Free Stories

Angel Chapter 6
This is an entry in the Literotica Winter Holiday Contest, and is part of an ongoing series on the life of Angel Jones, a beautiful young T-girl in London. For more detailed information on her and on the other characters who appear in this story, please see previous episodes. Angel Jones was uns... Read full Story
The Creators: Book One by
Chapter One: The Life Giver BRANDON My twin sister is dead, but she’s not gone. Death is a tragedy in the remote village of Towerhead, but it’s not a rarity. Farming accidents, disease, famine, natural disasters, you name it, it kills people in Towerhead. So, six years ago, when the oxen-pul... Read full Story
My First Time Out Part 4
It was Sunday morning at eight o’clock when the phone rang. Shayna’s eyes felt like they were glued shut but managed to answer the phone on the third ring. “Morning,” said Shayna as she was still half-asleep. “Good morning Shayna. This is the Bell Captain calling.... Read full Story
The Greatest Lie Part 11
"En Francais", they say "plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose:" the more things change, the more they stay the same. When Tran and I got back to Minneapolis from our trip to Thailand for our sex change operations, it was every bit as dark, frigid and depressing as it had been... Read full Story
How I Became the Sissy Slut
It all started when I was about 11. I was a very petite and short and had long straight brown hair with whispy bangs as a child. I was often mistaken for a girl. I have a sister who was 6 years older than me about my size she used to dress pretty sexy with the tight jeans and the skin tight sailor b... Read full Story