Free Stories

Je m'appelle Natalie mais ce n'est pas le nom avec lequel je suis née; c'est plutôt le nom que ma femme m'a donné quand elle a fait de moi sa "sœur" et sa poule mouillée cocu peu de temps après notre mariage. Mon vrai nom est Nathan mais c'est un nom que je préférerais ne plus jamais utiliser parce ... Read full Story
Alex mordilla sa lèvre en fixant le test d'anatomie devant lui. Après une semaine épuisante de finales et de sessions d'étude nocturnes, c'était enfin son dernier test. La liberté était si proche qu'il pouvait presque y goûter. Sa jambe rebondit anxieusement alors qu'il remplissait une autre série d... Read full Story
Je savais. En regardant en arrière maintenant, je me rends compte que j'ai toujours su. Je n'ai jamais rien fait à ce sujet, jusqu'à ce que je sois prêt mentalement, émotionnellement et physiquement. Je suis né Matthew J. Smith au milieu des années 70 en Amérique centrale aux États-Unis. J'ai grandi... Read full Story
Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag 2: At the Apartment
This is Part 2 to the article I wrote called "Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag at the Club." In that story I explained how I am 41 but look, feel and sound younger, that I shave myself smooth and like dressing in gurly panties and other female clothes to be a sissy femboy for older guys. A guy I met on ... Read full Story
Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag at the Club
"Can you wear a dress tonight?" "I can't crossdress in public, I'm not 'out' and don't want to be seen that way." "That's okay. We're going to a gay-only club that has a drag queen show tonight, so you'd fit right in." "Cool, but I'll have to change when we get there." "Awesome! See you tonight!... Read full Story
Karen, My School Teacher Part 4
Meeting my other teacher By FoxyHosed Next morning as I woke up, I jumped in my clothes and got myself a coffee, and went to school. I got in 15 minutes early because I didn't want to run into Karen. As I entered the door to the school, I saw some of my classmates. I thought the coast was clea... Read full Story
Eromenon vs mature whore
An eromenon for a mature whore When I looked up to see whose mannequin hands was serving my, I was surprised to find a girly-boy: ‘Something else,’ (s)he smiled, dragging his/her long, colourless varnished fingers across the tablecloth. I couldn't hold myself: ‘You've got the most beautiful ... Read full Story
My first time crossdressing with a man
It was Christmas night 2016 and I had gone out to the bar with a few friends. Came home a little tipsy and very horny! I rushed to my room, took off all my clothes and put on a very sexy, slutty outfit (black lace thong with matching bra, a blue sweater, black mini-skirt, and black knee high boots) ... Read full Story
La pistola NEGRA del Tío, entre Las Bragas de Mi Tía LA PUTONA
Aaayyy.. Yo sabía que la Tía había sido Flor de PUTONA.. pero, jamás me imaginé que me iba a tocar a mí 'hacerme cargo de sus cosas'.. su 'herencia'.. la casa ya vieja, por reordenar destinar y.. LAS COSAS que una descubre ya con los años! Todo estaba igual, pero HORRIBLEMENTE ARRUINADO.. más, e... Read full Story
Morgan Ashley était une très jolie dame, pas une star de cinéma glamour, mais bien plus jolie que tout ce que son mari mauviette Robin attirerait normalement. À peine sortie de la douche, elle portait un peignoir en velours côtelé rouge et ses longs cheveux roux étaient enveloppés dans une serviette... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Sissy Acceptance *
La primera vez que vi porno interracial algo recorrió mi interior de una manera que nunca antes había experimentado, era como un hormigueo que pasaba por todo mi cuerpo….. hasta llegar a mi ano. No sé que fue lo que me motivo más si la insaciable obsesión por probar una verga negra, ó el hecho de... Read full Story
eromène contre vieille pétasse
Une eromène baise une vieille pétasse Lorsque je levai la tête pour découvrir à qui appartenaient ces mains de mannequin qui me servaient, j'ai été surpris de tomber sur un girly-boy. "Autre chose" sourit-t-il/elle en traînant ses longs doigts vernis incolores sur la nappe. Je n'ai pas pu m'... Read full Story
La primera vez que me hicieron mujer
Desde mis mas lejanos recuerdos, siempre sentí la necesidad de lucir femenina...recuerdo que de niña me encerraba en el cuarto de mi mama y me probaba las medias panty y los tacones, sobre todo unas sandalias doradas que me encantaban...podía pasar horas en esa habitación imaginándome siendo toda un... Read full Story
Si ses histoires étaient vraies, non seulement beaucoup d'hommes ont eu des réveils sexuels entre la fin de la trentaine et le début de la cinquantaine, mais beaucoup d'hommes de mon âge étaient curieux de se féminiser, de sucer des bites et peut-être même d'avoir des fesses. Mais je ne peux pas ... Read full Story
Pa-mie sex-agénaire
Luxure frénétique d’une pa-mie sex-agénaire; entre rêve et réalité Je n’avais jamais fantasmé de mec viril, même après avoir offert ma virginité; mais à une fabuleuse sissy. Avant mon Ѐre, mes préférences de fantasmes étaient toujours avec des lui-femme glabres, idem concernant mes relations d’aprè... Read full Story
Comment sissy apprend à aimer le goût du sperme
La plupart des poules mouillées veulent entretenir une bite et apprendre à la prendre dans leur précieuse petite chatte de poule mouillée. Ils ont aussi besoin de goûter, voire de manger, le sperme. Bien sûr, comme toute autre chose dans la vie, cela nécessite une formation. Manger du sperme conc... Read full Story
L'argent était difficile à trouver dans notre foyer. Être l'aînée de quatre enfants et ma mère étant une mère célibataire mettent nos ressources à rude épreuve. Nous avons rarement eu de l'argent supplémentaire dans notre famille à dépenser pour des choses comme manger au restaurant ou aller au ciné... Read full Story
Les chances de Jim de mener une vie normale ont été anéanties avant même sa naissance lorsque son père est décédé dans un accident de voiture. Sa mère, Julia, a fait de son mieux pour l'élever seule, mais elle savait qu'elle ne pourrait jamais être la mère et le père de son précieux Jimmy. Pourtant,... Read full Story
"Avez-vous pris votre vitamine, ma chère ?" Ellen a appelé de la salle de bain. Je me frottai le sommeil des yeux et ramassai le flacon de pilule, roulant un gros comprimé dans ma paume. "Ma pilule de cheval ? Je le fais maintenant." "Avez-vous déjà remarqué une différence ?" "Non. Les vitamines ... Read full Story
- Trou de gloire du sex-shop - "Hey bébé, quand est-ce que tu rentres à la maison?" le message texte bourdonnait doucement. Sortant discrètement le téléphone de ma poche, je tape "Même heure que d'habitude, juste après 5 heures, pourquoi... quoi de neuf ?" C'est mon amante Sarah, ma meilleu... Read full Story
Mi primo y yo (parte 1)
Hoy me anime y les voy a compartir una historia que nadie más que yo y mi primo sabemos, espero que les agrade. Primeramente debo confesarles que a pesar de ser 3 años menor que yo siempre tuve mucha afinidad con mi primo, él era el menor de 3 hermanos de los cuales 2 son de mi edad, sin embargo nu... Read full Story
Me encanta ser mujer.
Me gusta verme y sentirme mujer. Me encantan las prendas femeninas y de encajes, los vestidos de tela suave y ligera, la medias veladas, los sostén de encajes, las ropas interior delicadas y de encajes, me gusta maquillarme y pintar ,os labios, me encantan los aretes grandes y con pendientes, los ... Read full Story
He Could Have R*ped Me!
This guy was so big, taller than me and I'm 6 feet, and bigger, not fat, just right for his big size, and I am so skinny, except for my tummy, that he could have pinned me down and forced himself onto and into me against my will, and no matter how much I'd struggle with him and fight back, he could ... Read full Story
First time Crossdressing
I am a bisexual man, meeting straight, bisexual or gay men for our sexual pleasures. I post messages on various message boards that allow members profiles and posting messages. I also post to local groups in my area that allows one to post messages to a small geographical area or to a distant user g... Read full Story
Le premier jour du reste de la vie de Christopher Matthey, la matinée de Chris a commencé comme d'habitude. Le nettoyage de la vaisselle du repas de la veille était laissé à son père Alec qui ronflait, non pas dans sa chambre, mais sur le canapé où il s'était endormi en regardant la télé. Ch... Read full Story
My Noisy Upstairs Neighbors Part 3: Making Porn
In Part 2, I recounted how Paul, my commanding upstairs neighbor, coerced me into making porn with him and his younger roommate. Now, I'm excited to share the first video we created together. At 12:45 PM on Saturday, I nervously approached Paul's door. After knocking, Paul opened it with a smile ... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
La bonne chair masculine…
La bonne chair masculine… La brise caressait mes mamelons gonflés me donnant des frissons agréables. Les deux verres de Riesling avaient également contribué à mon excitation. Mon entre-jambe brûlait comme si le soleil qui disparaissait avait soufflé toute son énergie thermique dans mon intérieur... Read full Story
How I Became Chrissy the Caged Sissy
I am a sissy, or femboy, or tgurl, or shemale? Well either way I like wearing female clothes and being treated like a girl, especially in the bedroom, and now I also like being locked up in a chastity cage that I wear 24/7 now. This is the story of how I became a caged sissy: "Put it on and ... Read full Story
How I Became His Office Fucktoy
Until this job ended last year, every day at my lunch break I would service one of my many Daddies in his office in the building where I worked. He'd always slip me a few bucks, a $20 or even $50 afterwards, not as a payment for sex, but as a "tip" "for all the hard work you do here," he says. I wor... Read full Story
Santa & Mrs. Claus
In my story called "Santa Likes Fembois" here I explained that I discovered that last Christmas when Santa Claus visited my house then made me suck on his cock before fucking my boypussy. He also gave me an actual present: a winning lottery ticket. Well, with that multi-million dollar winning ticket... Read full Story
Towel Boi: You're Hired
Kasey Stevens woke up in his new studio apartment. The five-foot-nine, blue-eyed sissy with ash brown hair yawned and stretched before heading into the bathroom. He showered, taking good care to lather his rosy skin with strawberry scented body wash. He shaved his legs and rinsed off. Then, he appli... Read full Story
Old but new
Years had passed since high school, and Alex found himself wandering through the familiar streets of his old neighborhood. The crisp autumn air carried a sense of nostalgia. As he passed Tony’s Sandwich Shop, he felt a pang of curiosity and decided to step inside. The shop hadn’t changed much—the... Read full Story
Jamie knew he was different. He didn’t fit in with the other boys, but he didn’t feel like he fit in with the girls either, he just knew he was different. He wasn’t into dolls or balls. He was the smallest boy in his class and more than half the girls outweighed him. But the one thing he had going f... Read full Story
How a Transexual escort showed me how to bottom!!
I was now in my early 40's. I have had many experiences thus far with women, men, transexuals, and crossdressers. The majority of these encounters that involved cocks were mostly oral. I did however have a few experiences being topped. The first was unbearable yet I could not withstand the pain(... Read full Story
Destreza oculta
Pocas cosas me enloquecen tanto de pasión como una buena verga, me gustan de todas las formas, colores y tamaños, desde esas vergas gorditas y cortitas, hasta aquellas vergas enormes curvas y venosas, me encanta tocarlas y hacer que poco a poco se pongan duras, me gusta comenzar por acariciar y masa... Read full Story
TO BE OR NOT TO BE – PART 3 by Spanky de Bautumn Part 2. At the hotel in New York City, Sunny meets the bellhop, Antonio, and they go out for a drink when he gets off of work. The call came at exactly seven. I had woke up about five minutes before and was watching Antonio sleep. All of the oth... Read full Story
The best blowjob I ever gave
Back in 2010 or so I was living in the south(USA). I was a frequenter of Craigslist and other sites to hook up with prostitutes, shemale, Ts, and men. I was doing errands on the weekend and was checking on my phone for craigslist ad's and found one that was a little different. This woman had not pu... Read full Story
A Day Driving in the Country
Day off, out for a drive. What a predicament, standing on the side of the road next to my open car door with my hands straight up in the air; looking down the barrel of a Highway Patrolman's handgun. I'm about to pee my pants, that is what little bit of pants I have on. The Highway Patrolman is d... Read full Story
Dating all whole my life
Julia and Ilya, together 10 years It was more than 10 years and 2 children ago. In December 2005, we agreed to meet at the gate of my office after a working day. I did not go out godlessly for a long time (40 minutes from the appointed time), but he still waited. I hope he does not regret it ... Read full Story
Camming down the rabbit hole Ch3
Slowly stirring from my sleep, I stretched under the covers and a pleasant sensation spread across my torso, remembering what I was wearing when I went to bed I smiled at the caress of the fabric on my skin. It was a strangely comforting feeling, the pressure from the bra, panties and nightie felt l... Read full Story
Hung Trans Lesbians Fuck Two Ladyboys
Note 1: If you like Transsexuals, Trans Lesbians, Asian Ladyboys, Big Cocks, Extreme Cock Sucking, Anal Fucking, Anal Fisting, Semen Swallowing, Role Play, Orgies, BDSM, Cock Sounding and Foot Fetish this story is for you. Note 2: All the characters are over 21. The names are fictitious, but some... Read full Story
Shemale Chrissy Fucked by a Demon
I wanted to write this the night it happened, Halloween, but I was still so traumatized. I was at my fictional fantasy Sugar Daddy's house alone and already spooked out by the noises of this old hundred-year-old wooden house in this loud thunder storm on what some call "Devil's Night." I had to turn... Read full Story
Caught by my Sister Chapter 4
I woke up late on Sunday with the distinct taste of cum still in my mouth from the night before. For the life of me I couldn't even remember how many cocks I sucked at the party. I slowly got myself out of bed and took a long hot shower. It took me a long time to scrub all of the dried cum from m... Read full Story
Horny Writing A Strange Habit
I enjoy watching videos which I can Vicariously live. This is nothing more than my horny hobby, an amalgamation of various thoughts. My form of hands free edging. Spell checked only, "No I haven't proof read a first draft, not trying to publish masterful works here." Hope to hear from those w... Read full Story
First Time I Experienced Eating a Tgirl Out
So this is likely going to seem tabboo for some and if this is not your thing, I respect that but everyone is different. Eating pussy came natural to me like it does for most guys once they start having sex with girls. Other than one time 69ing with a female and having what I would call "incidental ... Read full Story
C'était mardi soir, ce qui signifiait que Lena se préparait pour son cours d'aérobic. Bien qu'elle ne travaillait pas, elle était certainement occupée à construire et à maintenir une vie sociale et à faire en général les choses qu'elle voulait. Il n'y avait pas un jour où Lena n'avait pas fait qu... Read full Story
Porn Princess
They say if you are going on a journey of revenge, to dig 2 graves, one for your enemy and one for yourself. I thought I understood the meaning of that saying, but never so much as right now. My name is Dan, and at the age of 21, I had been working for nearly 2 years as a production manager for ... Read full Story
I Give Up
The following story is the first of four parts of a tale that explores the theme of transformation. It is thematically similar others that I have submitted but has a larger narrative arc. I hope you enjoy reading the first portion, Act One & Two. I continue to work on better editing and someone h... Read full Story
Becoming a Drag Queen
I was thrilled when my boss told me he was sending me to San Francisco for a conference. It was a location on my "Top 10 places I wanted to go". I went online and Googled the major attractions and tourist "must sees in San Francisco. The conference was Wednesday to Friday and I figure... Read full Story
story of Jojo
Some find it confusing of who i am or what i am, including me. i found some kind of definition: femboy A young boy who presents extensive feminine mannerisms and actions often blurring the line between a boy and a girl. Can be confused with a cross dresser, but it usually refers to boys at v... Read full Story
Lady in the House
How had it come to this? I was dressed as a woman and standing in the far corner of a darkened cell on E Block of Chelmsford Correction Facility for Men, and waiting for the most dangerous inmate in the jail. How had a mild mannered, and diminutive but highly successful accountant in his 30s ended u... Read full Story
Nylon and lace
Well, I know it will be difficult to take this story seriously or as true happenings, it will seem far fetched and made up. I know, I know. It is however the story of my sexual awakening. The story of how I grew up to be what I am. I do not pretend to find psychological explanations or even less bio... Read full Story
Lady In The House Chapter. 01
A story by MicheleNylons ( Man in jail is transformed to prison slut.) How had it come to this? I was dressed as a woman and standing in the far corner of a darkened cell on E Block of Chelmsford Correction Facility for Men, and waiting for the most dangerous inmate in the jail. How had a mild... Read full Story
From accidental trans porn addiction to a cum filled booty
One night when I was around 30 or so I was watching some porn, nothing unusual for a guy like me, aka a sex addict. Sex addiction is great if you’re Tiger Woods and swimming in poon, but for guys like me - regular, awkward, slightly handsome in a very boyish way, weirdos — it’s not that fun. We... Read full Story