin et se sèche les cheveux. Ses longs cheveux ondulés brun foncé Lucius tombant en place aussi élégamment, magnifiquement et naturellement que jamais. Avoir l'air époustouflant était une demande si f... Read full Story
"Asseyez vous Robert", m'a demandé Mme Conley. C'était une femme plutôt grossière et autoritaire qui s'en sortait pour 50 ans, je dirais. J'ai fait ce qu'on m'avait dit et j'ai attendu qu'elle - une responsable principale des réclamations à la bourse du chômage où j'ai "signé" pour réclamer mes allo... Read full Story
"Maman, maman," cria Michael. "Aide-moi!" Mary tourna la tête vers les cris de son fils pour ensuite entendre Melissa crier: "Sortez d'ici, espèce de pervers!" Mary se précipita dans le couloir jusqu'à la chambre de sa fille où elle trouva Michael passant devant elle, suivi de près par une bro... Read full Story
Mettons les choses au clair. Je ne suis pas gay, pas une poule mouillée ou un pédé, je suis un hétérosexuel normal de 30 ans, d'accord ! Alors pourquoi vous demandez vous si j'écris ceci vêtue d'une robe bleu foncé, de bas noirs avec porte-jarretelles, d'une culotte bleu clair avec un motif à pois b... Read full Story
Mon ami Magnus et moi nous sommes connus presque toute notre vie. Nous nous sommes rencontrés en pré-maternelle, quand nous vivions à un pâté de maisons et demi l'un de l'autre. Nos familles étaient proches et nous avons grandi côte à côte. Nous nous connaissions depuis si longtemps; nous nous appel... Read full Story
Je venais d'avoir 23 ans et je profitais de mon été. J'ai récemment déménagé en Floride pour mon premier emploi après l'université. Je viens du Midwest, vous pouvez donc imaginer à quel point j'étais excité par le changement de décor. Je suis assez grand, un bon mélange entre musclé et tonique, une ... Read full Story
Oneness with the bodies
many years went into just fantasizing being with shemales. I was getting hornier day by day to try it out. But being in a relationship there was hardly any room or time for it. I once experienced it in bangkok and confirmed that I really can do it and actually love it. One day suddenly it was br... Read full Story
Salacious Sarah
Joe Dodge walked down bustling Market Street in Philadelphia in awe. Joe and his wife Tammy moved here 4 months ago from a small town in Alabama. The 24 year old man missed his hometown but at the same time he marveled at the sights in the big city. It was Friday evening, he always went straight hom... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Mon nom est Tim. Je suis un homme blanc de 23 ans. Il y a environ 6 mois, j'ai déménagé à Los Angeles pour essayer de devenir acteur, mais comme vous vous en doutez, je n'ai pas eu beaucoup de chance dans ce département. C'était début novembre, quand je suis allé dans le bureau de mon... Read full Story
Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
"C'est jolie!" "Oooh... Sexy !" "Salope !" Ce ne sont là que quelques-uns des descripteurs que j'ai utilisés lorsque j'ai "fait du lèche-vitrines" en ligne. C'est l'un de mes passe-temps préférés. Aller sur divers sites de lingerie et regarder des soutiens-gorge, des culottes, des bas, des jarret... Read full Story
En grandissant, j'ai vécu dans une petite ville du Midwest. Je suis allé dans un tout petit lycée qui était aussi très religieux. Dès mon plus jeune âge, j'ai su que j'étais gay. Alors que j'avais toujours admiré les femmes, je n'ai jamais vu l'attrait pour moi. Les hommes grands et masculins, par c... Read full Story
Rassemblement d'alumni pas comme les autres;
Un rassemblement d'alumni pas comme les autres; 'Mer/Sable/Soleil' et pourquoi pas 'Sex' dans un club de vancance; nous nous sommes rassemblés pour fêter les 40 ans de notre 1ère rencontre en fac. La seule règle était de venir sans compagne pour revivre nos jours de 'frosh'. avec les ca... Read full Story
Boys to girls transformation with a surprise part I
Boys to Girls with surprise For the first time I scheduled an appointment at a studio that will transfer me into a sexy women. I packed my sexiest outfits and high heels and drove to the next city where the studio is. I told everybody I had to go to a business meeting over the weekend. I arrive... Read full Story
eromène contre vieille pétasse
Une eromène baise une vieille pétasse Lorsque je levai la tête pour découvrir à qui appartenaient ces mains de mannequin qui me servaient, j'ai été surpris de tomber sur un girly-boy. "Autre chose" sourit-t-il/elle en traînant ses longs doigts vernis incolores sur la nappe. Je n'ai pas pu m'... Read full Story
Mes plaisirs de fille,
Je suis heureuse de passer mon week-end à la maison pour vivre ma vie de femme. J'applique sur mon corps une crème dépilatoire que je laisse agir quelques minutes avant de passer sous la douche. J'en profite pour faire un lavement afin d'éviter les mauvaises surprises lors de mes jeux de fille. P... Read full Story
Si ses histoires étaient vraies, non seulement beaucoup d'hommes ont eu des réveils sexuels entre la fin de la trentaine et le début de la cinquantaine, mais beaucoup d'hommes de mon âge étaient curieux de se féminiser, de sucer des bites et peut-être même d'avoir des fesses. Mais je ne peux pas ... Read full Story
Je n'avais vraiment aucune idée de ce qui m'attendait. Je veux dire, je savais pourquoi j'allais au magasin, mais je n'avais aucune idée de ce que ce magasin en particulier me réservait. Je pensais juste que j'avais besoin de quelques... quelques choses. Je les avais tous jetés, encore une fois. ... Read full Story
Liberty meeting , Chapter2
When she strums again on her keyboard, I feel that it sinks imperceptibly but inexorably into me. - Relax my darling, Mirella told me, masturbating me with an expert hand. At the start, I have rather pleasant sensations. Being completely submissive to this machine without being able to stop... Read full Story
Becoming Marie Chapter 4
During the following week I had gotten hornier and hornier thinking of the wekend visit to the air raid shelter. I popped into town during the week to get some make up and some clothes to wear for the following Sunday. This was going to be a bit awkward, but egged on by my urges i set off shopping. ... Read full Story
Crossing lines
It had always been a fantasy of mine. I have very feminine features and long natural straight brown hair. Which recently I had shortened to chin length. I have been dressing in womens clothing now for many months and had decided that this was the night in which I get made up totally and head ou... Read full Story
Marathon im Cruisingworld Kirchberg
Ich wurde um 11 Uhr bei mir zuhause von meiner Begleitung abgeholt, gemeinsam fuhren wir ins Cruisingworld nach Kirchberg. Angekommen, wurden wir sogleich nett begrüsst, danach ging es in die Garderobe und gleich ins Spiegelzimmer. Wir starteten den Tag zärtlich mit Küssen und Streicheln. Ich wurd... Read full Story
Ein etwas anderes Grillfest 31.07.24
Am 31.07. wollten wir eigentlich ein geiles Grillfest in der Ruine Anwil feiern. Leider machte Petrus kurzfristig nicht mit, so dass wir bei Andrea Obdach fanden. Nach und nach fanden alle Gäst:innen bei Andrea ein. Andrea begutachtete, als gute Gastgeber:in, die mitgebrachten Würste, während der G... Read full Story
How a Transexual escort showed me how to bottom!!
I was now in my early 40's. I have had many experiences thus far with women, men, transexuals, and crossdressers. The majority of these encounters that involved cocks were mostly oral. I did however have a few experiences being topped. The first was unbearable yet I could not withstand the pain(... Read full Story
I Give Up
The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone h... Read full Story
Masturbation fantasies: Amanda, queen of the peep show
A guy visits a peep show with unexpected results. As he gets to watch a girl with something special, he discovers his hidden desires. This story contains: peep show – voyeur – gloryhole - fake tits – group masturbation – male masturbation – shemale – frottage - titfucking When William finall... Read full Story
Feriengruss 18.07.24
Um ähnliches, wie im folgenden Bericht, mit mir zu erleben, ist es notwendig, dass man sich sehr gut kennt. Alle Handlungen sind miteinander abgesprochen und es ist beidseitig ein tiefes Vertrauen vorhanden. Nicht nur, dass mir nichts passiert, auch dass ich meine Grenzen während des Spiels klar kom... Read full Story
A Married Marilyn
"Class is dismissed. Don't forget the project due…" "Huh, what?" Marilyn woke up disoriented from her nap. When she finally came to, she vaguely remembered some project for Intro to Computer Science, gathered her legs from the chairs in front of her, dusted off her b... Read full Story
Trannies in Space
There was no spaceport on Jansen's Planet. There had been, but whatever calamity had befallen the world generations ago had also destroyed its port. It was one of so many planets out in the Barrens that had fallen on hard times. So Dekker set down the Barnabas in a clearing in the forest, a remna... Read full Story
The Gang
I had always thought of myself as female in spite of the fact that I was born with male genitlia. Even in my earliest memories where I had witness sex, I identified with the female in the relationship. As a small young child, I had always longed for womanhood each time I heard a woman sing or especi... Read full Story
Weekend Fantasy
have so many fantasies....the one that gets me lately, is having access to a house out in the middle of nowhere, for a week or weekend, where i can dress up, all day. No one knows of my lustful the idea of being able to stay this way without thought, gets me so hard and such in the moo... Read full Story
Surprise Ending (Part Three)
I rolled my dick around her hole to spread the precum off it and lubricate it. The feeling was sensational and I couldn't spend much time easing my way in --I shoved right in the the hilt in one steady push. Karla practically jumped off the couch and screamed. I thought maybe I had hurt her (I am... Read full Story
Natacha's dungeon,
Natacha's dungeon, For a long time, I have loved wearing lingerie because it always gives me so much excitement to contemplate myself as a woman in front of my mirror. I learned a long time ago to memorize feminine gestures and attitudes while perched on my pumps. I also know how to put on ma... Read full Story
My Parisian escapades,
My Parisian escapades, During my many business trips to Paris, I never miss going to see my friend. Sabrina is a Cuban transsexual that I have known for several months. With her, I can let go with complete confidence and live my fantasies. I am one of his friends and lovers who give him the ... Read full Story
Dream Bride Tranny
My niece Avril and I rushed along the ground floor corridor of the hotel and made sure none of our relatives were watching us as we disappeared into the room. Inside, we were met by Miss Anne of the Kinky Brides Group, who immediately ordered Avril to strip me naked. "Please, not today,&q... Read full Story
Cheating Sissy Wife
My name is Ginger and my main stud is Keith, a truck driver, who is only in town once a week. We have and ongoing role-playing fantasy that we carried out whenever he was in town. I am his dutiful ideal housewife who is perfect in every way. My talents excel in both the kitchen and the bedroom. I fi... Read full Story
Big Surpise In Small Package
It was a Friday night and I was extremely horny and just my luck my girlfriend was out of town, but I wasn't horny for her I was craving cock. I knew I was bi for a long time and loved to have a nice hard cock to play with every once in awhile. So I decide to call my girlfriend to tell her I was goi... Read full Story
New Orleans TS dream come true..
In was on New Orleans running water for the victims of Katrina in 2005. I went down to Bourbon St several times an one night I walked into adult fetish store and as I was looking around there was what appeared to be a very beautiful black woman bending over with a very short skirt on. I was admirin... Read full Story
the orgiastic fever of a trans-milf
Simulating a woman, or the orgiastic fever of a trans-milf It's been two months since I moved to the megapolis, where I've discovered several places where the third gender goes. One of my first explorations was a huge lingerie shop in a MALL; I wanted to buy some sexy stuff without being noticed ... Read full Story
Becoming A Girl
This is a story how I became my step moms little girl. You see I had a very tragic childhood as a boy and grew up to become the girl I am today. But then again it is not so bad because for some strange reason it does feel very normal to me because it is the way I was raised and at times I have felt ... Read full Story
Trans Sexual Clinic 04
It was some six weeks since Johnny had attended the clinic with Wendy and now he found himself wanting to go there more and more. He could not get DR. Francine out of his mind, he desperately wanted to have her hard cock in him again as he fantasized about leaning forward and sucking on her delectab... Read full Story
Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love Chapter 2
"RACHEL" My twin sister, and sometime brother, and I had been experimenting sexually with each other and crossdressing together for around a month, growing to love and to perfect our new feminine personas until they became the ones we thought of as our true selves. Whenever our parents ... Read full Story
My friend Barbara,
My friend Barbara, I look forward to welcoming Barbara. She is a lovely brunette with blue eyes who likes to make love without taboos. She knows how to bring our fantasies to life by imagining exciting role-playing games. - You're going to fall in love when you discover my underwear, she assur... Read full Story
Al Fresco: An Erotic Sci Fi Tale
"Thank goodness for modern science," Ali said as she smoothed her tight black skirt across her shapely hips. The tall brunette turned this way and that in front of her mirror, admiring her taut, toned, and trim figure. Her hands moved up from her hips to cup the twin handfuls at her chest,... Read full Story
Amanda and Me Chapter 2
I rolled over after reading Amanda's note with a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe that after all the time I had spent masterbating to shemales and fantasizing about meeting one it had actually happened. Not only had it happened but it had been the most amazing sexual experience of my life. ... Read full Story
MY Party Favor Fantasy
My Party Favor Fantasy A fictional story built around an old fantasy of mine I ran a notice on one of those sex sites that said” Help me fulfill my fantasy and I bet we take care of some of yours also. Hi there, I am Penny and I am a total bottom trans w... Read full Story
An alumni gathering like no other; 2/2
... I opened my eyes, sobered up from the alcohol and my lust. Simo had already left. I had to get ready for the party, and I had to do it like a man! BUT, slut that I am, to make my breasts more prominent under my dark purple tank top, I tightened a transparent strap around my waist. You never kno... Read full Story
My wife (Airlia) and I are open minded when it comes to sex. We are pretty much into everything, but at the moment we found ourselves going to a mistress for a bit of fun. We have been to our mistress four or five times so far and we both enjoy watching the other getting abused, especially Airlia wh... Read full Story
A Wife Comes Around
Let me start by explaining that I was the prude wife. I wasn't very experienced in the sex department, and also very naive, when we were married, although neither was he. We had sex but mostly missionary position or me on top, nothing adventurous like doggy style, which in my naivete then I thought ... Read full Story
Five Into Three Does Not Go
Kristina It is waspish in the late evening out in the open in Portsmouth Harbour as we step out of the vehicle and walk over to the private section of the docks, the sign says Ceres St docks. Dark has long since fallen but lights, white, yellow and orange light up the skies. The feeling is one of... Read full Story
Reshooting the Scene, Chapter 1
I have been a porn aficionado since I was a teenager. My first dabblings were with Hustler magazine and a *very* hardcore mini-novel called “Her Busted Asshole,” which told the raunchy story of Ginny Cummings’ sexual coming of age. In addition to the very graphic story, it had full color glossy p... Read full Story
The game show,
One day i was looking through a number of competitions and trying to find a way to make some easy quick money. A number of applications were sent, mostly for junk i didn't need or for competitions I knew I had no chance of winning. For example, the types you get $30,000 for answering the easiest que... Read full Story