Josie wasn't a girl a man would turn his head for if he saw her on the
streets. She was a small, petite girl, her breasts barely an B cup.
She was wearing her light brown hair in an inconspicuous short cut
and the thick glasses she needed for being able to see anything in her
surrounding, didn't really help to make her more attractive. At the
age of 32, she never had been in a relationship, not that others would
not have been interested, but she was always afraid, scared someone
might discover her secret. She never forgot the day, when the other
kids at school found out about the thing between her legs and her face
still burned when she remembered. Kids can be cruel, and she got that
confirmed the hard way.
After that incident, her family left the town
she grew up and moved across the continent to the east coast. And she
decided, that this should never ever happen again and vanished into
inconspicuousness. And as she avoided any closer contact to
classmates, she never the less found her kind of love when she
discovered the beauty of numbers and mathematic. At work, some called
her a mathematical genius and this, this was something she was really
proud of. She was working for a big investment bank at Wall Street,
developing mathematical models that allowed the bank to sell those
products that would soon send the financial world into turmoil. But
Josie had never been interested in what the bank did with her models,
all she wanted was to work with the beauty of the numbers and the fact
she was even been payed nicely for doing that, was all she asked for.
When the bank offered her to send her on a convention about financial
modeling in the financial market, she had been reluctant to accept it.
But her friends, the few she had, convinced her it would be a good
thing to fly to good old Europe and see a different part of the world.
One of the chauvinistic guys at work even talked with a smug grin
about the exotic clubs they had over there, a remark she decided to