Free Stories

The Greatest Lie Part 18
They say that prostitution is the oldest profession. I disagree. Some guy must have been a professional hunter to have gotten together the spare change to pay for that first commercial fuck. It's like that chicken and egg conundrum. Eggs definitely came first. Just as mutation precedes evolution, th... Read full Story
Becoming My Roomate's Wife
Him becoming my master started a year ago when we moved in as roommates – we are both in our mid 20's and had relationships break up at the same time (we were sharing apartments with our girl friends at the time). We have known each other for more than a decade and have no secrets from each ot... Read full Story
Fantasies Fulfilled
I enjoy crossdressing and do so when ever I can. About the only time I dress as a man is to go to work. I have been doing this since I was eleven years old. I love to have sex with a man as if I was a woman and really think I should have been born a girl. I think like a girl and naturally act like a... Read full Story
Debbie Part 8
Moira sat in her booth at the entrance to the subway station and saw people pass by. She sat there every day selling tickets, and although several thousand people passed her during a shift, she could now recognize many of the regulars and she even knew when to expect them. It was now almost 9 o'cloc... Read full Story
An Exploit as a Paid Whore
I’m submissive by nature. Big surprise huh? I think most girls like me (I’m a transvestite) are. It’s funny but before I really got into the whole dressing scene and I lived most of my life as a guy I wasn’t all that submissive. In fact I remember being a little above average... Read full Story