Free Stories

Kristy a travaillé pour Le Matriarcat. Cela semblait plus officiel que ça ne l'était vraiment. Comme si c'était un "Nouvel Ordre Mondial". C'était en fait un club dirigé par des femmes spécialisées dans certains services que les hommes paient grassement. Cela pourrait être appelé prostitution selon ... Read full Story
How A straight tatted white guy turned me out to a femboy
So I met this straight white guy on an app (wont say) hes tatted a bit thuggish and likes black femboys I noticed. At that time in my life I really didnt embrace being femme I was kinda in the middle doing the cute gay twink boy thing. He didnt mind me presenting male he did like black guys or femme... Read full Story
Sissy and Horses
The scariest and best day in my sissy life, was when I was put in a box, tied up, an anal plug in my mouth and a huge bbc dildo in my ass. I was put in the box by my BBC master, who promised me a day of surprises.... I stayed in the box for some hours, my ass hurts of the giant bbc dildo, my mouth ... Read full Story
Je me souviens d'une époque plus simple, avant d'être ce que je suis maintenant. Malheureusement, je ne saurai jamais ce qui aurait pu être. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir en arrière. Je ne pourrai jamais revenir à ce qui était autrefois. C'était il y a seulement 2 ans. Je suis Harvey. J'étais à l'... Read full Story
e me suis transformé en un fétiche de travestissement de poule mouillée de Tumblr à l'époque. J'avais l'habitude de m'habiller avec la lingerie de ma femme, de regarder sissy hypno, de discuter avec des hommes. Mais j'avais besoin de plus. Donc, comme "cadeau gag" parce que je n'étais pas du tout sé... Read full Story
Inmediatamente despues
Luego de que el termino en mi nalga, todavía con la sensación de placer que teníamos los dos, me beso tiernamente y me pregunto donde quedaba el baño. Yo todavía de rodillas en el sofá, pase mi mano izquierda sobre mi nalga y sentí el semen que mi macho había depositado sobre mi y lo trate de recoge... Read full Story
I kneel in front of Dominatrix Persephone
Fan Mail. I kneel in front of Persephone.. She looks amazing in Her latex catsuit, but there is something else eye catching. Chance, Persephone huge hó rse c... It looks intimidating in picture, but just think how it must look when it is right in front of your face!! Holding it in my sissy hands, i... Read full Story
La fin d'une autre longue journée. Près de 19h00 et Colin Spencer travaillait toujours dans son box, presque terminé avec le dernier des papiers que l'un des associés principaux de la société d'investissement dans laquelle il avait effectué un stage depuis près d'un an maintenant l&#... Read full Story
Sissy Acceptance *
La primera vez que vi porno interracial algo recorrió mi interior de una manera que nunca antes había experimentado, era como un hormigueo que pasaba por todo mi cuerpo….. hasta llegar a mi ano. No sé que fue lo que me motivo más si la insaciable obsesión por probar una verga negra, ó el hecho de... Read full Story
la fièvre orgiaque d'une trans-mature
Simuler un femme, ou la fièvre orgiaque d'une transmature Voici deux mois que j'ai bougé vers la mégapole où j'ai découvert plusieurs lieux fréquentés par le troisième genre. Ma première exploration était un immense magazin de lingerie dans un centre commercial; je voulais m'offrir quelques trucs... Read full Story
Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag at the Club
"Can you wear a dress tonight?" "I can't crossdress in public, I'm not 'out' and don't want to be seen that way." "That's okay. We're going to a gay-only club that has a drag queen show tonight, so you'd fit right in." "Cool, but I'll have to change when we get there." "Awesome! See you tonight!... Read full Story
Boys to girls transformation with a surprise part I
Boys to Girls with surprise For the first time I scheduled an appointment at a studio that will transfer me into a sexy women. I packed my sexiest outfits and high heels and drove to the next city where the studio is. I told everybody I had to go to a business meeting over the weekend. I arrive... Read full Story
Interracial Sissy Story
(Some prior notes about me, this story and my writings: If MALE bisexuality, crossdressing or interracial sex bother you, don't even bother reading this further, much less commenting. Many have had secret fantasies about what it would be like to be the opposite sex, during sex. Some of my influences... Read full Story
Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag 2: At the Apartment
This is Part 2 to the article I wrote called "Sissy Femboy Chrissy in Drag at the Club." In that story I explained how I am 41 but look, feel and sound younger, that I shave myself smooth and like dressing in gurly panties and other female clothes to be a sissy femboy for older guys. A guy I met on ... Read full Story
Eromenon vs mature whore
An eromenon for a mature whore When I looked up to see whose mannequin hands was serving my, I was surprised to find a girly-boy: ‘Something else,’ (s)he smiled, dragging his/her long, colourless varnished fingers across the tablecloth. I couldn't hold myself: ‘You've got the most beautiful ... Read full Story
Dominated sissy goodgurl34
Mmmm ty Sir Deitrich --I'm standing in your open doorway wearing black latex stockings and garter and some hott red lace panties over top -I have a black corset on and a very sheer dress on ,wig and gurl mask ---my wrists are cuffed to a circle hook one on each side of the doorway door jam about 6... Read full Story
bi to sissy caught and turned
It was during a Wednesday nite supper this past April when Penny my wife of seven years, suddenly looked me straight in the eyes while calling me a GAY COCKSUCKER ! Instantly while I swallowed hard and quickly looked away from her, my worse dreaded fears in life had somehow just become reality! So ... Read full Story
my sissy fuck scenario 1 to 3
there is also a video!!! my fantasy: 1. after sucking and fucking with him from like 9 am to 1 pm on Monday , he goes for a bike ride at least 30 km, i don't shower, he doesn't shower, while he's biking im on cam drinking smoking having fun with users, he watches me too and tells me what to ... Read full Story
BBC Takes sissy slut and uses her properly.
I'm a dominate alpha man who loves to humiliate sissy girls and punish them when they aren't perfect submissive sluts. I want them to worship my big black cock and beg me to let them lick it then grab them by their hair and shove my cock deep inside their throat, making them gag. I like filling siss... Read full Story
CD and BBC Gangbang 1
My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliati... Read full Story
sine qua non: anal/vaginal pleasure
One thing's for sure, my desire is to be fucked and to fuck... And it's in this order of things that I've been wanting to fulfil my fantasies for the last two years. I'm not too fussy about choosing my partners, but luck has always smiled on me when it comes to finding the right one. However, over t... Read full Story
Je m'appelle Natalie mais ce n'est pas le nom avec lequel je suis née; c'est plutôt le nom que ma femme m'a donné quand elle a fait de moi sa "sœur" et sa poule mouillée cocu peu de temps après notre mariage. Mon vrai nom est Nathan mais c'est un nom que je préférerais ne plus jamais utiliser parce ... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles du lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il en profitait un l'été dernier avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un crétin ou un crétin, c'est juste que la vie et la... Read full Story
La primera vez que me hicieron mujer
Desde mis mas lejanos recuerdos, siempre sentí la necesidad de lucir femenina...recuerdo que de niña me encerraba en el cuarto de mi mama y me probaba las medias panty y los tacones, sobre todo unas sandalias doradas que me encantaban...podía pasar horas en esa habitación imaginándome siendo toda un... Read full Story
Jaime se tournait et se retournait dans un sommeil agité, ses yeux fermés et son visage grimaçant alors qu'il luttait avec ses rêves. Normalement, il s'endormirait paisiblement au son d'un podcast bourdonnant, mais pas dernièrement. Bien qu'il ne le sache pas, chaque nuit, sa psyché ... Read full Story
eromène contre vieille pétasse
Une eromène baise une vieille pétasse Lorsque je levai la tête pour découvrir à qui appartenaient ces mains de mannequin qui me servaient, j'ai été surpris de tomber sur un girly-boy. "Autre chose" sourit-t-il/elle en traînant ses longs doigts vernis incolores sur la nappe. Je n'ai pas pu m'... Read full Story
L'arme redoutable des femmes,
Au fil des ans, ma femme s'est décidée à prendre le contrôle de ma sexualité en voyant que je n'avais plus de désir pour elle. Une association féminine l'a formé en quelques mois à devenir une dominatrice zélée. Au fil des mois, je suis devenu son soumis à la maison. Chaque soir, elle vient m... Read full Story
JOUR 1: mardi 25 C'était le matin de Noël quand j'ai entendu frapper à ma porte, ce qui était, bien sûr, très étrange à dix heures du matin. À midi, j'allais chez ma famille pour Noël, et j'avais rarement des visiteurs inattendus. Toujours dans ma robe, je me dirigeai vers la porte et fus s... Read full Story
A Revenge Fuck
It had been a long day. I had fought the traffic after a miserable week to get home early and surprise my wife for what was to be a romantic weekend. But as I pulled up to the house my heart sank. I saw a bright red motorcycle in the drive way and something inside told me, "This isn't right!&qu... Read full Story
A Perfect Pandemic: A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time
A Perfect Pandemic A Transsexual Transition in a Troubled Time A Novelette by Alexandra Rios Text Copyright Reserved © August, 2021 Dedication Transgender Day of Remembrance is a solemn occasion. I am offering “A Perfect Pandemic” for free as an antidote to the fear, phobia, discrimination, d... Read full Story
"Daadddd, est-ce qu'on doit vraiment faire ça ?" ma fille pleurnichait. "Je suis aussi mécontent que toi, Tracy, mais je ne pouvais pas dire non. Tu es stagiaire dans leur magazine l'été prochain, tu te souviens ? Un bon tour en mérite un autre." Elle m'a juste fait la moue. Tracy est une étud... Read full Story
Pa-mie sex-agénaire
Luxure frénétique d’une pa-mie sex-agénaire; entre rêve et réalité Je n’avais jamais fantasmé de mec viril, même après avoir offert ma virginité; mais à une fabuleuse sissy. Avant mon Ѐre, mes préférences de fantasmes étaient toujours avec des lui-femme glabres, idem concernant mes relations d’aprè... Read full Story
My wife, Denise, and I have been happily married for over 10 years. Over the years, we have enjoyed a vibrant and adventurous sex life. As we've grown in our marriage, we have become very open and honest about our sexual fantasies and desires. Through the years, we have come to realize that my w... Read full Story
Mon ami Magnus et moi nous sommes connus presque toute notre vie. Nous nous sommes rencontrés en pré-maternelle, quand nous vivions à un pâté de maisons et demi l'un de l'autre. Nos familles étaient proches et nous avons grandi côte à côte. Nous nous connaissions depuis si longtemps; nous nous appel... Read full Story
champignons sous toutes ses formes et façons
La saison des champignons est ouverte! Miam... J'adore les champignons, sous toutes ses formes et façons. Nous sommes une quinzaine d'amateurs qui se retrouvent uniquement à l'occasion des ceuillettes de champignons sans aucun autre rassemblement amical! Pour cette dernière sortie de la saison,... Read full Story
Sissify Your Boyfriend Manual - transation
original= manual-sissificar-a-tu-novio-4979 Used google translate, found some pronoun/object/context issues, and I believe ladybug = ladyboy Sissify Your Boyfriend Manual MANUAL FOR WIFE/GIRLFRIEND TO SISSIFY YOUR MAN, DISCOVER HIS SUBMISSIVE SIDE AND TURN HIM INTO ?HORNAND? AN... Read full Story
Fin de una buena juerga
Hace algún tiempo, salí por Barcelona a tomar unas copas. Acabe en un after, de esos en donde coincide gente de todo tipo. Estaba en una calle del centro. El local se encontraba repleto y yo me hallaba también repleto de Whisky con coca cola. Estando en la barra se me acerco un chico que empezó a... Read full Story
First time Crossdressing
I am a bisexual man, meeting straight, bisexual or gay men for our sexual pleasures. I post messages on various message boards that allow members profiles and posting messages. I also post to local groups in my area that allows one to post messages to a small geographical area or to a distant user g... Read full Story
Towel Boi: Heading to Work
“Goddamn, white boi! You got the best fuckin’ ass,” declared the father of two. His steel manly form perspired as he moved hard into the bottom. “Look at all that butt shake! Twerk it for me, baby boi!” “Yes, sir,” cooed Kasey, gyrating rhythmically. “Hell yeah! It’s like fucking two big ol’ ma... Read full Story
Wie sich schlagartig mein Sex Leben änderte... Teil 1
ich war nun schon einige Zeit heimlicher Crossdresser. Nie wurde ich von meiner Freundin erwischt, auch wenn es manchmal wirklich knapp war! Ich hatte ein sicheres Versteck für meine schönen Sachen und meine Sextoys und konnte hin und wieder meine geheime Neigung ausleben wenn sie nicht da war.Trotz... Read full Story
Fifi La Femme: A Pansy at Last Chapter 2
Coming Out Telling our wives wasn't easy especially for me who had seduced Shirley's gorgeous hetero husband by dressing up in my wife Doreen's lingerie and make-up and offering him full homo sex as a limp wristed effeminate lady-man. It was my first experience as a queer and when Frank asked me ... Read full Story
The Farm
“See you Sunday, baby,” said Marcus Jenkins to his wife, Tasha. “Alright! Have a good day at work,” the wireless phone company retail store manager smiled. “Love you, Kobe! Love you, Tiara,” the wastewater plant operator said to his offspring. “Love you, too, daddy,” the youngsters rang out in un... Read full Story
Shemale fantasy with female squirting
I just finished my mornig coffee at the breakfast bar in the kitchen when the door beel rung. My wife opened the doo and it was one of her hot friends. She invited her to sit at the bar beside me and serve her a coffee. Right before she gives her the coffe she slips something into the brew. Her ... Read full Story
lust of a sex-agenarian nana-pops
Frenzied lust of a sex-agenarian nana-pops; between dream and reality I had never fantasized of a manly man, even after offering my virginity; to a fabulous sissy. Before my new Era, my fantasy preferences were always with glabrous he-she’s, same about my relationships after… BUT BUT BUT… My last t... Read full Story
Brother of the Bride
“What in the ‘Get Out’ hell is going on here,” quizzed the warm, brownish-red woman with the Bantu knots as soon as they were safe inside the gold 1970 Deuce and a Quarter. “I don’t even know,” chuckled the driver as he jerked his head to get his short dreadlocks out of his line of sight. “Wel... Read full Story
Towel Boi: You're Hired
Kasey Stevens woke up in his new studio apartment. The five-foot-nine, blue-eyed sissy with ash brown hair yawned and stretched before heading into the bathroom. He showered, taking good care to lather his rosy skin with strawberry scented body wash. He shaved his legs and rinsed off. Then, he appli... Read full Story
Taxed Pleasure
Taxed Pleasure In the dimly lit, seedy adult theater on the bad side of town, the air was thick with anticipation. Among the shadowy figures, a tiny, petite figure stood out. At 4'10" and 75 lbs, with a micro kini and super high heels accentuating her diminutive frame, she drew attention despite he... Read full Story
Bottom Bitch
Let me set the scene. My name is Mike, as a "Gurl" I go by Fiona. I am a gay man, mid thrities, white, 5' 9' 165, reasonably handsome, both in and out of women's clothes. One of the ways I express my sexuality is to dress as a woman and get fucked by other men. Preferably in a humiliat... Read full Story
My Awkward Phase
My Awkward Phase ©Alexandra Rios 2019 The greatest lie is that what happens in high school doesn't matter, because life begins in college. I pretended to agree, although I never believed it, for I was the world's greatest liar. Wannabees I was hanging out with my friends Quinn, Barb and Anne ... Read full Story
Working Holiday and Hardcore BDSM Experience in UK
I recently moved from Thailand to UK. I am living in the UK on a working holiday visa and earning some money. During my time in the UK, I have noticed that Asian guys are very attracted to older British guys. I have been with 3 men in the last 2 months and their ages are 40, 55 and 61 respe... Read full Story
Hung Trans Lesbians Fuck Two Ladyboys
Note 1: If you like Transsexuals, Trans Lesbians, Asian Ladyboys, Big Cocks, Extreme Cock Sucking, Anal Fucking, Anal Fisting, Semen Swallowing, Role Play, Orgies, BDSM, Cock Sounding and Foot Fetish this story is for you. Note 2: All the characters are over 21. The names are fictitious, but some... Read full Story
Uncle sweet Lover
Uncle Barney called me this morning and wanted me to keep my evening free. He wanted to meet me at the motel with a surprise for me. I was so excited and could hardly wait. I had to decide on something to wear, but when I thought about it, I realized that I wanted to wear something special. He would... Read full Story
Aujourd'hui, ma mère et moi sommes allés acheter des maillots de bain dans un grand magasin local. C'était en début d'après-midi et nous avions pratiquement l'endroit pour nous tous seuls. En entrant dans le magasin, nous sommes passés devant une grande colonne couverte de miroirs, et je me suis ... Read full Story
Jaime n'avait jamais eu beaucoup de chance avec les filles au lycée. C'était venu et reparti, et maintenant il profitait d'un dernier été avant de partir à l'université avec sa virginité intacte. Ce n'était pas vraiment sa faute, il n'était pas un salaud ou un douchebag, c... Read full Story
A Perfect Life
The reasons I am not writing this myself. I have finally convinced someone to do it for me. She promised to post it on the Internet, but only as fiction. I suppose it is a bit unbelievable. It all started with the best of intentions. I had married my love while we were still in college. She... Read full Story